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View Full Version : Illinois NEW CCW laws

Bad Water Bill
06-01-2013, 10:24 AM
I just started reading the many questions concerning the restoration of our 2A RIGHTS.

TODD asked everyone to allow him a few days rest after getting everyone in Illinois this far.

I would like to send him and his family on an all expense paid trip around the world BUT since Girty does NOT pass golden nuggets that is not going to happen.

Todd said he will address the many questions folks have at that time.

If all of the INTERESTED folks have not already joined ILLINOIS CARRY there is no better time than now.


Our fight is not over by a long shot so keep current as things progress.

06-01-2013, 01:50 PM
Okay, Bill...I give up. Followed the link (http://illinoiscarry.com/forum/index.php?) to the website for the third or fourth time but still can't find any information as to where (or how) to sign on as a member of the forum. Went to the 'sign up' page and all that apparently does is put me on their e-mail list.


Bad Water Bill
06-01-2013, 04:01 PM
Not sure when you tried. The site had overload problems obviously after all of this. Even I could not send a P M to another member.

I just tried

http://illinoiscarry.com/forum/index.php?act=idx a second ago and got right thru. Yes I had signed off so I would look like a noobe.

On the upper right side it reads CREATE AN ACCOUNT Then will ask further info.

If you still have problems send me a P M and I will try to help.

Remember that many of the REAL movers and shakers there are taking a well deserved couple of days off.

06-01-2013, 08:48 PM
The Bill:


06-02-2013, 01:17 AM
For those of us that drive through Illinois from time to time, this appears to be the most
relevant portion.

(e) Nothing in this Act shall prohibit a non-resident from transporting a concealed firearm within
his or her vehicle in Illinois, if the concealed firearm remains within his or her vehicle and
the non-resident:
(1) is not prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm under federal law;
(2) is eligible to carry a firearm in public under the laws of his or her state or territory of residence; and
(3) is not in possession of a license under this Act.
If the non-resident leaves his or her vehicle unattended, he or she shall store the firearm within a locked
vehicle or locked container within the vehicle in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 65 of this Act.

Section 65 subsection b) says:

(b) Notwithstanding subsections (a), (a-5), and (a-10) of this Section except under
paragraph (22) or (23) of subsection (a), any licensee prohibited from carrying
a concealed firearm into the parking area of a prohibited location specified in
subsection (a), (a-5), or (a-10) of this Section shall be permitted to carry a
concealed firearm on or about his or her person within a vehicle into the parking
area and may store a firearm or ammunition concealed in a case within a locked
vehicle or locked container out of plain view within the vehicle in the parking area.
A licensee may carry a concealed firearm in the immediate area surrounding his
or her vehicle within a prohibited parking lot area only for the limited purpose of
storing or retrieving a firearm within the vehicle's trunk, provided the licensee
ensures the concealed firearm is unloaded prior to exiting the vehicle. For purposes
of this subsection, "case" includes a glove compartment or console that completely
encloses the concealed firearm or ammunition, the trunk of the vehicle, or a firearm
carrying box, shipping box, or other container.

My read (NOT a lawyer) is that a non-Illinois resident that is legally able to own a handgun
and is approved to carry in public in his own state (CCW or from a Constitutional Carry state)
can have the gun "within his vehicle" and only need to lock it up in case of exiting the vehicle.
It specifically states that a locked glove box or console or the trunk is OK and that moving
it unloaded to and from the trunk is OK. No gotchas there. Sounds pretty workable.

The remaining question is can I have the gun on my person and loaded while in the car or
not, and if not on my person, can it be loaded in an unlocked console while I am in the
car? The "within the vehicle" seems to permit either one - with the lack of clarity on
loaded vs unloaded, however.


Bad Water Bill
06-02-2013, 02:06 AM
Bill I will tell you the same as other curious members. The durned thing ain't been signed yet and none of the legal eagles have had any time to do a good study and check to make sure every T has been crossed.

Our N R A rep has asked us to give him a couple of well deserved rest days then we can get answers that can be carved in stone. In Illinois anything can and some times does happen JUST BEFORE THE INK COMPLETELY DRIES.

I am sorry I will not answer questions YET but I definitely do not want to give out GUESTIMATES from a crystal ball.

I hope you and many others understand.

