View Full Version : How far would he get where you live?

06-08-2013, 10:15 AM
I just had to sit in disbelief while reading about the Santa Monica shootings and the fact this idiot could go on such a rampage unopposed, IMHO people died because of idiotic repressive gun laws that denied people the rights to defend themselves. In my area I seriously doubt the guy would have gotten off more than a few shots before someone took him down and stopped the rampage, which is as it should be, but how many of those people became victims because precious minutes were wasted waiting on the police to arrive? How do you think it would be in your area?

country gent
06-08-2013, 10:33 AM
In this day and age its a sad fact that most people dont want "to get involved". I have stopped and helpped ladies with car problems who have stated nobody would stop and help. I ussually do. But most people wont take the risks assosiated with stepping in. The other sad fact if someone had stepped in to this situation he would have been hung in the news and media. He would have more than likely been arrested and tried. The person and family would have to worry about revenge and lawsuits, possibly jail time. Our society has morphed so far from what it was and thoughts have been altered by the media and others to the point a true hero is now going to end up with a record and shuned by society in most big cities. Thats the major reason crime rates are what they are now. People wont stand up to these thugs anymore. People wont watch out for others like they used too. Some will do what they can but most are sheep allowing the weak to be ......... . Its a shame life has came to this level.

06-08-2013, 10:40 AM
Most city people don't have guns out here. Santa Monica is so liberal, it is essentially a gun-free zone. The only place mass shooters like to go are gun-free zones. Where I live in the sticks, for sure not a gun free zone.

06-08-2013, 10:57 AM
Most city people don't have guns out here. Santa Monica is so liberal, it is essentially a gun-free zone. The only place mass shooters like to go are gun-free zones.

My point exactly but "gun fee zone" is a mis-leading term because it is not at all a gun free zone, only the so called law abiding citizens would not have guns in those zones! Where I live it would be very different, while I am sure a lot of people would run the other way I know for a fact a lot of them would not! Just last night my wife and I went to the local Lowes Home Center and I ran into two friends of mine at separate times while there, I know both of these guys well and I know they were both carrying as they ALWAYS do and while I rarely carry in public I know for a fact both of these guys would have stopped that maniac in his tracks but then that's just the way folks are here.

06-08-2013, 11:06 AM
I live a good hard 30 min drive from the two nearest towns, one is 30 min west and the other is 30 min north. Most of the vehicles in town are pickups and SUVs and in most you will find a gun rack with at least one gun and a fishing pole hanging there. We hardly have violent crimes here. The last murder was nearly 20 years ago and it was a 3x convicted child molester out once again for good behavior. He was found in the ditch of a rural county road in a trash bag with a single GSW to the head. His car was found in a different neighboring county, and he was a resident of the county that his car was found in but a different town about 30 miles away.

The state police wouldn't investigate because it was a local matter, the county in which he was found wouldn't investigate because he was a resident of the other county, and the town where his car was found wouldn't investigate because he wasn't a resident. The town that he lived in didn't investigate either because there was no evidence that he was killed there. To wrap things up the county in which he was found labeled his death as a suicide and closed the case. That was our last violent crime in the area, and it turned out to be nothing more than a suicide.

It has been my experience that the anticipation of pain is oft times more effective as a deterrence to violence as the pain itself. There are more guns in the hands of expert shooters than not around here, that includes men, women, and children. No one wants to take the chance and find out about the expertise of another individual, proving once more than "an armed society is a polite society."

Best wishes,


Dan Cash
06-08-2013, 11:36 AM
I live in a rural area, 1.4 people per sq mile. The county seat has about 800 people and the county about 1400. About 60% of the pop. hace concealed carry permits and 8 of 10 pick up trucks have guns in them. That guy in CA would have had less chance than a standing still coyote at 40 yards.

06-08-2013, 12:35 PM
I rest my case!

Love Life
06-08-2013, 12:40 PM
Out here in the sticks? Hel, he'd have to find the place first!!

06-08-2013, 12:45 PM
I just walked over to my neighbors house this morning, he's armed, the roommate is armed, his wife is armed, I'm armed, the next closest neighbor is not only armed, but his entre family is as well. If someone wants to come out here and start shooting up the place he better make sure his affairs are in order first. This is the safest neighborhood I have ever lived in. We're more than 40 minutes away from the nearest copshop.

PS Paul
06-08-2013, 01:00 PM
Santa Monica is a "liberally oppressive" area with a funny mixture of SUPER wealthy areas AND lower-income areas. Although it is ALL comparatively expensive.

