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View Full Version : My Dad does it again..........

06-22-2013, 08:01 PM
2 weeks ago I loaded up a load for my folks recent move from Nv to Ar. Well I say''Can we get a couple cords of oak,they're getting $425 + here. Just somethkng to cover some of my fuel'' .

He checks w/his sawyer and he's a mtn of mill slabs . When we get there the sawyer says ''you can have from here to there all you want'' as he points the 20-25 trunks of cedar,oak,pine,WTH is that, saying that there's nails in it. So we grab and go . Saw split load, he cuts into a piece of mystery wood. Black walnut !! Burells,fans,drool fest........
I swear he could walk through a chicken coupe barefooted not get any on him and have the chickens carry out the eggs for him.

06-22-2013, 08:11 PM
Got a friend like that and what irritates me is he thinks its NORMAL!

06-22-2013, 09:43 PM
Better check the local laws at your destination. Many areas now have restrictions on moving wood because of the spread of pests and diseases.

KY now has a 50 mile limit on moving fire wood because of the threat of ash borers and pine borers.

Best to check first to avoid a big surprise.


Victor N TN
06-22-2013, 10:26 PM
Where we live in Tennessee we can't take fire wood out of our county.

06-22-2013, 10:40 PM
0pps, thought about that . There's no oak w/in 100 mi of me, no ag stations either. I guess I better be sure. They do haul oak,almond,and 3 pines from Or,Wa,Id and Ca so there's no issues here.

Oh,by the way this was about really about dumb lucking into 20-50 black walnut take your pick of the best of the best of the prettiest rifle stocks twice that many shotgun stocks and all those grip panels for right next to free.

06-22-2013, 10:50 PM
Generally, wood can be moved, but wood with bark can not.
Slab the black walnut and seal the ends before moving it.

Also, wood can be moved it you get a phytosanitary permit issued by the National Plant Protection Organasition of the country where the plants, plant products or regulated articles were grown or processed.

06-22-2013, 10:52 PM
plus if you drove through NM with it, I think that's not exactly kosher.

06-23-2013, 03:53 PM
CAN'T MOVE FIRE WOOD? And you people have the nerve to make cracks about California and our rights.

06-23-2013, 04:20 PM
CAN'T MOVE FIRE WOOD? And you people have the nerve to make cracks about California and our rights.

Yea they're trying to slow down the spread of the Emerald Ash Bore here in NY. Thing is they could probably eradicate it with pesticides (just speculation on my part) but the greenies would raise hell. You ought to hear them squeal when they want to spray for Triple E.

06-23-2013, 04:48 PM
Spent 3 hr looking for prohibitions on moving wood . Tx says 45 mi w/o a permit commercially plus DOT truck regs. Ca says ''don't even think about trying it'' (short sarcastic version). I even went through state sites. Now to wait on the reply emails.

FWIW Troopers don't seem to care............. at least not between Vegas and Indian Springs.

Love Life
06-23-2013, 05:03 PM

I don't think you have any problems contaminating all the oak trees in your area...

06-23-2013, 07:12 PM
Spent 3 hr looking for prohibitions on moving wood . Tx says 45 mi w/o a permit commercially plus DOT truck regs.

Well I guess ignorance is bliss! I have hauled Mesquite firewood from W. Texas (250 mi.) and Hickory from E. Texas (150 mi.) for years and no one has said a word. Didn't even know there were restrictions.

Congratulations on your find! That should keep you busy for a while. There ought to be several good gunstocks, pistol grips, knife handles, and all sorts of un-thought-of projects in that chunk!

06-23-2013, 09:37 PM
FWIW most of the law enforcement most likely to catch you wouldn't know 1 tree from another..... So if the regulations are "species specific" you are probably pretty safe. Otherwise tarp it and don't give any reason to stop and most likely no one will bother you.........

06-23-2013, 10:05 PM
Better check cali's laws. You can't even bring an orange or bag of grapes in without a hassle legally. lol I had them search my travel trailer some 35 years ago to make sure I wasn't smuggling in a piece of fruit or a house plant. lol

06-24-2013, 01:24 AM
Ag stations only ask about fruit and citrus. Don't ask, don't tell about fire wood. State hasn't told me that I can't move fire wood so I do it. If the tree hugger don't want me to move firewood they can tell me it is against the law.

Bad Water Bill
06-24-2013, 02:12 AM
Years ago we would stock up on food at Sparks Nv then travel into Kalifomia.

We traveled down a 2 lane road for several miles. Suddenly the road became about 6 lanes, Halogen lights suddenly lit up and yes we had arrived at a Kalifomia Inspection station.

Even tho produce was labeled "product of Kalifomia" you would be arrested and fined for returning produce to its place of origin.

How we beat the system will remain a secret as the 2 other passengers have passed on and "I'l NEVER TELL":twisted:

Love Life
06-24-2013, 02:34 AM
Where I am you just hit Hoye Canyon road. Follow it to East side lane and totally skip the ag station into California. The ag station sits about 1.5 miles across a valley on 395...

06-24-2013, 02:51 AM
Out there I dunno. Back here in the East we're trying to slow down the spread of a nice little bio-bomb that the Chinese sent us called the Emerald Ash Borer. Came here in crate wood shipped into Detroit. I hate the restrictions, but I've also seen the devastation that the little green critter does. Up in MI (I lived there until 2009) they were cutting down every ash tree, sick or not. Ash logs were so plentiful, (and ash lumber had become so cheap) that the sawmills wouldn't take the logs anymore. Last I looked the State was making huge bonfires of them.

I just wish there was something we could send them as a "thank you" present that would have equal effect over there.

Bad Water Bill
06-24-2013, 03:06 AM
About 45 years ago we had CHINESE ELM DISEASE. Forest preserves were cut bare,whole towns of prized elms were destroyed.

The wife to be had just purchased a home with a wonderful view (just across the street) of the woods.

Then came the tree inspectors.She had to pay to have 7 beautiful elms removed from her front yard. Then they went into the forest preserve and not a tree was left standing for a couple hundred yards into what used to be woods.

Those foreign bugs are plain nasty.

06-24-2013, 10:38 AM
So far no emails,so it must not be an issue.........

Actually I was much more worried about fire/carpenter ants,termites,centipeeds and hybreeding wolf spiders. ''smiles''
I'd bet that the shift from 80% normal humidity to 14% will take a pretty heavy toll on the bugs . The load of wood dropped 280# of water coming home.....

The sawyer told my Dad ''there's so much of the walnut we just don't get to excited about it''.

Bad Water Bill
06-24-2013, 10:58 AM
Speaking of walnut, I wonder how Mo. is doing? Much walnut was used by Fajen and Bishop. The cut off pieces were sold at every gas station along the highway for miles.

Midway bought both companies and shut them down.

06-24-2013, 07:44 PM
I found a Fajen stock in my Dads stuff here . I'm pretty sure it was on/for an Interarms Mark X 22-250. It looks like a really nice stock, still in its factory box , post marked 1972. Its checkered and everything. Comparitively the new stuff is not so pretty.

He scored a persimon tree too,the golf club ''woods'' heads were made out of it ''back in the day''. I was just thinking ''I have a couple really plain boring stocks 1 a GI BRNO ''Sporterized'' that might look good w/some dark wood tips .