Yes I am starting to turn into a CRANKY OLD MAN from reading complaints because someone did not get all of their wishes granted. We WILL HAVE OUR OWN ccw LAW ON THE BOOKS SHORTLY.

Now it is entirely up to the winers and others that are not happy to step up and make our CCW the envy of the other 49 or is it 57 states.:bigsmyl2:

06-02-2013, 05:00 AM
BWB its your law. Residents in other state can go away. Mt gun has a legimate question but it will take time to answer. People in other states do what you did before the law was passed. Either that or avoid the state until after everyone has figured out the various sublties of the law and how it is being enforced. Remember this is an Illinois law , you don't like it don't go to Illinois.

06-02-2013, 11:12 AM
ZERO complaints, and I know that Ill is famous for intrigue. Just reading the words as
they are currently written.

There is also interpretation and the regulations. I helped write some of the regs for KS
and know that this process can change a LOT of details. I had to fight like HECK to keep
our FRIENDS (they said they were) on the regulation subcommittees from making the
law a bunch worse. Got into some serious squabbles and some of our "friends" turned
out to be looking to line their own pockets at the expense of shooters.Be sure you watch
out for this. I was VERY surprised.

I won't talk to at least one person after that mess, but in the end we got pretty good
regs and have fixed them even more since.

THE KEY POINT --- Every state that has gotten CCW has been able to go back
and make things more eqitable and reasonable afterwards, it seems that the fight
is considered totally lost by the gun haters once CCW is in place for a while and the
later regulation and law improvements are usually much easier. People stop freaking out
and start acting a lot more normal once the laws have been in place for a while an
nothing bad has happened. Even some of the chiefs of police that were dead set
against it will come around, you will see. Certainly not all, but some substantial
part of your opposition is honest, well-meaning folks that are just absolutely certain
that CCW will cause huge mayhem and blood in the streets. When it doesn't happen
they are AMAZED and either back down and never worry about it again, or start
working to make it more sensible and reasonable of a law.


06-02-2013, 01:09 PM
BWB its your law. Residents in other state can go away. Mt gun has a legimate question but it will take time to answer. People in other states do what you did before the law was passed. Either that or avoid the state until after everyone has figured out the various sublties of the law and how it is being enforced. Remember this is an Illinois law , you don't like it don't go to Illinois.

Well it would seem likely that Bill and I may have a problem not going there as we live in neighboring states.
This leads to the very high likelyhood of being very difficult to head east without going there, albeit possible but very cumbersome.
Also I do have many friends in the flatland and would like to visit them on ocassion.
They also have a nice rifle range in Milan.

I do have an aunt in the peoples republic of California I should visit but I don't care for many of the things that go on there either, but I should still visit her!

06-02-2013, 01:15 PM
Good for you guys!!!

06-02-2013, 07:36 PM
Congratulations! And now on to the second part of the fight! You have to see that all the good thing you have in the bill are not lost in its interpretation by the various agencies that will finalize it. This is just as important as getting it passed.

But remember, good or bad, perfect or not, it is a place to start and it can always be improved later!

06-04-2013, 09:38 AM

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has filed a request with a federal appeals court asking for an additional 30 days to put in place a law that would allow citizens to carry guns in public.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals gave the state until June 9 to come up with concealed carry rules when it struck down Illinois’ longtime ban in December. Last week, lawmakers passed a measure setting out who could carry guns and where, but Madigan argues Gov. Pat Quinn should have more time to review the legislation before deciding whether to sign it into law.

06-04-2013, 12:43 PM
All I know is that I'm proud as can be of my brethren in Illinois who refused to give up and who continue to fight for the Constitution and the rights therein. I look forward to this law passing, and although as Bill (Mt.Gun44) noted, it might not be to everyone's liking AT FIRST (give it time and with each legislature the law can be loosened up and relaxed based upon empirical evidence and statistics that the Land of Lincoln has NOT turned into the "wild west"), it is far better than many other states whose laws regarding guns are actually moving backwards.

Colorado, California, Connecticut and New York come immediately to mind.

I'm also joining the Illinois State Rifle Association even though I am a Texas resident. I figure it's more than worth the $25 to show solidarity and support in the early days of the state's concealed carry law.