When I lived in L.A., it was not uncommon for criminals to feign being broken down, then jump and rob or even kill good Samaritans who stopped to help. So I did not help many folk unless I was REALLY sure about 'em (single women, no bushes for robbers to hide behind, clearly distressed, etc.).

Up here in WA, it is far less likely to be robbed when helping- it does happen- but that doesn't stop me from helping usually. just helped a guy yesterday who needed a jump and NOBODY else was stopping.

So he would have made it about 13 steps before gettin' bombarded with lead where I live (a somewhat rural area). But downtown Seattle? only the feral beasts who inhabit virtually every street corner in the shopping areas are usually armed. Most who have the sense to carry ALSO have the sense to avoid the filthy feral animals who inhabit (and ruin) the downtown street corners.

06-08-2013, 01:04 PM
4 miles from a police station.. if we called they Might get here in 30 minutes (have done so several times in years past) cops get in no hurry to arrive.. we are all armed, all the familes around here are..

06-08-2013, 01:15 PM
This guy was, once again, a wolf amongst sheep. Glad I wasn't (and wouldn't have been) one of them. Mike

06-08-2013, 01:43 PM
Even 100 miles south in Oceanside, with a strong military presence and most of us being armed in our homes and maintaining CCW's from our home states, he would have gotten with this here too. It could be a different story in some cities in CA if CA would recognize CCW's from other states or National Reciprocity had passed.

06-08-2013, 02:02 PM
People going armed would probably have seen him at only one of the various locations where he shot at people. They would not have known about the series of shootings which would paint him as a 'moving crime scene' for any who saw him.

Since he was dressed in black, and was wearing something 'tactical', any armed citizen may have hesitated to interfere on the possibility that he was one of the 'new breed' of cops ... who look more like terrorists than police officers.

06-08-2013, 02:25 PM
Here in Yuma? He might have gotten five rounds off before he was taking a dirt nap. It wouldn't have been the police who shot him, either. Of course, he'd have to be crazier than that fella in Colorado to even attempt that here.

06-08-2013, 03:02 PM
He was a crazy dressed semi like a cop. I think he would have gotten farther than you think he would have. Dan Cash and Boerancher's area may have stopped him soon since everyone knows everyone. Dressed somewhat like a cop in a big city he would have killed/shot several people. The fact that California is a may issue state and the county Sheriff will not issue CCW permits to average citizens didn't help stopping him.

06-08-2013, 03:06 PM
If he was on campus here he probably wouldn't have made it as far but there would still have been casualties because students can't carry on campus but there is a campus wide police force.
Off campus, on the other hand, he would not have gotten 5 shots off before being put down.

06-08-2013, 03:07 PM
Since he was dressed in black, and was wearing something 'tactical', any armed citizen may have hesitated to interfere on the possibility that he was one of the 'new breed' of cops ... who look more like terrorists than police officers.

That's a very good point and something I've never thought of. An excellent reason(among others) why the police shouldn't wear such uniforms.

PS Paul
06-08-2013, 03:14 PM
Many excellent reasons cops should not be "militarized", but excellent reasons don't seem to be stopping 'em at all.

Down South
06-08-2013, 03:33 PM
I dunno, maybe urban is the word I'm looking for. It's not the sticks folks like many of us, it's an urbanite problem. The mindset is different in urban areas. The general consciences are, guns are bad. The truth is then the bad guys are the only ones with guns, at least by their standards. So, they die by those standards.

I'm an old country boy myself and I'm armed pretty much all the time, even now as I type this. I work for a company that does not allow firearms on their property "another misconception in our society to protect the innocent". The guards or security folks that I see, all they are armed with is a radio. Wow, that would really help. When seconds count, the police are only a few minutes away in downtown Houston.
I'll leave out the part about how I look at their policy and what I might be doing to make sure I'm protected.

I was in conversation with some of my Texan office folks just the other day describing a company trip that I had to take.
I explained that I had done well to leave my pistol and knife in my car when I got to the airport. I got a few big eyes there.
Anyway, I went on to explain I made it all the way to security. I got my boarding pass signed off by the TSA guy or whatever you call them and was unloading my pockets, pulling off my boots, hat belt and everything else that has to be unloaded to go through security.
As I was patting myself down to make sure everything was out of my pockets, I discovered although I did well to leave my pistol in the car, I had forgot to leave my spare mag that I keep in my right rear pocket.
So, I had to literally redress and go back to the car. Thank God that I was parked close in the airport terminal. I made my way back to security after returning to the car and leaving my spare mag there, I presented my boarding pass to the TSA agent again. He saw that it had already been checked once and asked, what happened? I said, forgot I had something in my pocket. He smiles and says ok.
The office folks I was telling this to, some of them had a look or horror on their faces like I had committed a major sin of some kind.
To me, It was just an honest mistake any ole country boy could make.

