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View Full Version : Say a little prayer for me...

The Black Pearl
06-03-2013, 04:03 AM
Well guys after struggling for years, deciding 6 months ago to do it, 3 months of jumping through some hoops today is the day!!! I will be checking into the hospital in about a hour for my Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy!!! For those that don't know that's having my stomach removed and leaving a 4 oz sliver. I'm not worried or scared heck I reload a 500 mag lol but figured any prayers could help. I will check in later and let you all know how it went thanks my friends.

06-03-2013, 04:05 AM
Good luck and God bless.

06-03-2013, 12:18 PM
Good morning
Yes I will also pray God blesses this procedure. Had to research it also to know what this is.
Mike in Peru

06-03-2013, 12:24 PM
May GOD put his hands around you and protect you during this proceedure, and bless you as well as the physician.

06-03-2013, 06:28 PM
prayers going up. and if I may offer a word...please listen and do exactly what they tell you to eat and not to eat. all will be well! keep us posted!

The Black Pearl
06-03-2013, 07:00 PM
Well surgery went great! no hernia no problems. I only slept a hour last night so very sleepily but doing well stomach or what's left feels very crampy like a bad diarrhea cramp other that doing well lol the morphine drip is defiantly helping.... Will update more later thanks guys!

country gent
06-03-2013, 07:04 PM
My thoughts and Prayers go out to you and your family. May all go well

06-03-2013, 07:42 PM
Doesn't sound like fun at all ... glad it went well. Keep checking in.


06-03-2013, 11:15 PM
Prayed for you TBP. I hope this works out well for you. The first day of the rest of your life! :2_high5:

smoked turkey
06-03-2013, 11:39 PM
If attitude has an effect on the outcome, yours should be great. The procedure sounds like it could entail a long recovery period. My prayer for you is that you will continue to improve very quickly and that the surgery will be a complete success. I pray you will rest well and be refreshed.

The Black Pearl
06-03-2013, 11:58 PM
Thanks for all the kind words guys your all like a big family to me and I appreciate you all, very much the first day of the rest of my life, last day of my old life too! Well time for another nap hard to sleep but with a morphine drip it helps! Will posted more in the am

06-04-2013, 10:24 AM
I wish you a speedy recovery. God bless.

06-04-2013, 10:33 AM
Hoping that all continues to go well. I bet eating is going to be different now!

The Black Pearl
06-04-2013, 10:36 AM
Well so far everything is going great they will be coming to remove the drain and hopefully by noon be released and starting the almost 2 hour ride home thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes don't think there's such a thing as too many prayers lol thanks again my brothers!'j

The Black Pearl
06-04-2013, 05:40 PM
Well finally home and off the good pain meds so this is pretty rough at the moment, but will get a lil better each day so they say lol. And yes lots of changes, amount of food, number of times I eat each day, what I eat each day but the rewards will be what I have wanted for many years. Little back history I'm 6'6" always been large framed and when I was playing football in school I strived to gain a lil weight. Lots of carbs and protein and workouts. Well the football stopped the work out slowed and the diet didn't. Oh I lost weight but always a yo-yo drop so much and gain it back plus a few. My highest recorded weight was 462 a couple years back and I fought to get down to 280 then.... I gained it back. March 29 2013 I weighed in at 455 that was the day I went to the information class about the different types of bariatric surgeries, see my doc got worried blood pressure was getting high and so was blood sugar. Well I started to diet on my own at that point and on May 20 2013 I weighed in at 434 with a lose of 21 lbs. Then my 2 week diet of 800 calories and 60 grams of protein a day started and 2 weeks later on June 3 2013 I weighed in at 405 yes that's right I lost 29 lbs in 2 weeks. For the next month I am on a 400 calorie liquid diet and hope to lose another 50. My goal weight is 250 lbs so after there diet plans I should be at about 350 and will continue work to lose the last hundred. With exercise and the right diet my doc figures 8 months to reach it then its just a matter of increasing calories till I am maintaining that weight. Sorry about the long write up but I'm just so excited to finally start this journey, and wanted to share it with my brothers. Again thank you all for the warm wishes and prayers! I will try to keep you all updated on my journey. Take care my friends!

06-05-2013, 12:53 AM
Glad your home and moving on with it!
I know about struggling with weight. Not to your extent but have fought the pounds for years. 306lb last Doc visit. Bp meds, lipids high, cholesterol high etc.
Praying for you.

06-05-2013, 06:01 AM
I am glad to hear all went well Tony. I am pm'ing you my phone number just in case you need someone to talk to.


The Black Pearl
06-05-2013, 06:03 AM
I am glad to hear all went well Tony. I am pm'ing you my phone number just in case you need someone to talk to.


Thanks Andy!!