I would urge others--especially those of you who either travel through Illinois or who live in bordering states--to also join ISRA for a couple of years. Remember: politicians understand numbers, and the more numbers we have as gun-owners, the better our prospects for safeguarding our rights.

George, GOOD job to you and everyone up there who refused to give up.


06-05-2013, 09:15 AM


06-05-2013, 02:19 PM
A Missouri newspaper thinks that it might be a year before people in Illinois can carry concealed.

Bad Water Bill
06-05-2013, 04:48 PM
Recluse After spending countless hours on the phone with the Illinois State Rifle Assn I finally convinced them to allow "Ill-Tempered Texans" to join in our fight.:kidding:

We are not sure yet where we are going before CCW becomes the law. We could STILL have to go to SCOTUS before this is ironed out.

IF we have to go there and we win the victory COULD be a big win for EVERY state with a MAY ISSUE law so watch what happens here in Illinois.

I have no idea where or how all of the court costs are paid but I am sure memberships and donations make up a big part of it.

If anyone wants to help out just go here.


Or you can call 1-815-635-3166 and one of the lovely young ladies there will be glad to help you.

As of 10 minutes ago I was told that "the lawyers are still reviewing EVERYTHING concerning our CCW so PLEASE do not comment till you hear from us". "the Illinois State Rifle Assn"

That being said I hope many folks here understand why I am hiding away in an undisclosed location.:bigsmyl2:

06-05-2013, 05:01 PM
What new Illinois CCW laws? Is this a "trick thread"? ;)

Best of luck to you.. but I'd not put a large amount of money on a bet. Once Cook County's population exceeded the rest of the state combined, it was all over for you. Sad. In some ways I miss my native state.. but I'll never move back.

And I was about to plan on driving across the Mississippi with a loaded .45 ACP in the glove box just to do it (legally). Probably never be able to. What you people will put up with in your politicians... bogus and sad really...

06-05-2013, 05:07 PM
What new Illinois CCW laws? Is this a "trick thread"? ;)

Best of luck to you.. but I'd not put a large amount of money on a bet. Once Cook County's population exceeded the rest of the state combined, it was all over for you. Sad. In some ways I miss my native state.. but I'll never move back.

And I was about to plan on driving across the Mississippi with a loaded .45 ACP in the glove box just to do it (legally). Probably never be able to. What you people will put up with in your politicians... bogus and sad really...

Tell me about it.
I plan on moving to FL. in a year and 1/2 and there will still probably be no permits issued by then.

06-05-2013, 06:22 PM
You know, come to think of it, I am a little surprised that Texas allows Utah to outdo them in the area of Non-Resident Carry.

Be kind of neat if Texas would be the first to commit to reciprocity.

06-06-2013, 10:09 AM

As you know last Friday, after years of work the Illinois House and Senate had passed HB0183 with an overwhelming vote. It is the first concealed carry bill to ever pass the Illinois General Assembly. The votes in both Houses surpassed the Super Majority requirement by a wide margin. Even though the bill had passed both houses the June 8th date still existed. Tuesday, Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed and received a 30 day extension on the June 8th date. Now we are at a July 8th date.

The Governor received HB0183 today. There are four things that can happen.

1. The Governor can sign the bill.

2. The Governor can take no action and in 60 days the bill becomes law but that would push us passed the July 8th day. It is conceivable the court could grant another extension.

3. The Governor could veto the bill.

4. The Governor could use an Amendatory Veto (AV). Number 3 and 4 would mean it would be October 22nd before an override of the Governor's veto could happen.

There are a variety of things that can happen in the coming days and months. What ever happens I assure you the ISRA will do all it can on your behalf. I'm sure we will have many alerts before this is all over so please keep checking your emails.

I told everyone we are going to have our resolve tested and tested again. We will never quit fighting and we will never give up. The Second Amendment is here to stay in Illinois.

Thanks for being a member.

Richard Pearson
ISRA Executive Director

06-06-2013, 11:09 PM

As Bad Water Bill points out, we have to wait and see, but...

If the Appellate Court would quit granting extensions, Quinn's veto could severely back-fire...

We're really stretching the grey matter here, but if Quinn uses the amendatory veto, I thought the law was: he would have to call a special session of the legislature during their recess. Probably not endearing him to the legislators. (I'll have to go look this up.)

