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View Full Version : I think I might cry

09-23-2007, 05:07 PM
Went to the range to sight in the new .375 Marlin today. I saw guys there sighting in dozens of guns. 300 win mags, 7mm mags, 30-06s, .308s, AR-15s, 22-250s and many others. These guys were all shooting factory loads and throwing it in the ranges buckets. I asked the range officers what they did with all of it. He said they sell a little bit of it, but, most of it goes to the recycler!!!:shock: :shock: About made me cry.

09-23-2007, 05:12 PM
Ask 'em if they'll sell it to you... ;)

09-23-2007, 05:38 PM
Ditto what Supermag said.

09-23-2007, 06:46 PM
That is what I like about our range, anything left on the ground is yours if you want to pick it up. The only thing is that bunch of skin flints only leave 17,22,and 22 mag. I do pick up someones 54/50 sabots, which I get three to five more loadings from.

09-23-2007, 11:05 PM
When I lived in the big city, they didn't mind if a reloader wanted to pick up brass. The rest they sold, but it amazed me how there were few reloaders there.

I used to take extra ziploc bags in my range case, and would be on my hands and knees picking up brass... :mrgreen:

09-24-2007, 02:02 AM
...............Our range used to be like most I suspect. If it was on the ground or the shooter said you could have it, it was yours. Now they have a couple volunteers that come on Mondays (Range is closed) and help the rangemaster clean up, etc. As payment all brass unless it's your own goes in brass buckets and the volunteers get it. I DON'T have a problem with that. I DO miss scrounging in the trash cans though, as I have a multitude of uses fo rthe slip top plastic boxes 22 & 17 mag RF comes in, and they're dumped on Mondays :-(

Last Tuesday it was tough though. Two guys burned up 200 rounds of new R-P ammo in their Garands, policed it all up and put it in the brass bucket. I watched the whole time with larceny in my heart. I remembered all the -'06 brass I already have and left it alone. It was still hard to do though :-)


09-24-2007, 09:02 AM
My range has a brass bucket, but generous souls often police their brass and leave it in an empty ammo box on the bench sorted by caliber- anyone who wants or needs it can help themselves without scrounging in the bucket or in the dirt.

09-24-2007, 09:50 AM
I found a bunch of LC 06 brass and it went to the scrap bin as it was reloads and the web had the bright strech marks, have to be careful of what is left as it may be at the end of its useful life.

09-24-2007, 10:04 AM
I am not above hands and knees for some brass scrounging! The WMA range has small tubs that are sometimes full and sometimes empty.

09-24-2007, 02:58 PM
Kinda makes you feel like a kid at christmas, NEVER knowing what you'll find!

09-24-2007, 05:15 PM
Just qualified a whole P.D and NO ONE picked up their brass. It's good to be the king.

09-24-2007, 09:41 PM
Blows me away when you see them 340, 375 Weatherby or 375 HH laying around that stuff is pricey. If you don't know any better I guess that is how it is done.

09-26-2007, 12:11 AM
At the little range I go to, any brass you find is yours. Heck, when 460 Rowland was brand new, I found most of a box (42 rounds) and sold it on a certain web site who does not allow that today. I got $42.00 plus shipping for it.
Never did find any more, dern it!!
I have found 7mmSTW 450 Marlin, lots of .338, ,300 Win mag ,and of course a boat load of 30/06.
It never ceases to amaze me what gets left behind. It used to be that I would find a box of .30 carbine every time I went. I never did meet the guy who was shooting the carbine, but I appreciated the donation. I sold that gun( what an idiot).

09-26-2007, 12:22 AM
When I was a young broke college student I had a place down on the river that I would shoot at from time to time and I often found once fired pistol brass there. Another time an old high school buddy came to town and showed me his new Ruger 357 that he said he had just been out shooting at a bridge outside of town. I asked him what he did with the brass and he said I just dumped it on the bridge, so I hurried out there and I only found about 1/3 of it as the bridge has planks with large gaps in them for a driving surface. :(

Paul B
09-27-2007, 03:07 PM
We have three ranges, one semi-private, the state owns it but our club runs it on a lease, and two owned by the county. Ours has a policy that says you can keep yours or any that someone gives you. if it's in the buckets, it belongs to the range. They box and sell some of it and sell the rest as scrap. What's lying on the ground is not clear as to who gets it.
The two county ranges state that anything in the buckets is teirs. They sell none of it, and they actually have a smelter to melt it all down, which they then take to the scrap yard. I only went there once and got thrown out. The rangemaster tried to tell me that my brass that landed on the ground belonged to the range. I told he he could have it after I stuff it up his you know where. I picked it up, put it my box and he ordered me off the range.
One of the things that made me sick was there was at least two boxes of once fired .416 Rigby brass in the bucket. I'd have given them $20 for those two boxes which would have been a hell of a lot more than melted brass. For those that do not know, .416 Rigby ammo ran $125.00 a box the last time I bought some. That's $6.25 every time you pull the trigger. If that guy hadn't kept his eye on the buckets, I sure as hell would have slickied those two boxes.
Paul B.

09-27-2007, 04:32 PM
A buddy who works at an indoor range came by today, with 20 pounds of range scrap lead, and four BIG boxes of brass, 38Spl and 9mm, half of which is in the tumbler right now...the other half waits patiently.[smilie=1:
When I worked at Jensens' indoor range, we had 10 55 gallon drums in the back full of mixed brass. I didn't reload at the time, or one of those would have been at my house.
We would GIVE baggies for reloaders to fill up with. I don't know, but I'd bet the brass all went into the garbage when the place closed.:(

09-27-2007, 05:19 PM
My club puts on a pistol shoot every August. After the weekend is over,I go back to the range(our range) and pick up several hundred pieces each of 45 and 9 mil,some 45 Colt this year. It keeps me in brass for a while. Especially when I never actually recover all that I have shot throughout the year. Seems like if I shoot 50 rounds,I only get back 39---brass gremlins!