View Full Version : Can I catch a break ??

gray wolf
07-04-2013, 01:21 PM
I had a post going about our computer trashing it's self and being reduced to a pile of parts from an old unit. Julie wired it all up and it's a ticking time bomb that will probably self destruct soon. A forum member said he had a unit we may be able to use if we could drive some to pick it up,
sounded great cept no money for gas to drive the possible 5 hours to get it, while trying to figure out what to do the breaks went on the truck. I'm laughing, I really am. We have no air conditioning in our little camp (home) first the little fan we have broke, then the dogs 75 foot cable run broke, then the computer, then the truck breaks went.
I think I should sit in a corner and not handle anything :-?
Seems every time I come on the board someone is having a hard time.
All I can say is chin up men, Make a big knot at the end of the rope and hang on--don't loose faith in the Lord--and remember the story about the folks that all put there troubles in the center of the room so everyone could trade problems. Thing is everyone wanted there own troubles back after seeing the rest.
Remember when your back is against the wall no one can attack you from behind.


07-04-2013, 02:21 PM
Thanks bud. I've had a few setbacks recently too, it's good to hear some encouragement.

07-04-2013, 11:16 PM
Sam and Julie,
Hang in there, it'll all work out.

Seems like whenever I get two dollars saved up, something unforeseen comes along that costs three dollars.

07-05-2013, 12:29 AM

Is got to be a whole lot cheaper to ship the computer than drive 5 or 10 hours (round trip) to pick it up.

07-05-2013, 02:17 AM
You're singing my song. I had enough saved up I thought to scab a downstairs bedroom on to my cabin. I'm getting a bit unsteady with the years, and the steep narrow stairs leading up to bed have caused me a couple nasty injuries the past couple years from falls. I was ready to buy the materials, and teeth started going bad. Know how much it costs to pull a few teeth? Just a bit more than it would have cost to add on the room.
I agree, mail the computer.

07-05-2013, 05:59 AM
Its true, you don't have to look very far to find someone in worse shape than you.

07-05-2013, 09:07 AM
Sam and Julie
the first part of may I have enough funds to get a used vw diesel car so I can go farther on a gallon then the big pickup. Well the end of may some individual decides they can not wait for me to get through the intersection so they hit me and total my new used car. So now I am in physical therapy for my back and waiting to see an ortho doc for my wrist.

I was able to get a new vehicle and just two days after getting it I hit it with the truck because my driveway is small and I parked the truck to far back. So now the new vehicle has to go into the body shop.

Each time I go get food or fuel I notice how prices just keep going up and my pay check seems to be the same. It is that way when you are retired.

As to hanging on, I figure I am just along for the ride how ever long it lasts no matter the fun along the way.

gray wolf
07-05-2013, 02:45 PM
Let us know when the fun part starts, k?


(who is taking a break from installing microsoft patches and stuff like that. I figure at least a few more days to get this one functioning decently. number of patches now is at about 100 so far.)


07-05-2013, 07:18 PM
momma always said there'd be days like this .... but she failed to mention months ...:P i wont go into my current umm fun , suffice to say everything that uses petrol has been acting up in the weirdest ways , most not in a good way with one exception , my beater daily driver - it's shining brite just like a lite bulb does before it burns out ,oddly enough it also started with that truck when it blew the a/c evaporator on the second hot day of spring , at least it didnt blow inside the cab like a friends did a few years back - man he had oil and who knows what all over inside his cab !
there was a cartoon that stated "when life hands you nothing but lemons buy tequila and salt !!

07-05-2013, 07:59 PM
Sounds like my dads week it has been one bad thing after another, a tooth broke from his dentures, his car started making terrible noises as his rear brake pads broke and all the parts in the drum were loose and broken and no one has parts for 6 days, now his brand new chain saw seized today and he can not take it back for a replacement he has to take it to a repair facility. At 84 it is really getting him down i hope i can get his car fixed quickly Tuesday when the parts come in . Note the car is a Nissan and the main hold up is a simple adjuster that no one keeps in stock and costs $88 .

07-06-2013, 09:35 AM
I could sure tell you a few! I am slowly selling off my toys to make ends meet. No matter how tough it gets, I always find something to share with those less fortunate than me. I will eventually be TAXED out of existence! ")

07-06-2013, 09:05 PM
"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all".