Wayne Smith
06-05-2013, 07:30 AM
Tony, congratulations on a difficult decision and a long fight. This surgery is a tool, nothing more or less. It does not solve the problem, it only gives you a fighting chance to solve the problem. After my Dx of diabetes I started losing weight and exercising. Nothing as dramatic as your are doing, but my hardest problem wasn't and isn't losing the weight. My hardest problem is establishing an interesting diet that maintains my weight and condition. Counting carbs and controlling them has been a central part of that process.

The Black Pearl
06-05-2013, 12:18 PM
Boy do I miss the morphine drip, really hurting today but its suppose to get better one day at a time....

06-05-2013, 01:48 PM
Digestive track surgeries deliver off and on very noticeable pains for about a year and a half. Cancer pains are more consistent, but are usually manageable because the docs are more generous with the pain drugs. In your situation, ask the docs to give you a prescription of straight up oxycodone hydrochloride (all by itself: no nothin' mixed in) in 5mg units. Have the druggists cut the pills in half. Take one 2.5mg pill per 4 to 6 hours, longer the better here. If pain persists, go to two of these little slices, and increase the time in between. By doing this the chances of becoming dependent are next to zero. Even if you become dependent, quitting such low doses become no more effort than quitting ice cream/cokes. ... felix

The Black Pearl
06-05-2013, 01:58 PM
Good tip thanks ill talk to the doc

06-05-2013, 02:10 PM
In addition, if pain is too much still, you can take a half pill of 325mg Tylenol with the oxycodone. If even still too much pain, you might add a half pill of 200mg Advil to the same dose as well. However, for digestive pain, the Advil (or aspirin) is NOT recommended because they are of the NSAID type of drugs which can (and will) cause internal bleeding. You might want to take a full 325mg Tylenol instead with a 5mg of oxycodone. Oxycodone is very compatible with these extra drugs, and not only that, they act in very homogeneous fashion which increases the pain alleviation as a composite drug. ... felix

06-06-2013, 11:42 AM
Still praying for you Tony.

If you do take Narcotic Analgesics make sure you take something to prevent constipation!

06-06-2013, 10:58 PM
Yes, constipation will be encouraged by too much oxycodone. And, headaches, too! And, for that matter, dreams can be colorfull.

Magnesium pills to loosen things up, and calcium pills to harden things back up. Those two must be balanced to make things "normal". Take half pill's worth because adjustment can be as difficult as dialling in a good load with a bad boolit-powder combo, LITERALLY. Magnesium can be habit forming too, so be conservative all around with both. The only choice for headaches (in your situation) is Tylenol. Increase the dose of this slightly to keep a clean head. ... felix

06-06-2013, 11:50 PM
Yes, constipation will be encouraged by too much oxycodone. And, headaches, too! And, for that matter, dreams can be colorfull.

Magnesium pills to loosen things up, and calcium pills to harden things back up. Those two must be balanced to make things "normal". Take half pill's worth because adjustment can be as difficult as dialling in a good load with a bad boolit-powder combo, LITERALLY. Magnesium can be habit forming too, so be conservative all around with both. The only choice for headaches (in your situation) is Tylenol. Increase the dose of this slightly to keep a clean head. ... felix
Literally working up a "load" ! Ha ha ha ha! I slay me!

The Black Pearl
06-06-2013, 11:52 PM
Doing pretty well so far on a loratab liquid that's working well, finally having bm's kinda loose but on a 350 calorie liquid diet for the month so can't expect much more than that. Gas is finally letting up starting to feel like me again and the truly greatest part ABSOLUTLY no hungry pains or even feelings for that matter. Drinking everything slow and not having any nausea problems so all and all would have to say I'm doing well hoping tomorrow to get back to exercising a lil was doing 30 mins a day on the treadmill and lost 29 lbs in 2 weeks. Would have to say I get asked a lot if it was worth it and so far 100%. Has it been easy, well no but is anything worth having? Thanks again guys for the advise and prayers

06-13-2013, 10:42 AM
OK Tony, another week gone by. How are you doing? I am still praying for you.

06-13-2013, 10:45 AM
OK Tony, another week gone by. How are you doing? I am still praying for you. :)

The Black Pearl
06-14-2013, 02:51 PM
Doing well guys. Still quite sore but getting better each day. Love not being hungry or having hunger pains till on the 350 calorie liquid diet, and not "cheating" at all, some do. But feeling good losing weight quickly ready to head out and mow some grass. 2 week check next Thursday so excited to see how everything is going, they do full physical. Will keep checking in thanks for listening to my babble!

06-15-2013, 08:33 AM
Good morning
Anis tea is great for gas. That is what the docs here give surgury patients. Works very well. Two tea bags in a 2 quart pot boiled for an hour.
Mike in Peru

Victor N TN
07-02-2013, 07:09 PM
Good luck. I know 2 people that have had it done. Both responded wonderfully. Prayers on their way.

