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06-21-2013, 04:47 PM
Week sucked at work but just got a bunch better. When I got home I had a package waiting by my door. 8lbs of Promo and 4lbs of W296 I ordered Sunday from 3rd Generation is here already and in time for the weekend.
I also went on Midway yesterday morning to order a die and what did they have in stock? 45 Colt Starline Brass so I ordered 100 and probably should have ordered more but I spent my money on powder this week.

Great ending to a bad week.

Now to check the forecast for this weekend..... Sunny and :Fire: HA, thought so

06-21-2013, 05:20 PM
Sounds like a happy ending to a crappy week. I had to go to a fair sized city about 50 miles away on business yesterday. While there I stopped by a gunshop looking for some powder. They didn't have the specific powder I needed, but did have a pretty good selection of other powders. The man working there also said they had a pretty good supply of primers. He said it was his opinion that reloading supplies were becoming easier to obtain. Hopefully the shortages will ease.

Airman Basic
06-21-2013, 05:37 PM
Yeah, been scratching for small pistol primers for months. On the coast in Biloxi this week, stopped by a mom and pop gun store and asked, lo and behold, all the CCI small pistol primers I could tote at $40 a brick. Well heck, least they had 'em. Bought two.

06-21-2013, 06:04 PM
Oh yeah! To paraphrase, "I feel your joy." Five pounds of powder and 10,000 primers. Life is good.

Dale in Louisiana
06-21-2013, 06:47 PM
Pretty bad week at work here. Part of my company's high pressure interstate gas pipeline blew up. Couple of my best friends got let go in a company realignment last Friday. Son wrecked his truck.


Got my jug of Promo in today too!

Got fifty cases of .303 Brit to load up, but I don't think I'm using Promo for that. Looking for around 1100 FPS.

Life goes on.

dale in Louisiana

06-21-2013, 07:02 PM
The man working there also said they had a pretty good supply of primers. He said it was his opinion that reloading supplies were becoming easier to obtain. Hopefully the shortages will ease.

Still looking for LP primers here. replaced all the SP primers I shot up during the scare.


06-21-2013, 10:41 PM
Dale, KATC had some pics on the tube about the explosion was this the one you were referring to?. When I worked in NY we had a high pressure gas main go right next to a power plant. Flames higher than the building and loud roar. Think it was new years eve and a lot of the guys had only a half day. Coal place right next door caught fire from the radiated heat and a lot of other business's were wiped out. That was a long 16 hour day. And the same for the next few days. Frank

Dale in Louisiana
06-21-2013, 11:47 PM

Oh, I'm not sure. It's been a bad week for industry in Louisiana. Last week we had a petrochemical plant blow up. Tuesday morning when I roll into the office, the news is of the pipeline failure. It made the TV news in a bunch of markets.

About eighty feet of a 30-inch pipe came out of the ground. Operating pressure is in the vicinity of 800 PSI and we usually chop these things up with block valves into ten or fifteen mile chunks, so when it failed the valves closed to isolate the failure and we ONLY had to burn the gas in that section.

They said the flames went 200 feet into the air and the roar could be heard for miles. Burnt everything within a 300-foot radius of the break, and the heat turned the clay in the ground to brick.

Heck of a mess. My blog has a little article (http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=21267), no insider stuff, though, just things from the news article.

dale in Louisiana

06-22-2013, 07:33 AM
Ouch. Glad no-one was hurt in that one.

Dale in Louisiana
06-22-2013, 10:08 AM
Ouch. Glad no-one was hurt in that one.

Depends on your definition of 'hurt'.

Physically, with burns and open wounds? No...

Reputations, the sweating of BB's, the chewing of a**es, the pointing of fingers, well...

dale in Louisiana

06-23-2013, 08:28 PM
Wow, I just couldn't help it. I went to Brownells to poke around and what did they have in stock? 45Colt Starline Brass so I ordered 100 from them too. Powder and brass in one week just like the good old days