The point that I'm trying to make is that urbanites in general think guns are a bad thing.

06-08-2013, 05:44 PM
Around here he might have gotten off a few rounds and then DRT. If you see me ,I'm packing, this db needed the 2 .45 solution.

06-08-2013, 08:16 PM
According to the Sheriff, 70% of the adult white male population of Floyd county is packin'. These ol' boys around here woulda' made short work of that guy.

06-08-2013, 08:34 PM
In this day and age its a sad fact that most people dont want "to get involved". I have stopped and helpped ladies with car problems who have stated nobody would stop and help. I ussually do. But most people wont take the risks assosiated with stepping in. The other sad fact if someone had stepped in to this situation he would have been hung in the news and media. He would have more than likely been arrested and tried. The person and family would have to worry about revenge and lawsuits, possibly jail time. Our society has morphed so far from what it was and thoughts have been altered by the media and others to the point a true hero is now going to end up with a record and shuned by society in most big cities. Thats the major reason crime rates are what they are now. People wont stand up to these thugs anymore. People wont watch out for others like they used too. Some will do what they can but most are sheep allowing the weak to be ......... . Its a shame life has came to this level.

A lot of truth in those words.

Swamp Man
06-08-2013, 08:39 PM
Can you say GUN BAN BILL? I knew it was about time for another shooting to take place when the dems said they were getting ready to push there GBB again. This time they even made sure to show a rifle,hand gun and about 12-13 mags.

06-08-2013, 09:11 PM
No one stepped up to help Kitty Genovese back in the " good ole days". Nothing new about people setting by and not getting involved.

country gent
06-08-2013, 09:38 PM
I have stepped into an incident before, ended up on the floor bedie the guy I put down. The girl he was slapping blindsided me with a cue stick!!!!!!! Laying there I looked at him he smiled and said Now you know why I slap her first. Yes I would have stepped into this situation. Starting with a cell call to 911 from cover if possible. Then with a weapon once I knew for sure what was going on. With my mobility issues and lack of training who knows. I do know there would be no warning yelled or fired. I can say alot here in Northwest Ohio are carrying most out here have a rifle or shotgun for critters handy in their homes or barns. But then in the country there arnt the crowds to draw these types of attacks either. These people need lots of targets available to get the attention they are looking for. Out in the country there arnt the crowds well other than a auction. Lets be real most small town football games are good for maybe 200-250 people spread out in the stands. These predators chose areas where firearms arnt popular or arnt allowed for a reason, Crazy dosnt always equal dumb. Preadators 2 legged or 4 legged want easy prey not a big fight.

06-08-2013, 09:40 PM
This is what the libtard media calls the suspect's "arsenal of weapons"


One of the news write-ups refers to the, what I presume to be, replica model '58 Remington cap & ball, as an "older model 44 caliber hand gun."


06-08-2013, 10:16 PM
Dunno how long he'd last around here. Hard to say because he chose the venue. He ran into gun free zone, makes me wonder about that. I avoid gun free zones, I think they're dangerous places to be.
Guns don't scare me, gun free zones do.

06-08-2013, 10:47 PM
All you guys are blessed to live in States that promote and allow self defense. Here in good old Maryland its not so. I have a carry permit and only because I have a business, other then that and a few other exceptions its not to be had. The wait time for a handgun permit if you can qualify for one is 3- 4 months. The wait time on newly purchased handguns is now 8-10 weeks it used to be 7 days. The State is not friendly to gun owners and the new Maryland gun law supposed to go into effect Oct. 1st shows it. The right to defend yourself in Md is frowned on by our officials . tks for your time Ken

06-09-2013, 01:55 AM
I have a CCW in California. It is not difficult is the county I live in. It is also good anywhere in the state.
Saying that, I carry when in SoCal. One of the things that may have stopped me in responding to him is something that CCW holders in CA are very aware of.
If I pull the trigger on my pistol for self defense or to stop some nut running around spraying bullets, I WILL loose my home and any savings to pay for my defense.
I would do so to protect my life and the lives of my family, I would hesitate for quite a while to do so for someone else.

