View Full Version : Quigley Shoot!!

06-20-2013, 11:36 PM
So how many of you made it out to Montana for the Quigley shoot?? I was there selling my leatherworks....Did I meet any of you?

How did you do on the match?? I'm sure you had a GREAT time no matter how may times you rang the steel:lol:

I did pretty well...but my first target was the offhand Bucket and I was second in line....so with my very first target string I knew that the big MT plaque probly wasn't going home with me... it really took a lot of pressure off.:guntootsmiley:

Don McDowell
06-20-2013, 11:48 PM
Yup when you get to 8 misses, you can bet unless something really bad happens, there won't be any plaques going home with your name on em.

Don McDowell
06-21-2013, 09:22 AM
350 yds, I think the bucket is 22 in at the top 18 on the bottom and 36 inches high. The wind currents can really bugger with you on those.
Al Lee says that if anyone ever cleans that target he's moving it back another 50 yds.

Don McDowell
06-21-2013, 09:34 AM