View Full Version : Wax Bullet Tong Tool???

06-05-2013, 11:39 AM
My Dad used to have an aluminum (maybe pot metal, but it stayed bright silver) tong type tool that probably came with a set of aluminum .38 Special cases with big flash holes, for use with wax bullets. The cases were NOT to be used with regular loads. The tool had a decapping pin on one jaw and I think the bullet seating end was on the other jaw. Don't remember whether it also seated primers.

Can't find it.

Anyone know what it was and whether anyone makes/sells something comparable?

Unlike the Lyman 310, this one hinged more like a pair of pliers, the business end being on the far side of the hinge.

Tried Google with variations on tool and tong and "wax bullet" and "wax bullets" but the first few pages of results are never close. Got down to like 5 results using CCI or maybe Lyman but those were not productive.


Bent Ramrod
06-05-2013, 01:09 PM
CCI made one of those aluminum pliers tools for the Quick Draw enthusiasts back in the '50's and '60's. They turn up sometimes at gun shows. CCI offered plastic bullets as well back then.

john hayslip
06-05-2013, 02:07 PM
I've got a set though I don't know where I got it. Seems as though I remember there was an outfit called Red Head that did them too. I still use mine for decapping centerfire over 22 cal

06-05-2013, 08:23 PM
Aw, ya don't wanna sell it?

I gots ten bucks here!!!!

Seriously, now that I not only know they exist but who made them (I thought I saw a line drawing of it on the side of a CCI wax bullet box decades ago...), I wouldn't mind replacing the missing item.

Dad asked me about it maybe 7 years ago. We're nowhere close to done clearing out the garage, but almost everything has been looked at and it hasn't turned up yet.

Would be nice to play around using those red things for something other than flux.

Dale in Louisiana
06-08-2013, 05:58 PM
I used to take a block of Gulfwax, the canning wax available in the canning sections of grocery stores, let it set in the sun to get soft, and then push the neck of a primed .303 British case into it to make wax bullets. They were reasonably accurate and really quiet for practicing in the back room of the house and they would hold 'minute of chicken' at thirty feet to encourage the hens to vacate Grandma's porch.

A block of wax made a lot of wax bullets and you could collect 'em and remelt and re-use.

I never enlarged the flash-holes because I used the same cases for j-bullet handloads. this was many years ago before I started casting.

dale in Louisiana

06-12-2013, 01:23 AM
Here's a pic of the tool.


Someone here e-mailed me a link to a closed auction for this thing. Trying to contact the seller now...unless someone here has one they want to sell for the right price.