06-09-2013, 02:51 AM
Santa Monica has been a liberal progressive city since the late 70's. I have know several of it's police officers that referred to the city council as the "People's Republic of California". I believe Jane Fonda was a member of the city council in the early 80's.
The city is so darn liberal hard core Democrat I doubt that 15% of them own firearms. Reports I have heard is that the shooter was another nut case that our liberal laws allow to run loose until they explode in a act of violence. First two people he killed were his father and brother. Neighbor stated he would fight with his mother and go out into front yard and howl and bark like a dog.
The police chief of Santa Monica is a die hard liberal progressive black female. she declined to tell what prior contacts they had with the suspect in the past. There was contacts but she would not tell press what they were for. I am betting it was him being reported as a possible mentally ill person and the liberal chief does not want that out, just the fact he used a assault rifle to stir up the anti gunners.
If you bother to check, just about every one of the mass killings in the past few years was done by a person with a prior history of mental problems and was know about but allowed to remain free and to obtain firearms. We can thank our liberals for creating that mess.

762 shooter
06-09-2013, 08:14 AM
Just think about walking down the street and seeing a uniformed person shooting at someone. Would your first response be to fire at the shooter? Unless the victims are kneeling head down and he is dispatching them with head shots, what do you know about the circumstances?

What if the crazed murderer yells that he IS a policeman?

My only point is most of these situations are fast and fluid. Decisions you make in a split second will affect you for the rest of your life. Be careful.

I guess California will enact draconian gun laws now.:veryconfu


06-09-2013, 10:16 AM
How did he get 1,300 rounds of ammo in a dozen mags? That is what is being reported.

06-09-2013, 10:22 AM
Not far around here, not far at all.

06-09-2013, 12:01 PM
I don't care what he was wearing or what it looked like at first when he started shooting randomly and taking out people on the street it would be obvious he was not a cop! It's encouraging to hear what others have been saying about where they live and no doubt in a lot of areas he would not have gotten off many shots before someone else started shooting, I suppose the areas chosen are not a coincidence for being "gun free zones" which has to be about the stupidest concept the libatards ever came up with!

06-10-2013, 01:14 PM
Instead of "gun free" zones they should be call "no resistance" zones..........

06-10-2013, 06:18 PM
Very good point 762 Shooter. We all have the context of knowing what this guy did. I think it could be challenging if you were just observing for a few seconds/min. Good reminder to keep alert and situationally aware as best you can

06-10-2013, 07:01 PM
Instead of "gun free" zones they should be call "no resistance" zones..........

"No resistance zones", hey I like that one!

What exactly do those idiots think a "gun free zone" is going to accomplish? Someone bent on doing something bad with his gun won't think twice about bringing it into the "zone" and in fact is likely to choose that area specifically because of it's status. All it accomplishes is to prevent honest law abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves and possibly others, why the dickens can't they see that? I guess I am just preaching to the choir saying all that here but good gosh are these idiots (there I called them idiots again!) totally blind to common sense?

06-11-2013, 12:17 PM
I live in a rural area and we don't have problems like this. I reckon the church on Sunday would be the only regular event that would provide a crazy like this the number of targets required for his rampage. Even then there would be plenty of readily available weapons to end the attack in relatively short order, but not without casualties. You can't stop crazies like this one. All you can do is try to limit the casualty count.

06-11-2013, 02:19 PM
I live in a rural area and we don't have problems like this. I reckon the church on Sunday would be the only regular event that would provide a crazy like this the number of targets required for his rampage. Even then there would be plenty of readily available weapons to end the attack in relatively short order, but not without casualties. You can't stop crazies like this one. All you can do is try to limit the casualty count.

Limiting the casualty count beats standing by watching it increase any day!

06-19-2013, 04:21 PM
Speaking about the gun free zones, I feel at risk every day. Every Military instalation is on federal property, and is a weapon (personal) free zone the only way you can bring a weapon on or off base is if you live on that instalation and have the weapon registered with the base security. If you have a weapon registered on base you are allowed to drive from your residence to the gate and cannot make any stops unless at a light or stop sign.
So our men and women who protect our freedoms everyday and most who are qualified and certifed to use and operate weapons in the military aren't allowed to carry them for personal protection when going to and from work. Has anyone seen the lines at the gates in the morning at a military instalation? Talk about a gun free kill zone! Also the bases that still have contract security guards are all mostly over 50 years old and about 20+ pounds over weight and are only required to pass a physical fitness test every year that consists of them being able to "run" for 100 yards without stopping.
I don't even want to attempt to have my weapon in my car and park outside the base and walk on as most bases are surrounded by the scum of the earth and use them as targets for theft, and scams. Not to mention I would have to walk about 15 miles round trip to get to and from where I work at.
I agree that every single mass shooter plans his attack at a location that he knows he will face the least amount of resistance and can cause the most amount of carnage. So if everyone know this fact why do we have gun free zones?