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View Full Version : New neighbor has one less mouth to feed

06-12-2013, 05:15 PM
The wife and I were sitting on the back porch Sunday morning drinking our coffee with the bird dogs at our feet, when we saw a rare site in our neighborhood. A cat slinked across the back yard.

A quick "down" command locked the dogs down while the cat moved on. The wife looked at me and said “We must have a new neighbor; I hope they don’t have small kids that are attached to that cat”

Sure enough that cat ended up on the back porch yesterday, sure hope they didn’t have kids attached to it.

06-12-2013, 05:19 PM
A cat was in your neighbors back yard and you asked you dog to kill it?

06-12-2013, 05:30 PM
I presume the cat was trespassing. I prefer cats to dogs, but if you let your cat roam and its in someone else's yard. Its on you if something happens to it. Same if it was a dog wandering around a farm because someone doesnt know what a pen is for.

06-12-2013, 05:32 PM
A cat was in your neighbors back yard and you asked you dog to kill it?

That's not how I read it, sounds like he kept the dogs off the cat when he was present, but they got it while he wasn't there.

06-12-2013, 05:37 PM
(here we go again)

06-12-2013, 05:38 PM
^^^ YES SIR. Could not have said it better blademasterii.

06-12-2013, 06:33 PM
Can't condon this sort of thing. Hope the reverse never happens to your dogs.

06-12-2013, 06:57 PM
How do you get that he intended for his dogs to kill the cat? He clearly "commanded" the dogs to leave it alone and also knew the cat was likely going to be chased if allowed to run loose.

06-12-2013, 06:58 PM
The cat was in their back yard. He told the dogs to stay(so they didn't get the cat)
Cat came back later and was not that lucky.
Dogs brought body of deceased cat onto porch to "show" mom and dad.
Dogs killed cat or found dead body of cat?

My Dachshunds do that with whatever is dumb enough to try them.(rabbits, birds)

06-12-2013, 06:59 PM
Different areas have different problems. The lions have snatched a couple dogs in this area already this year.

06-12-2013, 07:00 PM
If a cat comes on my property, it gets shot. If a dog comes near my chickens, it too gets shot. Keep your pets off others property and everyone's happy.

06-12-2013, 07:02 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^what he said
Goes for teenage boys too. LOL

Teddy (punchie)
06-12-2013, 07:08 PM
Well !!

We have a farm and one year I shot a number of cats. Let me state I always look for a collar. No collar I would shoot the cat. Now you ask why ?? At the time I had 7 beagles and rabbit hunted, and still dislike cats that rome , all they do is kill. From the barn swallows to many other field birds rabbits and many other animals, if they have a collar they are past on. One thing I protect is black snakes, one good black snake is worth a dozen cats in the barn. All cats do is poo in my barns and in the hay. I now see a few cats from time to time but not too often, that one year they were every where. Cats and dogs are different,, dogs can be domesticated cat cannot be. Anyway I feel the dogs should be under control and if the dog was on the other property then owner of the dog should make amens. Animals are like our kids, we are there parent and they are minors.

Ed Barrett
06-12-2013, 07:14 PM
Cats are non-native in north and south America. If you want to keep one as a pet, keep it in your house. If you let it run loose it becomes a target to me.

06-12-2013, 07:22 PM
For many years, I made a large percentage of my living farming hogs. Cats carry every disease that a hog can contract. Our hogs were SPF (specific pathogen free) meaning that there was never any outside hogs introduced to the herd. New gentetics were brought in by AI only. With hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory, I could not afford diseases introduced into my livelihood. I had 11 sections of land leased and had few neighbors. But if a cat was seen, it was taken care of. You keep your animals at home and I am a good neighbor. But with hogs and sheep both, I did not take kindly to straying animals.

06-12-2013, 07:45 PM
I couldn't give a rats behind about a furrel cat..just where I'm from we practice the 3 "S" rule

1) shoot
2) shovel
3) shut up

06-12-2013, 08:25 PM
Pets are pets, either dog or cat, they should be treated as such by their owners. Feed them, take them to the vet, know and obey the laws of where they live. There is a leash law here for both dogs and cats, ever see a cat on a leash?.....LOL . Neighbors cat will come in our fenced yard(6' wooden privacy) when our Grey is out, it will be the end of the cat, death by 1 bite, just like the rabbit 2 weeks ago.

06-12-2013, 08:37 PM
- See more at: http://s153.photobucket.com/user/ShawnTVT/media/5b6cae71-7e28-485b-be0d-fe1960e174cd_zps7fd040e4.jpg.html#sthash.p3qpZ7tx. dpuf

06-12-2013, 08:45 PM
Cats are non-native in north and south America.

The white man isn't native either. ;-)

06-12-2013, 09:12 PM
Neither are others that are not white. Just earlier immigrants.

