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View Full Version : Good scores this week

Patrick L
06-22-2013, 03:56 PM
As a teacher just starting summer vacation, it was time to start up the hunt for WWs. Last week I hit two of my usual places with good results, about half a 5 gallon pail from one, which I paid for with a dozen donuts, and about a third of a pail from the other, which I provided a six pack for.

Yesterday I got my wife's car inspected at the Honda dealership, and for the second year in a row they gave me theirs (about a third of a pail again) for free! This is nice, since in my experience the big dealerships and chain tire stores don't usually pan out. I do much better at independent mom-and-pop type places.

The one exception is a local Chevy dealership. In the past they had turned me down, but I didn't realize a friend of mine worked there. He's actually the father of one of my students who graduated last year. When he found out I wanted wheelweigts for boolits, he started saving them for me. Twice since then he has called me when he had a 1 or 2 gallon pail full, which he would bring home and I would pick up at his house. Well, I texted his wife to see if he had any for me, and within 10 minutes she called me and said it would be best if I just stopped by the shop because "the bucket is just about overflowing." Great! Imagine my suprise when it turned out to be, not the usual 1 or 2 gallon bucket, but rather a full 5 gallon bucket! Free!! I needed to separate it into boxes just to get it in the car!

I hope the rest of the summer is like this!

Idaho Mule
06-24-2013, 10:02 PM
Sounds like the start of a good summer. JW

06-24-2013, 10:20 PM
I'm not the only one who (among other things) spends summer break hunting for lead? I have to go feed the animals at school tomorrow and already have the buckets in the trunk to swap out and $50 in case I find something.

Patrick L
06-25-2013, 08:43 AM
This week is starting out good too. Took my son's car for inspection to small local garage I frequent. Scored a 3/4 full 5 gallon bucket for free!