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View Full Version : BAD week, need some help folks.

06-09-2013, 01:02 PM
Since you guys are my only social network, I need to ask you for some help, especially the members in the Id, Wy, Mt, SD, ND areas.
On Thursday morning around 2AM my girlfriend K's horse trailer was broken into and three of her saddles were taken, along with some of her other tack, and some tools out of a shed in the yard. They were all Crates saddles, two were trail style, one was a roping saddle. They are easily identified by serial numbers and one was a special edition. All that I am asking is if you see or hear of someone trying to sell Crates saddles in the region and it sounds too good to be true, please contact me via PM. I have pictures and SN's to help id them if you think you may have located one. It is a long shot but I know the folks on here know what to look for and we have a broad network throughout the country. Thank you for the help.

She has been just devastated over this loss, she bought her two saddles when she had just started running her own operation and the third saddle was a limited edition that was bought for her grandmother by her grandfather who passed away this spring, so there is no way to put money to the value of that saddle for her. She also was using her roping saddle to barrel race in, and we had really been doing well in the first few races this spring, and now that has been taken away. This was one of the last few things we had left besides each other, and now it is gone.
The weird part is that they took three of six saddles in the trailer, and sorted through the bridles and took only a few, then went into the shed and took a junky leaf blower and cultivator and that's it. So why grab a $30-40 pawn shop item, but leave behind three saddles that were worth well over a grand apiece? Which leads us to believe this may have been personal.
Thanks again for listening to me and maybe someone will be able to locate them someplace! This has been an awful week, between this, losing a friend in a car wreck then finding out another friend is MIA out of his boat while fishing alone, and today is the day we lost my grandfather in 2009.
I guess I needed someplace to vent and you folks are the only one I have!

06-09-2013, 01:06 PM
Even if we can't help, we can listen.
Take care of yourself so you can help take care of her.

06-09-2013, 01:10 PM
Vent away friend we are here to listen. Don't let those scumbag thieves ruin your day. It sucks I know I was on a camping trip and and had gear stolen last summer its .just stuff. We will. Add you guys to our prayers and send you some good thoughts.

John 242
06-09-2013, 01:22 PM
Odds are it's someone she knows, or someone that knows her. I would bump up security, because 'they' may come back for what's left.

Sorry that this happened to her and I hope that her gear is recovered.

06-09-2013, 01:35 PM
I will spread the word. I have relatives that are deep into rodeo. Let us know if you find them.

06-09-2013, 04:14 PM
John 242 is spot on.
Sounds like they took what they could carry and have good knowledge about the rest.
Still, it should be esier to tote a saddle in each hand the a saddle offset by a...leaf blower???
I guess we just can't rationalize crook's "logic".
Stay the course. Good luck.

Love Life
06-09-2013, 07:03 PM
I had some items stolen awhile back. What I did is I ran ads in the local sales papers (sierra scoop, thrifty nickel, backpage, craigslist, etc) with the descriptions and my contact info. I ended up getting the two items back.

Just something to try.

06-09-2013, 07:13 PM
hopefully you have done police report.
I hope they catch the ones that done it. [that amount makes it a felony I think]
horse tack is not cheap.
i'll keep my eyes open, there is a place in Pocatello that handles saddles and such as well as being a pawn shop.

06-09-2013, 07:36 PM
Sorry this happened to you,stay on top of the police and troopers Im sure the saddles will show up . Check local pawn stores ,tack shops and fairs put the word out in the industry. Best of luck Things will work out!

06-09-2013, 07:40 PM
Watch for them on e-bay. Also run a wanted ad for items very similar to those stolen. You might never know someone might want to sell them back to you.

Idaho Mule
06-09-2013, 09:13 PM
I will keep an eye out here for saddles. If I find any Crates, I will PM you. Thieves are the lowest form of pond scum to me, especially when they target something so personal. JW

06-09-2013, 10:53 PM
if you are a praying man ask God to bring justice to your circumstance and have faith to give Him time to work...

06-09-2013, 10:54 PM
If you do run an add looking for saddles, use an address out of state. PM me if you need one. You might also let some of the custom saddle makers know, as alot of them do business in used saddles. I know from talking to Coat's that even the used stuff get's sold all over the nation out of his shop.

06-10-2013, 01:09 PM
Thanks guys, we are trying everything in our power to get them back right now! Have adds on CL and the local garage sale websites, and have put the word out to the saddle shops since they all know us pretty well and we do a lot of business with them. Did a police report first thing, we knew about it within 12 hours of it happening so we got the ball rolling there, he told us to check pawn shops since they won't talk to him because they know they will lose the item, as well as a couple local horse traders that are known to buy just about anything as long as it doesn't have a brand or SN on it.
Have spoken with the Good Lord and He is helping us through these tough times. We ran again at a race last night, she rode an 18.7 which is pretty good for the outdoor arena we were in which put us just barely out of the money in her 3D bracket. I suppose life does go on and insurance is going to give a little since it covers the trailer and contents, got pretty lucky there but a new saddle just isn't the same.

Thanks again folks!

06-10-2013, 07:45 PM
Someone knew what they wanted and didnt spend time "Shopping" I bet its someone close,, BUT* if she has some Photos of them Plz post and I keep a few horses and know lots of fokes we will all watch in Kentucky for her,,

Lost Creek, Kentucky