Where in PAI-Scotts post did he say the cat was in the neighbors yard? I believe it was "a cat slinked across the back yard" Not enough information to determine whose yard

You know, horses are also non-native, I believe (let the flaming begin!!), since this digressed to "non-native" fauna

06-12-2013, 09:47 PM
I couldn't give a rats behind about a furrel cat..just where I'm from we practice the 3 "S" rule

1) shoot
2) shovel
3) shut up

That's how I deal with coyotes , and poachers/stray dogs. Yes sometimes poachers dogs getaway from them and they get the "dirt nap". The bobcats in my area have put a big dent in ferral cats..they even got one of my two domesticated yard cats..... but I leave the bobcats alone as I have sooo many wabbits it keeps the pressure off what I plant !.

06-12-2013, 10:27 PM
To many times "CAT PEOPLE" have no sense they are a lot like liberals and think their cats do no harm the man clearly said the cat got on his porch but that is not what is heard? I have no sympathy for people that let their cat run here as the coyotes eat them and the feral ones are targets not just by me but by at least two neighbors as well.
Two winters ago i followed the tracks of a cat in my yard as it got hit by a hawk or owl lifted 10 feet escaped ran into road chased by three canine tracks (coyotes) ran down the road 150 yards then into neighboring property i do not know if it escaped but it sure had a bad night! A bit over a mile down the road a trailer has a large yellow cat that i have seen go after deer it was not on my property and it still lives but what kind of cat goes after an adult deer?

06-13-2013, 01:14 AM
Firefly: A big one! The kind that keep me from fishing in a wilderness area. Wish DFW warden would return my call. 6' #4 weight fly rods are not good defensive weapons for a 100+ lb cat.

06-13-2013, 01:41 AM
The white man isn't native either. ;-)

Maybe, maybe not!


06-13-2013, 02:32 AM

I once posted a thread on the old Plainsman's Cabin forum years ago entitled "Delinquent dog." Had to do with an unsupervised pooch that was chasing deer on federal land (illegal) while I was trying to deer hunt. The discussion got so heated on what should have become of that dog that the thread got locked. I saved the html and will have to dig it up.

06-13-2013, 02:58 AM
We have some cat people in our neighborhood and we have 8-10 cats around at any given time. Several of the males have taken to spraying several houses around the area to where the neighbors can not open their windows or use their porches without the foul odor coming into the house.

We have a constant "cat orgy" going on in the cat lovers front yard and numerous litters each year. If I weren't in the city limits, my CZ452 would be getting a workout. I won't use a pellet gun as cats are too tough to kill with them on a consistant basis.

Lloyd Smale
06-13-2013, 06:06 AM
all ill say is shoot my dog and ill be doing a cast bullet penetration test on someone in your family. Simple as that. I can see it if there actually destroying something that make a living you feed your family with but youd best be darned sure there actually doing damage not "maybe just about to" and even then if you have any class at all you would have at least one time gave the pets owner if you know who it is a good warning to keep it away. I love my dog. I love him just like one of my kids or my wife. Yes my dog for the most part runs free. He sticks to the area mostly because all the neighbors love him too. He wouldnt know what a mean person or a dog hater was. Like i said kick him i kick you. Shoot him and youd best find a good vest!

06-13-2013, 06:34 AM

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^what he said
goes for teenage boys too. Lol

06-13-2013, 07:13 AM
Free Cat

06-13-2013, 07:22 AM
My wife has always been highly allergic to cats, soooo I have never had to be around one for any length of time. lol

06-13-2013, 07:24 AM
My Redbone just loves cats

06-13-2013, 07:45 AM
Can you prove that Jeff. :)

The white man isn't native either. ;-)

Cactus Farmer
06-13-2013, 08:20 AM
all ill say is shoot my dog and ill be doing a cast bullet penetration test on someone in your family. Simple as that. I can see it if there actually destroying something that make a living you feed your family with but youd best be darned sure there actually doing damage not "maybe just about to" and even then if you have any class at all you would have at least one time gave the pets owner if you know who it is a good warning to keep it away. I love my dog. I love him just like one of my kids or my wife. Yes my dog for the most part runs free. He sticks to the area mostly because all the neighbors love him too. He wouldnt know what a mean person or a dog hater was. Like i said kick him i kick you. Shoot him and youd best find a good vest!

Are you threatening a killing? Over a dog? My father had "pets" with collars killing his domectic rabbits by eating the bottom out of the cages. We trapped them with snares by the feet and returned them to their owners. Someone called animal control and complained. We were told we couldn't do that to their pets. So what can we do we ask? Shoot 'em was the answer. Dogs started to dissappear shortly thereafter.
These people let their "Fluffy" run free at night and dogs are pack animals and do what dogs will do. After a few were "disappeared" they were kept at home at night. I didn't like the way we did it but they didn't want to pay for the lost rabbits either. Were all the dogs running in the pack doing the killing? I don't know but they were running with killers and you are judged by the company you keep.

I now have a place of my own and we on occasion see unknown dogs on my fenced property. Goat wire is not easy to get thru but they are inside the wire. A warning shot puts them running. Snares are next. I will take the collared ones home with a warning. If they continue to tresspass.........

