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View Full Version : how long to reload ?

06-08-2013, 06:22 PM
hello to everyone! I wonder how much time we dedicate to our favorite hobby, I do every night of the week, I spend 2/3 hours to reload or melt. then I only have one day going to shoot my cartridges made with so much attention.:lovebooli

ciao a tutti ! io mi chiedo quanto tempo dedichiamo al nostro hobby preferito , io tutte le sere della settimana ,dedico 2/3 ore per ricaricare o fondere .poi ho solo un giorno per andare a sparare le mie cartucce fatte con tanta attenzione .:Fire:

06-08-2013, 06:54 PM
You are either single or have a very understanding wife. I am lucky to spend 1 to 2 hours every two weeks loading. My wife, son, and puppy demand most of my free time.

06-08-2013, 07:04 PM
I get usually 3-4 hours a week if I play my cards rights

06-08-2013, 07:07 PM
I don't keep track of the time I spend doing the things I like to do most. I do know that sometimes when I get in front of that pot hours can go by before I know it. I start casting purty boolits and get into a good pace it's hard to stop.

06-08-2013, 07:09 PM
If I get to spend a few hours a week on anything gun related I consider myself lucky :sad:

06-08-2013, 07:31 PM
yes, I have to say I'm single and live alone in my house, in the afternoon I only have 2 hours of rest, then at night, before resuming my work (chef in restaurant) have 9 hours available,and 2/3 hours I can reload or melt, then I sleep.

si ,io devo dire che sono singolo e vivo solo in casa mia , il pomeriggio ho solo 2 ore di riposo , poi la notte ,prima di ricominciare il mio lavoro ( chef in ristorante) ho 9 ore a disposizione,e 2/3 ore riesco a ricaricare o fondere ,poi mi viene sonno .

06-08-2013, 08:23 PM
I work 8pm-8am every other month, i get most work done when everyone is asleep.

06-08-2013, 08:30 PM
The shop I work at is right in my back yard. I start work at 8am. I get up every (most) morning at 5:30-6:00am and reload until about 7:45

06-08-2013, 08:35 PM
A chef. Share something Italian in the Cookin' Recipes. Maybe you can get me to like Italian cooking better. I hear the food is really good and so is the wine but I've not had a chance to get to Italy yet, somebody else always draws the longer straw.
I'm married but usually spend at least 2 hours each evening on gun related stuff. Summer is here so the garden takes up some time. In the winter, usually 4 hours. Wife don't mind, she knows where I'm at and approves of my mistress.

06-08-2013, 08:36 PM
Like most of you, time is a premium so 1-2 hrs/wk is probably about average for me.

06-08-2013, 11:19 PM
I used to get up, shower, dress, eat and then spend an hour at the bench before work. Casting was generally a couple hours after work if I wasn't pulling a double shift. Now I'm retired and spend whatever time I want casting, loading, punching checks, or powder coating boolits. Granted, I like to have my other chores knocked out first. Ive got plenty of time for that. I get a lot of reloading done while listening to baseball games.

Mama likes to shoot and I like to reload as much as I like to shoot. She has little interest in reloading but loves to scrounge brass at the place where we shoot. She usually spends an hour or so picking up brass before we even get in some trigger time. I had to start loading 9mm again because she's found over 6k pieces of once fired brass over the past few years. I bought conversion barrels for our 40 Glocks and a bunch of mags too.

Our shooting has tapered while primers are in short supply but have many cases of ammo loaded what empties I have are all sized and polished waiting for topping off. I'm currently filling coffee cans with boolits waiting for either lube/sizing or powder coating and sizing. Reloading is relaxing!

06-09-2013, 12:23 AM
When I was working, I had very little time. 60-70 hour work weeks were typical. I did no casting at all as I had a good salary and I could buy bullets. But I used four progressive metallic loaders for pistol calibers and two progressive shotshell reloaders to minimize bench time. I would load in marathon sessions. Loaded 4000 12 ga one day.

Now I plan to spend as much time as I want to load large quantities as economically as possible. I still will shoot a lot. But I have time to cast bullets and will likely never buy another pistol bullet. I also will be shooting mostly cast bullets in most of my rifles and cast slugs for the shotgun.

Reloading will take up about 1-2 hours a week on average. But I reload about 400 rounds an hour on average.

06-09-2013, 12:32 AM
yes, I have to say I'm single and live alone in my house, in the afternoon I only have 2 hours of rest, then at night, before resuming my work (chef in restaurant) have 9 hours available,and 2/3 hours I can reload or melt, then I sleep.

si ,io devo dire che sono singolo e vivo solo in casa mia , il pomeriggio ho solo 2 ore di riposo , poi la notte ,prima di ricominciare il mio lavoro ( chef in ristorante) ho 9 ore a disposizione,e 2/3 ore riesco a ricaricare o fondere ,poi mi viene sonno .

Is he typing in Italian and its translating? This is wigging me out....

06-09-2013, 04:16 AM
I like a lot of work to bench reloading!but the Italian law, it allows you to hold home only 200 cartridges for pistol and1500 for rifle. ipsc I doing the races as a professional, the Italian law allows me to keep at home in 1500 and 1,500 cartridges for gun rifle cartridges.For this reason, I can not do a lot of cartridges, and those that do can try to make them almost perfect.from this point of view (and many others) would love to be there with you!

