View Full Version : Free Chex 2

Nocturnal Stumblebutt
07-04-2013, 11:38 AM
So I am interested in a 44 caliber free chex 2, for primarily 3 reasons

1. The cost of the tool is only a bit more than a box of checks (not that I would ever buy commercial checks)
2. I don't need many checks because I only really shoot checked boolits out of my contender.
3. I also like the idea of being able to using different thickness checks for different boolit designs.

Does anyone have one and love it, hate it, etc?

I realize that it is slower than the checkmaker and freechex 3, so I'm mostly looking for input that is not related to the speed of the tool.

07-04-2013, 06:25 PM
The FC II works great. I have used one for ages. What I tend to do is leave it set up on my work bench and whenever I walk past I stop and make 10-15 checks. You end up with a pile in no time short.

If you don't use many checks I would suggest you stay with factory.

07-04-2013, 06:35 PM
I love it. I have two of them and use them for calibers I shoot less often. They are pretty foolproof. The speed of making checks is not up to the FC-III standard but does the job very well. The prices is very attractive also. Get in contact with Charlie regarding details of the tool. He's a wealth of knowledge and very willing to share that knowledge. Personally I do not think it is any slower than the Checkmaker™. Happy check making.

07-04-2013, 10:32 PM
I have one and recommend it. The Lee Loader of check making.