07-03-2013, 09:43 AM
Anybody heard from Tony? He has not logged in for a few weeks now. I hope all is well with him.

The Black Pearl
07-19-2013, 07:48 PM
Sorry guys been so much going on between me and wife everything has been up in the air but wanted to report doing well healing well and eating again well a lil lol. I'm down now about 100 lbs that's about half way for me so still walking this journey, but 100 lbs in under 4 months I'm not complaining. Hope all is well with everyone, take are my friends

08-09-2013, 11:19 PM
How are you doing now? Hope all is well.

The Black Pearl
08-10-2013, 07:24 PM
Things have been well, have lost just over 120 lbs so far with no real problems to speak of. Trying to figure if I can sell my house and move, too much stress but loving the weight lost take care my friends!!

The Black Pearl
03-27-2016, 07:04 PM
Immmm back!!! Well after two years of hauling crude oil in North Dakota I am now back in Michigan. Central Michigan now Baldwin to be exact! Loving life and so glad to be home. My weight lose journey has been incredible, this June 3 will be three years and I have lost a total of 270 lbs! I lost that in the first year and have been maintaining 205 pounds now since! Life has been good! Hope to get back in touch with everyone again!

Preacher Jim
03-27-2016, 07:13 PM
Lord give Tony the strength to recalibrate his life. Protect and continued healing from this surgery. Give him your Dailey protection from old habits and help him overcome himself. Pore your grace on him and his family.

The Black Pearl
03-27-2016, 07:14 PM

03-27-2016, 07:27 PM
Tony you have done well ! Glad your surgery was such a success and you have done a good job maintaining . Thanks for posting , it helps others !

The Black Pearl
03-27-2016, 07:29 PM
I was told less than 5% keep it off after 2 years so yes I feel very lucky!

03-27-2016, 07:45 PM
What a great report. God Bless you Brother. Good for you.

03-27-2016, 08:02 PM
Immmm back!!! Well after two years of hauling crude oil in North Dakota I am now back in Michigan. Central Michigan now Baldwin to be exact! Loving life and so glad to be home. My weight lose journey has been incredible, this June 3 will be three years and I have lost a total of 270 lbs! I lost that in the first year and have been maintaining 205 pounds now since! Life has been good! Hope to get back in touch with everyone again!


The Black Pearl
03-27-2016, 08:02 PM
Thanks it truely is!

03-27-2016, 08:26 PM
I would ask you a question , you need not answer or elaborate if you choose not to . Do you think our Lord helped you get through this?

The Black Pearl
03-27-2016, 08:33 PM
110% I do. I was depressed, very unhealthy and weighed close to 500lbs. Seemed the more I tried the worse it got until I gave up, gave it up to the big guy. Two days later at a check up appt I had my doc laid the news on me. High blood pressure diabetes I felt like worse then ever. He mentioned a informational class about the surgery options so I agreed to go. That night I prayed, the next morning I called and got into a open seat for that night. Long story short lol I gave it to him and he led the way for me!

03-27-2016, 08:37 PM
Very proud for ya, you did good. Happy to see you doing so well. Trust in the Lord and all things a capable.


03-27-2016, 08:52 PM
110% I do. I was depressed, very unhealthy and weighed close to 500lbs. Seemed the more I tried the worse it got until I gave up, gave it up to the big guy. Two days later at a check up appt I had my doc laid the news on me. High blood pressure diabetes I felt like worse then ever. He mentioned a informational class about the surgery options so I agreed to go. That night I prayed, the next morning I called and got into a open seat for that night. Long story short lol I gave it to him and he led the way for me!

Thank you sir more than you know . Again I am more than happy for your victory ! I will pray for your success .

03-27-2016, 08:53 PM
Prayer sent for you.

03-27-2016, 09:23 PM
Tony, I am happy to hear of your weight loss but most of all that you trust GOD in all things. I pray that you will continue to lose weight, Get more strength and praise GOD for seeing you through this ordeal.

The Black Pearl
03-27-2016, 09:50 PM
Thank u but I hope I don't lose anymore weight lol I'm now 6'6" and 207 much more and I'll look like a crack head! Doc said ideal was 210 and I still have 15-20 lbs of skin to remove, but I'll never afford it. Just thankful to be healthy!

The Black Pearl
03-27-2016, 09:51 PM
Thank you sir more than you know . Again I am more than happy for your victory ! I will pray for your success .

You considering it?

03-27-2016, 09:58 PM
You considering it?