I'm still very positive and hopeful. This passed the Leg. by a wide margin, and there's a court order in place. Quinn would really be going against the grain not to sign. This is what a Chitcago politician looks like when grasping at straws...

06-12-2013, 05:12 PM
Illinois State Rifle Association


The concealed carry bill, HB0183 (as amended), which passed through the Senate and House by overwhelming majority, is now waiting for Governor Quinn's signature. Please keep in mind that the Governor has not signed the bill, it is not yet law. He still may Veto the bill, or he may use an Amendatory Veto. Since no one knows what the Governor will do, the synopsis of the bill will not be valid if the Governor vetoes it or uses an Amendatory Veto. Many of you have been asking what the bill contains - below is a brief outline. This synopsis of HB1083 is not legal advice.

One statewide shall-issue licensing standard.
With regard to concealed carry licenses, preempts local authority of governments to regulate handguns and ammunition for handguns, including licensing, registration, and transportation.
With regard to FOID card holders, preempts local governments from regulating the transportation of all firearms and ammunition.
Not preempted are AWB enacted prior to or within 10 days of the enactment of this legislation - after that date, new AWBs would be preempted. Local governments could still regulate rifles and shotguns, but not handguns.
Grants "safe haven" protection for people carrying concealed while in their vehicle even in prohibited areas.
Upon exit from their vehicle, the firearm must be locked in their vehicle. If they wish to lock their firearm in their trunk, it must be unloaded before exiting the vehicle.
License to be issued by the Illinois State Police.
$150.00 fee for 5 years.
Requires 16 hours of training, including range time. Up to 8 hours of credit will be recognized for those who had hunter safety, was honorably discharged from the military, or had other CCW training. At this time, states with shorter training time, such as Utah, may only be credited 4 hours. The administrative rules of what the allowances will be, have not yet been determined.
Private property owners can post their property prohibiting concealed carry. "Safe haven" still applies to their parking lots.
Restaurants with 50% or more of their receipts from food, but still serving alcohol, are legal to carry in, but are still subject to private property posting by the owners or operators.
Law enforcement may object to a person they believe to be a "clear and present danger" to themselves or others. Applicants can appeal that decision to the Concealed Carry Licensing Board.
The State Police have 180 days from the effective date of this bill to be set up to begin processing applications.
Within 60 days of the effective date of this bill, the Illinois State Police shall begin approval of firearm training courses and instructors.
There is no reciprocity, but "safe haven" applies to out of state concealed carry permit holders.
Prohibited Places: remember that "safe haven" applies to most of these places:

Property under control of an elementary or secondary school
Pre-school or child care facilities
Property under control of an officer of the legislative or executive branch of government, except DNR regulated areas where firearms are allowed
Gaming facilities
Stadiums, arenas, sporting events
Amusement parks
Museums and zoos
Buildings under the control of local government
Jails and detention facilities
Hospitals and mental health facilities
Mass public transportation
Public gatherings, but walk through is allowed to get to your home, place of business, or vehicle
Places that have special event liquor licenses
Any public park, with an exception for walking or bicycle trails, if only a portion of the trail goes through the park. The walkers and bicyclists must stay on the trail
Colleges and universities and property under their control; they may develop their own rules
Any area where firearms are prohibited under federal law
Nuclear facilities ("safe haven" for the parking area does NOT apply)
The United States District Court has extended the June 8th, 2013 deadline for a concealed carry law to July 8th, 2013. Although I think the Governor will take action before that date, we just will have to wait and see what that action is going to be.

Richard A Pearson
Executive Director

tomme boy
06-12-2013, 11:18 PM
Boy there are not a whole lot of places to be able to carry. But it is a start. Them not honoring other states is not right. But again, it is a start.

Once it becomes law and the people see there is no blood in the streets and no wild wild west, you will be able to change some of this. At least they will allow a out of stater to carry in their car.

Is there a "duty to inform?"

06-12-2013, 11:30 PM
Kinda sorta. Only if asked by a LEO. If you are not asked you are not required to inform.

tomme boy
06-12-2013, 11:56 PM
So just LEO? Want to make sure. Also, do the "no weapons" signs carry force of law?

tomme boy
06-12-2013, 11:59 PM
Here in Iowa the signs do not. No duty to inform. The only thing they can do is ask you to leave. If you don't it is a trespassing ticket.

06-14-2013, 08:29 PM