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View Full Version : Why I hate it when people only post links and don't post the actual text

07-05-2013, 10:57 AM
A lot of folks only post links to articles and websites in the Pit. Some also post the text. Somehow in following a link to some shaky website I picked up a bug/virus/spam somethingerother and now I get popups every time I go between posts here.

The popups are from a site called bizcoaching.com.

I will no longer follow a link posted anywhere on this site. If you can't post the text its not worth my time and trouble to try and disinfect my computer from a shaky website just to follow some marginal story.

I've run MS Security Essentials, deleted all my cookies and history, nothing seems to help.

Any ideas on how to get rid of the plague?

07-05-2013, 11:09 AM
I'm with you.

I have a similar issue with youtube videos.
everytime I click on a link to a youtube video, my web browser (chrome) goes into slow motion kind of FREEZE, til I do a full restart of my computer.

Full version of AVG 2013 security does nothing to help ?

Down South
07-05-2013, 11:12 AM
I don't usually follow links either. I would prefer that the folks post the link for reference but also copy and paste the text from the link to make it easier to see what they want everybody else to see.

As for cleaning the Adware or whatever you call it, you might try turning your popup blocker on for the time being.

07-05-2013, 11:15 AM
Google Bizcoaching virus. It looks like you are not alone.

I also don't like posted URL's with no accompanying information however copying the entire story could run into copyright issues. I usually try to copy a paragraph or two that gives some incite to the contents so people can decide if they are interested in following up by clicking the link.

Down South
07-05-2013, 11:23 AM
Google Bizcoaching virus. It looks like you are not alone.

I also don't like posted URL's with no accompanying information however copying the entire story could run into copyright issues. I usually try to copy a paragraph or two that gives some incite to the contents so people can decide if they are interested in following up by clicking the link.
You could be right about the copyright deal but I thought when someone put anything in print on Al's internet, it became public information.
I had a buddy that got a virus simular to what Theperfessor describes and he had a terrible problem with it. It was a company laptop and the IT Dept finally changed out the laptop.

07-05-2013, 11:30 AM
malwarebytes anti malware off filehippo has worked for a lot of these little nasty bugs , there are several steps to take to get rid of it if you have CCLEANER which you can get from filehippo to it is one of the best ways to go quickly to uninstall programs to uninstall the offending program , also has a the ability to remove or shutdown programs in the startup folder , depending on your browser you will have to go in to internet options or extensions depends on browser , I would also get spybot from filehippo and run it also , I know what you stated about following links , here is one that details their way of removing the bizcoacher http://malwaretips.com/blogs/bizcoaching-info-virus-removal/#uninstall I do use ccleaner and spybot and malwarebytes , free versions , they do work , hope it does for you .

07-05-2013, 11:30 AM
Here's a link for you:


Multi step process of how to remove what's irritating you. Hope it helps.

07-05-2013, 11:31 AM
I've yet to have the problem with the pop-ups or virus.

I do understand there may be a copyright problem with some news stories.

My problem is bigger. I know how to post the link, but not the text.

Then again if the link comes from a known web site ie: THR, The Firing Line, Rimfire Central, BITOG, etc., etc., I fail to see any problem.

Is posting the article no more than copying and pasting?

07-05-2013, 11:37 AM
I'm running a full MS SE scan right now (used quickscan before) and using my iPad to stay online. Using Firefox which I keep up to date. My pop up blocker is turned on with no joy. I'm using an HP Pavilion g7-107Ous notebook running Win7.

If my MSSE scan doesn't help I'll download AVG and try that. First time I've EVER had a virus and this is the only site I've ever followed a link from so I'm pretty sure that's how I got it.

07-05-2013, 11:41 AM
I am with you on the link. I NEVER follow them.

Try running Restore (its part of MS Windows 7, not sure if it was in XP or early OS) This will bring your computer back to a fixed date you can select from a time prior to the bug.

07-05-2013, 11:48 AM
i at least try to copy paste a snippet of the text to give a feller an idea of what it is and about
sadly in some cases it is a copywrite thing ( thankfully the worst of the copy write sue teams has been forced somewhat into submission )
i also try to do a scan every other day and a super deep one or two on the weekends , my two most used are both freeware tho there are paid versions of these also
superantispyware dot com
is one and
spybot search and destroy
the other one , both available at download dot com ( there i resisted the urge to leave you links :P )

edit to add , since it's a windows system microsoft has a malicious software remover that works pretty good as well tho you will or should prolly download it on a un-affected computer to a thumb drive and then insert and run in the affected machine

07-05-2013, 11:49 AM
Thanks for all the tips. I've read through process at the link posted by nhrifle and I'll try that after I get back from Dr this afternoon. This might also explain why my machine has started scrolling real slow and a few other quirky things that have started happening.

