View Full Version : Sorry Folks

06-22-2013, 09:51 AM
Well if you even read the post I made last night
You will see it rambles and makes little sense

Well .....It was me that was the problem

I had a migrane headacke last night
So I took the med's I have for them

So the med's help the headackes
But also make me , like 3/4 drunk

So I was feeling decent , but mostly out of it

So if you will please just ignore the post about me missing a ground hog
I will feel better


country gent
06-22-2013, 10:12 AM
I used to get migranes. They perscribe darvasets Take 2 and knock me out for 10 hours. Havent had one since was diagnosed with MS and started the Rebiff injections. You might want to talk to a nuerologist about your symtoms. Getting somethings found early is better, Like MS they can control but not cure.

06-22-2013, 11:39 AM
That's what the "delete" function is for, and why pencils have erasers on the back.


06-22-2013, 11:44 AM
Hey! Made perfect sense to me- no problem. But I get migraines so the translation seemed perfect. Seriously, nothing worse than a migraine. Hard to describe unless you've had them.

06-22-2013, 03:48 PM
I used to get migranes. They perscribe darvasets Take 2 and knock me out for 10 hours. Havent had one since was diagnosed with MS and started the Rebiff injections. You might want to talk to a nuerologist about your symtoms. Getting somethings found early is better, Like MS they can control but not cure.

Mine are caused by trama to my head
Doc calls them Trama induced migganes

So far , I can only treat them
May have them forever


06-22-2013, 05:30 PM
My physician says for men, genetics seems to play a big role in migraines.
My father got them. I've had one that put me in the ER, but just a couple outside that thankfully, and my 12 year old son gets them. His are aural mostly.

06-22-2013, 10:35 PM
Years ago i would get a occasional migraine thank fully i have not had one in many years i used to take the old Emprin III or Tylenol III they were supposed to have 1/4 gr. codeine but they would stop that headache now. The newer generic stuff will not do the same and is not as good for an injury caused pain either. I do understand your typing problems though i did not read them i tryed to go on the internet after shoulder surgery i was messed up two days.

06-23-2013, 05:25 AM
So if you will please just ignore the post about me missing a ground hog, I will feel better.


No big deal John. Just delete it or ask a Mod to make it go away.

06-23-2013, 02:45 PM
I used to get severe headaches and then I retired. I haven't had one since. Mine were so bad that I would do anything for relief, even screaming helped. I got some very strange looks sitting at stop lights in my pickup screaming at the top of my lungs.

Down South
06-24-2013, 08:32 AM
I used to get severe headaches and then I retired. I haven't had one since. Mine were so bad that I would do anything for relief, even screaming helped. I got some very strange looks sitting at stop lights in my pickup screaming at the top of my lungs.
I wouldn't think anything about it. I see stuff like that every day in the Houston Traffic, sometimes I join in.

06-24-2013, 09:47 AM
Migraines ain't no joke, I have had them from an early age. They used to tell me that they would go away, probably in my 30's. Nope, I get as many now as when younger.
When the triptan drugs came out, I thought that was the total answer. But if you take them, some can, some can't, they have their own unique side effects.
I keep waiting for the darn things to subside, sometimes I go a month or so without them, but not much longer.
I have been tested, prodded and poked but with the exception of avoiding known triggers, not that much relief.
Both my daughters have them as well, my son not nearly as much. I hate that I passed them down to them.
As to your post you are concerned about, you have nothing to worry about with anyone that has ever suffered one of these damnable headaches.

06-25-2013, 11:47 AM
yep I get migraines off and on. So far a dark room, a coke or two and two migraine Excedrin and a few hours and I am fine. But until them I tend to be one wounded bear.
They are definitely no fun. I have a friend whose wife has them 24/7/365 not something I would want and when we are together we find the quietest place we can so she is not in more pain then usual. Life hands us challenges all the time.

Right now I am recovering from a recent wreck that totaled my car left me with back and wrist pain and now I am waiting for therapy for the back and surgeon for the wrist. Yep life is fun. Nope didn't mention it here as I tend to keep things to myself about me.

06-25-2013, 08:34 PM
I had migrains 2 very different types ........turns out it was BP . It is a runners heart rather than all in my head I was on BP meds gained 30# dumped X wife #1gained another 15# . Sorted out the meds lost half the wieght ,no more headaches or vision crashes. I was laid off in January been running around the country BP is down far enough to quit the meds too.