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View Full Version : How Would You Strip Off the Finish on the Browning 53 Stocks

06-28-2013, 07:06 PM
I have a Browning 53 and while the stocks are very pretty, I would prefer oiled stocks....any thougts or suggestions....

Baron von Trollwhack
06-28-2013, 08:22 PM
Send it to Ben, the developer of Ben's Red who posts here. He has refinished several stocks for me and they have been very nicely done.


06-28-2013, 08:26 PM
I removed that plastic skin with furniture scrapers. The wood underneath was such a disappointment that I never even did the forend. So soft and porous that I cannot accept any claim that it's walnut. Someday I will buy new wood for it, but that may be a long way off.

06-28-2013, 08:42 PM
You can make a scraper out of old hacksaw blades. You hold onto both ends of the blade,and with the teeth side up(using the straight side no teeth) draw it towards you.It will take heavy stuff off of the stock quick. Then sand down.If the wood looks light,and needs color wipe stain on.Wipe off excess after 5 minutes,and reapply the next day.Again wait 5 minutes,and wipe off excess.Do this till you have the desired color. I rubbed "Tung"oil I got it from Brownells by hand.Drop on finger the rub.It make take days to finish,but you'll smile at the finish.