Ma la legge italiana,ti permette di detenere a casa solo 200 cartucce per pistola e 1500 cartucce per fucile .io che faccio le gare Ipsc come professionista , la legge italiana mi permette di tenere a casa 1500 cartucce per pistola e 1500 cartucce per fucile .per questo motivo ,non posso fare molte cartucce , e quelle che faccio posso provare a farle quasi perfette .sotto questo punto di vista (e anche molti altri ) mi piacerebbe essere li con voi !:lovebooli:guntootsmiley:

06-09-2013, 05:47 AM
Since my wife has become and avid shooter, my true answer is "barely enough". I tend to be a batch loader and let my back be my guide. That being the case, I generally load 500 - 1,000 at a session and that's generally about once per week. I take a little longer to do that on a Dillon now days over what it used to take and I'd estimate maybe 4-6 hours per batch. Not all at one stretch, 100 now, 200-300 later, 200 more later on .... something like that.

When I first got my RL550B (gift from wife over 20 years ago) I was concerned with volume. I could actually load 450-500 in an hour. Today I'm more concerned with quality. I get the quality right and let the rest just fall into place however it might.

Every now and then I just smile. My wife came to me a couple of weeks ago and allowed she had only a half a quart freezer bag (a favored storage) of 9mm ammunition and was a bit worried she was getting low. A day or so later I brought her a black mechanics tool bag full. She had trouble lifting it but she did so with a grin. I do love that woman ... for a lot of reasons.

06-09-2013, 06:01 AM
before resuming my work (chef in restaurant).

My friend, you make me proud. You just hit on two enduring passions in my life: shooting and cooking. I'm no chef by any means, but around our house I plan and cook and my wife cleans up after me. We've been doing that for many years and it seems like it's not going to change anytime soon.

06-09-2013, 06:01 AM
I, for the reason that I can shoot only once a week, I prefer to load 2/300 cartridges wing again, because I prefer them with care., and when I train, I have time to shoot only 4/500 cartridges

io , per il motivo che riesco a sparare solo una volta alla settimana ,preferisco caricare 2/300 cartucce ala volta,perchè preferisco farle con cura .e quando mi alleno , e quado mi alleno ,ho tempo per sparare solo 4/500 cartucce .

06-09-2013, 05:18 PM
So beppe types the same thing is Italian as in English and you guys can't all figure that out? I don't speak Italian, but even I can figure that out. Keep it up beppe. Maybe I can learn to at least read some Italian.

06-09-2013, 06:07 PM
2-3 per week.


06-09-2013, 07:24 PM
I currently reload for 25 diff calibers, three diff presses. I rarely spend more than an hour at any given time reloading. That turns out 700rd on my 650, 400 on my 550, 50 rds on the ss press (rifle hunting ammo). I cast maybe once a month, usually no more than an hour, hour & a half. The rest is working, shooting or around the house stuff.

06-10-2013, 02:17 PM
I try to load 100 rounds a night after work on a Dillon 650. I use the time to jnwind from the office and relax.

06-10-2013, 02:39 PM
yes, I have to say I'm single and live alone in my house, in the afternoon I only have 2 hours of rest, then at night, before resuming my work (chef in restaurant) have 9 hours available,and 2/3 hours I can reload or melt, then I sleep.
That's funny - you cook up food AND boolits! Keep it up. Myself I spend an hour or so a week. Sometimes casting, sometimes lubing, sometimes loading then occasionally shooting. This coming weekend is a shooting weekend. Got the Chrony and several hundred rounds loaded up to test out.

06-12-2013, 09:44 PM
I reload 5 days/week from 6:30am to 4:30pm...but that's my job.
So when I get home I really don't get out to cast/reload like I should...but I still do.

06-12-2013, 11:16 PM
Couple hours a week unless I'm experimenting.

06-13-2013, 07:21 PM
I'm retired, I spend anywhere from 2-4 hours a day loading, preping brass, casting, sizing. I try to get to the range 3 times a week and usually burn 200 rounds. Plus 2 matches a month. Still have plenty of time for house chores and such.

06-14-2013, 12:33 AM
I'm semi-retired, still work very part-time. So, I can devote as much time as I like. I've finally finished processing all the WW's I had. About 400lbs all neatly stacked in a big heavy cardboard box, sitting on the floor. Next to it is a box with about 100lbs of #2 alloy, and another with about the same of pure lead. Then there is the box marked 'HHHMMM???', about 25lbs. I'll figure it out when I finally get my Lee Hardness tester. I was straightening up my room and came across a box of alloy I had somehow missed. The cleanup came to a halt, and out to the pot I went. I was sad when it was over. Liquid metal is neat. Some days I do nothing, others I spend several hours.

06-14-2013, 01:08 AM
Well, The last year has been pretty quiet on the reloading front... I think I've spent a total of 2 hours reloading since last June, and have done no casting at all. Thankfully, I knew I was going to be busy (and made a cross state move, losing my shop in the process) so I had done about 2 years worth of casting beforehand, and loaded about a years worth of ammo.

Thankfully, I've got a little more time coming up in the next few weeks, so I'll be pulling the dillon out of the mothballs, and loading some more ammo with the bullets already cast. Hopefully by august or so, I'll have a place to set up the casting equipment, and get that itch scratched as well!

06-14-2013, 08:44 AM
I am lucky if I can sneak in an hour every month, casting is not happening any time soon , fortunately I have lots o ammo loaded up so I can sneak out shooting once in a while . I am thinking a normal 9-5 job should be part of my future plans

06-14-2013, 09:22 PM
I am retired on disability and would probably cast and load myself into the poor house if I didn't have a 15 year old at home. I can't work, but I can still drive some so I am my daughter's taxi. I enjoy the time with my kid. Back to the question, hour or so 3 or 4 days a week, which is more than enough based upon the coffee cans of cast boolits and many, many boxes of loaded ammo sittin' all over the "possum lodge".