06-13-2013, 08:54 AM
all ill say is shoot my dog and ill be doing a cast bullet penetration test on someone in your family. Simple as that. I can see it if there actually destroying something that make a living you feed your family with but youd best be darned sure there actually doing damage not "maybe just about to" and even then if you have any class at all you would have at least one time gave the pets owner if you know who it is a good warning to keep it away. I love my dog. I love him just like one of my kids or my wife. Yes my dog for the most part runs free. He sticks to the area mostly because all the neighbors love him too. He wouldnt know what a mean person or a dog hater was. Like i said kick him i kick you. Shoot him and youd best find a good vest!

YUP! That's the Good Christian attitude.

I thought the eye for an eye went out with the OLD Testament.

And if you plan on shooting people as you say in your post because someone harms one of your pets, you may really have a problem on your hands.

06-13-2013, 09:15 AM
all ill say is shoot my dog and ill be doing a cast bullet penetration test on someone in your family. Simple as that. I can see it if there actually destroying something that make a living you feed your family with but youd best be darned sure there actually doing damage not "maybe just about to" and even then if you have any class at all you would have at least one time gave the pets owner if you know who it is a good warning to keep it away. I love my dog. I love him just like one of my kids or my wife. Yes my dog for the most part runs free. He sticks to the area mostly because all the neighbors love him too. He wouldnt know what a mean person or a dog hater was. Like i said kick him i kick you. Shoot him and youd best find a good vest!

I hear ya Lloyd!!

06-13-2013, 09:19 AM
Can't condon this sort of thing. Hope the reverse never happens to your dogs.

Sometimes it seems like you are the only one who makes sense around here...

06-13-2013, 11:36 AM
Is it just me or does it seem the folks expect dog owners to have total control over their dogs, but cat owners aren't held to the same standard?

06-13-2013, 11:49 AM
All this over a dog and a cat!. Geez some people here need to go back and reread the OP! Nobody sicced the dog on the cat, fact is they KEPT the dog from getting the cat once. If the cat came back oh well!
And as far as the "The white man isn't native either." reference, to bad we won get over it!

06-13-2013, 11:50 AM
The only thing that ever comes of this subject is a bunch of hard feelings. Why this thread has been allowed to run this long I have no idea. There can never ever be a good outcome when the killing of non game animals is discussed.

06-13-2013, 12:11 PM
The only thing that ever comes of this subject is a bunch of hard feelings. Why this thread has been allowed to run this long I have no idea. There can never ever be a good outcome when the killing of non game animals is discussed.

How true!

Then too, if you shoot a dog or a cat, or poison them, or gas them here, you will be charged with animal cruelty. Only the authorities can carry this out.

Still wonder how old the kids were, could have been devastating depending on how young they were. We had a neighbor poison my pet mutt when I was 7 or 8 years old. Never forgot that bad experience/day, even tho it was 62 years ago. What did my dog do? He barked, and a ball of hamburger laced with strychnine did him in.

06-13-2013, 12:14 PM
...even then if you have any class at all you would have at least one time gave the pets owner if you know who it is a good warning to keep it away. I love my dog. I love him just like one of my kids or my wife. Yes my dog for the most part runs free. He sticks to the area mostly because all the neighbors love him too...
Does he use anyplace special as a krapper ?

I live in town, I am a cat person (my two indoor cats don't leave my yard), but I love Dogs too. There is a small neighborhood dog "Chico" that runs free everyday and he seems to like my yard best, for use as a krapper. I've talked to the Chico's owner...says Chico wouldn't do that. Me telling him that I've seen Chico do it, didn't sway his opinion.

I can't shoot cast boolits in town...But if I could...nuff said.

I burn wood to heat the house. I always have chunks of firewood handy. I have launched them at Chico...always missed...didn't seem to phase him. Til last fall, I got a square hit on his hind quarter, He yelped and limped home. He now has a regular limp and now all I have to do is raise my arm and he runs for home and barks barks barks !

06-13-2013, 12:26 PM
I live in a town w/ a major feral cat problem. Gone to numerous boro meetings to try and get a leash law on the books. All to no avail. I can't shoot them. So I trap them in a haveaheart trap. I've caught my one neighbors cat well over twenty times now. She doesn't get it. She has actually come on my property to release her cat during the day when I'm not home. All caught on camera but the cops wouldn't do anything about it.

I have to use cedar mulch because if I use regular pine bark they use the beds as litter boxes. I can't stand cats but more importantly I can't stand people who think its acceptable to let pets roam. My dog is either inside or with me when I'm outside. So far this year I've averaged three cats a week. They all get taken to the SPCA where they are eventually put down. I could speed up that process but unfortunately I'm a law abiding citizen.

06-13-2013, 12:50 PM
Anyone wants to give me a reason to continue on with this thread can PM me.

Take Care


06-13-2013, 06:25 PM
Take a chill pill folks.

Don't want this getting out of hand.