Thanks guys I knew I could count on getting help here.

07-05-2013, 12:08 PM
"...however copying the entire story could run into copyright issues."

Yes indeed. You can cause the site owner some serious problems with the "cut and paste." I don't have a problem with links, they make sense. I have not had software issues thankfully, but if you use the internet there is always that potential. Some sites/forums as hyper-sensitive about proper attribution and the cut and paste practice which violates the fair use doctrine. That is why Drudge's does what he does, news via links. I am pro link and don't like seeing large blocks of copyright violation text just dumped on a page. Best practice provide citation, link, proper amount of quotation, i.e. "cut and paste," and your witty commentary.

07-05-2013, 12:45 PM
I should have thought about the copyright issues. I even tell my students about the proper use of copyright materials in reports and such. Guess I was just so mad about being inflicted with popups from this virus and having my computer slow to a crawl that I just didn't think abuse that. Thanks for intelligent comments on topic.

Still, they will be serving snow cones in Hell before I follow a link to a site I don't recognize.

Cap'n Morgan
07-05-2013, 01:16 PM

Depending on which Windows operating system you are using, the easiest way to get rid of malware/viruses is often to do a roll-back via the Windows Restore to a previous restore point. I would add a link, but I'm not sure you will click on it [smilie=1:

Just google "windows restore"

07-05-2013, 01:29 PM
theperfessor you should run the fullscan from safe mode, press and/or hold F8 when you start your computer and it should take you to boot option menu where you can select boot to safe mode.

07-05-2013, 02:17 PM
I will no longer follow a link posted anywhere on this site. If you can't post the text its not worth my time and trouble.....

I used to post the text, but some folks were complaining about just the opposite, waste of bandwidth, too much to read and so on. I feel for ya, but I'll just keep doing what I do.

07-05-2013, 02:19 PM
security essentials will probably not detect it if it let it in in the first place. Try a system restore to several days before this happened, that will usually clear up this kind of spyware.

07-05-2013, 02:29 PM
Just just got done running three+ hour MSE scan. It found virus. Asked if i wanted to clean it off. Yep. Said it deleted it. Soon as I opened this site in Firefox I got the popup. I haven't put anything on PC that I'll miss since May, so I plan to do a rollback when I get home later. Seems easiest thing to do at this point. Again thanks to all.

07-05-2013, 02:33 PM
Use Chrome. I dumped FireFox and I am very happy with Chrome

07-05-2013, 02:50 PM
Conveniently, Bizcoaching and otehr adware sponsors have seeded quite a few sites with methods of "removing" the Bizcoaching.info malware and related files... By downloading and installing a Bizcoaching.info virus removal tool.

This is just another way to exchange one back door for another, so be careful with buying into the download tool myth. Some work, and they would come from M$ or Symantec, not from a 3rd party site with the name of "FixMyPC.com" or some junk.

System Restore would be a good tool to use if you have a recent copy backed up but you will lose all the changes made or files stored on the C: partition since the backup date.

My personal backup and disaster recovery usually means turning off system restore as I find it bloated and slow, and using Norton Ghost to copy the data only on my C: partition as an image, which I scatter across a few different locations on multiple computers here. I keep these images pretty up to date and I cannot tell you how many times this has saved not only my grits but my customer's as well.

OT but we were camped in the Black River bottom in Lesterville MO one night about 1am, and the cell rings. It's a good friend of mine who I built his business network, his main box is hosed and he has to use it first thing in the am when he opens. I walked him through unhiding a hidden partition where we store images for obvious safe keeping, and overwriting his C: partition with the stored image, then rehiding the partition and booting the machine. Total recovery, from 1,000mi away, at 1am, in less than 20mins.. And didn't even have to call Pakistan! How's that for tech support?

07-05-2013, 09:37 PM
The link nhrifle posted that gave instructions for removing the virus/adware worked! (I hope) No popups after several hours of use and it seems like my whole system is running a lot faster.

Thanks to all for all the helpful tips and suggestions. Much appreciated.