View Full Version : Remington 7600 FTF (and cause, not the rifle's fault).

Four Fingers of Death
06-03-2013, 06:34 AM
I was range officer today and my friend bought his camo 7600 with camo thumbhole stock and camo scoped 308 (nice rifle)to the range and while he was zeroing the scope, it suddenly stopped working.

I have a 7600, but haven't used it much, but have used 87-Wingmasters at work for 23+ years, so after a bit of head scratching, I had the trigger group out and there was something stopping the sear letting go of the hammer when the trigger was pressed. I hadn't inspected a 870/7600 trigger group for some seven years or more and I was wondering what the little round plastic part on the LHS did. I was busy trying to supervise a range full of shooters, so had to leave it with him. I reassembled the rifle and he went into the local gunshop and returned about 30 minutes later. Turns out the little plastic thingo was a tiny decorative plug off the cord on end of his scope caps. It had obviously fallen out, dropped through the ejection port and worked it's way down to the trigger group!

Between trying to get the rifle going and watching the shooters at the benches, I missed it.

I'm glad it was so simple, I won't get caught like that again! haha.

I will have to dust off my 7600 Police and get a bit of trigger time in on it.