No , I had considered it at one point but had more medical problems causing fluid retention and other issues that the surgery wouldn't help plus the failure factor that you mentioned . I think you made a good choice , your success proves that . I'm more than happy for you !

smoked turkey
03-27-2016, 10:01 PM
Tony I have read your story here and it is amazing what you have allowed the Lord to do through your life. It takes a lot of perseverance to do what you have done. Without a doubt you could not have done it without the Lord being with you, I pray for continued strength and success in this journey.

03-28-2016, 06:08 AM
BP, I know a young lady who had that surgery and it has also been very successful for her. It's amazing how much it changed her life. Glad it worked out well for you as well.

03-28-2016, 07:21 AM
Heavenly Father, I come to You to ask that You whisper into the surgeons and medical team that will do the surgery and treatments following the surgery. Please remove and concerns and fears not only for Black Pearl but his family and friends as well. Father wrap Your loving arms around him and heal him... Amen

The Black Pearl
03-29-2016, 07:07 AM
Thank you all so much for the prayers and well wishes!!

03-29-2016, 12:45 PM
Praying for continued health and improvement.

03-29-2016, 02:06 PM
BP, you've just won a battle that most just plain don't. What you were battling was really our survival instinct. Eating is as closely linked to our survival as breathing. And it's VERY hard to overcome our survival instincts, like eating, breathing, etc. But you did it! My hat's off to you, sir! Many of us fight this battle daily, though not quite to the extent you had to, and it's a constant problem and challenge. Ya' done good, sir. REAL good! And God can't do it by himself. He needed YOU to git-r-done, and you came through for HIM. So please accept our appreciation and respect for providing the rest of us with a fine example of what all God can do when he has our help in whatever we face. Examples like your matter. Thanks for helping show us the way.

The Black Pearl
03-29-2016, 02:13 PM
Thank you so much it has been one heck of a journey. But the rewards are incredible, I turned 40 this year and I am in the best shape of my life. Feel better than ever! Will say as a warning to anyone thinking about this, the skin, the skin, the skin! That's my only negative, had dreams of walking a beach shirtless for once in my life, but after hearing back from the surgeon I don't see me ever affording the treatment. But I'm healthy I feel good the wife and I walk, cross country ski, bicycle so there's a lot of positives!

03-29-2016, 03:59 PM
Praise GOD !

03-29-2016, 09:55 PM
BP, don't worry about the looks. Go to the beach. Go shirtless anyway, and be PROUD of what you and God and the docs did together. I got back from the funeral home not long ago. A friend's mother died. It was expected, and while it's always hard to lose your mother, they know she's up there and more worried about them than they'll ever be able to be worried about her. She was 89, and she and her husband, who died a few years back, did marriage the right way. Like my elder Uncle Titus and Aunt Mary, in their 80's, they'd hold hands and smile the sweetest smile with each other, and Uncle Titus was an old Fla. cowboy, back when Fla. had way more real, working cowboys than Texas did. He was macho to the hilt, and VERY principled, but he and Aunt Mary were like childhood sweethearts all their lives, and her love could melt that tough old cowboy like a Hershey bar in the hot sun.

My friend's mother and dad, and my uncle and aunt, weren't the prettiest folks to look at, like many I've known who I could tell similar things about, but they were happy, satisfied, and very much appreciative of what they had and for just being here, and the grace they'd known in their lives. They never worried about what they didn't have, or what they weren't. They just loved being who and what they were, and tried to make the best of it. It's taken me an awful long time to learn that, but if there's a better way to approach life, I haven't found it yet.

So go to the beach. Enjoy. And love God all the more for the simple opportunity to do so. If, like me, you don't impress anyone, why care? That's not why you're there anyway, is it? Don't ever feel like you have to fit in to other's limited views of what you're "supposed" to look like or be. Just be it, and be joyous for it.

Besides, the beach is fun, and a great time away from the noise and hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, these days, and that's a fine time to simply sit in the sun and just be thankful. I think the Lord would appreciate your doing such a simple and significant thing.

daniel lawecki
03-29-2016, 10:02 PM
Prayers Sent keep up the good work

The Black Pearl
04-29-2016, 10:21 PM
Thanks for all the the prayers sent. Finally found a decent local trucking job, it's a lot of work and hours on this 40 year old body but it pays well, but I'll never find a better paying job here in central Michigan. Even with 15 years experience over the road pay can't touch this, hell on my OT hours with my bonus I'm $4 -$5 a hour short of North Dakota money! Only problem now is I'm losing too much weight and just can't eat enough to fight it off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-29-2016, 10:51 PM
Glad you got a good job, hard to come by . Do you think you need to check in with your doctor ? Sounds like you need to .

Pine Baron
04-30-2016, 09:17 AM
Just found this thread. What an incredible story/journey.
My prayers for you and continued success. All things are possible with God's Blessings.