View Full Version : Chesnut tree advice needed

Ithaca Gunner
06-11-2013, 02:46 PM
After many years of not having any Chinese Chesnut trees on my property, I finally got 2 started and bearing nuts, (a grand total of 2 burrs last fall). I remember spraying the ones I had years ago with something that kept the insects away and worms out of the nuts, but can't remember what it was. It was a concentrate I mixed with water and used a sprayer with. Any suggestions? The local hardware doesn't seem to be much help.

06-11-2013, 05:15 PM
Try your local County Ag Agent. Might no know but they have access to lots of info and knowledgeable people that can advise you.

Wayne Smith
06-11-2013, 05:31 PM
Ditto. Your County Ag agent is the person to contact for the good information. He/she probably graduated from your state Ag college. If they don't know it they can find it and know how to apply the information.

Dale in Louisiana
06-11-2013, 05:50 PM
don't know about chestnuts, but we do a lot of citrus down here and 'miscible oil' comes to mind. It kills the little bugs and devastates the black mold on leaves.

Last time I got some, it was at a local garden center that was like a farm supply store with more flowers.

And yes, county agent is good. So are some of the people at that garden center, but not the 'garden centers' run by the big box stores.

dale in Louisiana

06-11-2013, 09:02 PM
No chestnuts here, but I do deal with two peach trees. I use Neem oil. Same idea though, add oil concentrate to water sprayer/garden hose dealy, spray
Available at most home box stores, Death star (walmart), etc.

Wayne Smith
06-11-2013, 09:27 PM
Oil treatments are very effective for those insects that live on the bark, leave their eggs there, and hatch there or close and climb up the trunk. It is typically used in the winter/spring to take care of those bugs. It is less effective for flying bugs that lay their eggs on the flower or early fruit. I don't know what to recommend for nuts and especially the latter types of bugs. I grew up on a farm in Maine, read a lot, but an a psychologist, not an Ag agent. Talk to the experts.

06-11-2013, 09:40 PM
Most times you can use liquid seven( get the 10% solution) mix by the directions. Can also use Malathion it is a boader insect control just mix as directed on the container. Lots of chestnut here in Tn.

06-12-2013, 12:51 AM
Is there not a Chinese Chesnut society?

I would think they would be full of answers.

Ithaca Gunner
06-12-2013, 05:29 AM
Is there not a Chinese Chesnut society?

I would think they would be full of answers.

I never thought of that! I'll take the majority advice and email my county agent. Thanks a bunch fellows!

41 mag fan
06-12-2013, 07:04 AM
You decide to go organic, a good ole concoction of Habaneros in boiling water, then strained and a few drop of dawn dish soap sprayed on will help control bugs also.

06-12-2013, 01:13 PM
You decide to go organic, a good ole concoction of Habaneros in boiling water, then strained and a few drop of dawn dish soap sprayed on will help control bugs also.

I'd hate to see the bugs you have to spray hot pepper juice & soap on your nuts to get rid of...

06-12-2013, 05:20 PM
I'd hate to see the bugs you have to spray hot pepper juice & soap on your nuts to get rid of...
Now that's funny, real bad bugs..........

06-12-2013, 09:46 PM
I'll bet whatever was effective years ago is no longer permitted to be manufactured. Lindane was the most effective for borers, but it is banned.

06-12-2013, 09:55 PM
Bet that would clear your sinuses as well./beagle

You decide to go organic, a good ole concoction of Habaneros in boiling water, then strained and a few drop of dawn dish soap sprayed on will help control bugs also.

06-12-2013, 10:14 PM
Most times you can use liquid seven( get the 10% solution) mix by the directions.

10% solution? Don't we wish! I spent a lot of gas driving around last year visiting every farm supply in the area searching for Sevin 10 only to learn the EPA has struck again! Sevin 10 has been banned from production and if any is to be found it will be left over stock, they can still legally sell what has already been produced but no more is being made. Good luck finding any.

06-13-2013, 12:42 AM
The wettable Sevin is still available in the 80% formula. However, you may have to have a pesticide applicator license to purchase it.

Where in Tennessee can you find an abundance of chestnut trees? We are in Western Kentucky and there are none that we know of here.