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Love Life
05-31-2013, 01:34 PM
My little girl with be 4 this July. She is a bit advanced in both her vocabulary and her comprehension, and I'm proud to say it!! Because of that we have some pretty fun conversations.

This occured last night as she packed her little pink 'Big Girl' suit case for her flight to Georgia:
Me: Do you want some help packing?
Her: No, Dad. I can do it my self. Mom showed me how.
Me: Ok, uhhhhhhh do you want to pack your penguin?
Her: Not for this trip. The penguin is for babies.
Me: Uhhhh, how about a knuckle sandwich with blueberries on top?
Her: Dad, you're silly!

From there the conversation degenerated into noogies.

So this morning I take her and her mother to the airport. Unload all the bags and get them checked in.
We had breakfast and I walked them to the security line where we said our final goodbyes:

Me: Do you want me to carry your suitcase?
Her: No Sir, I can pull it. I'm a big girl.
Me: You sure?
Her: Yes Dad. I'm sure.
Me: I'll miss you.
Her: Don't worry Daddy. I'll come back to you.

and I watched her walking next to her mother, holding her hand, and pulling her 'Big Girl" pink suitcase.

So there I was. A 28 year old male, U.S. Marine, warfighter, and I was ready to scrunch up my nose and bawl like a little school girl with skinned knees.

I swear she is growing up so fast, and some nights as I tuck her in, I feel as if we'll be waking up in the morning to go buy her first car.

They grow up so fast.

05-31-2013, 01:36 PM
My youngest just graduated high school and we took him to the summer session at the university he'll be attending this week. He's only 40 miles or so away, but the empty nest thing is kind of weird. It does happen fast.

05-31-2013, 01:45 PM
I got an 8 month old and it feels it was just last Friday I brought her and mom home from the hospital....she's standing (supported) now.

Charlie Two Tracks
05-31-2013, 01:45 PM
You are absolutely correct. They grow up fast. Time goes real fast. My daughter is 40 and my granddaughter is 15. That puts me in the shadow of being older than dirt. Just enjoy the time. Honestly, you will turn around and wonder where the last 20 years went. It's ok, it's supposed to be like that. Make those memories while you can.

05-31-2013, 01:50 PM
Go ahead and cry--but enjoy every minute of her time spent with you. My baby girl is 37 this week and at 4 she was going to the farm every day with me as her Mom had returned to teaching. They grow up so fast. Have a grand daughter graduating HS tomorrow.
Thank God for little girls (and boys) and give thanks every day for these little blessings.
BTW my baby girl is expecting me a new one in October, so life is good.

05-31-2013, 01:51 PM
Many, many times in the coming years you will remember her walking, treasure it. For far too short a time, the gift that we are given that we call our children, are small and innocent, and their hearts are bigger than their bodies.

country gent
05-31-2013, 01:58 PM
This is the eye opener for you. Spend all the time you can with her. Before long it will be "cute boys" and then cars and phones, then dates ( what a joy that can be) and before long your standing in a hospital looking at the first grand child and ready to go thru it all again ( were a glutton for punishment) Been there done that got the grandsons to prove it. But also remember grandchildren can be spoiled rotten and then sent home LOL. My grandsons are 18 months and 12 months. Both are real characters and just a joy to have in my life. The oldest and I are going pond fishing here in a few weeks. Get him wet and muddy and smelling like bluegills spoil him a bunch and send him home. Spend all the time you can with your family enjoy them, be the Dad that embarrasses your daughter. Show up for her school things and always be there to listen to her.

05-31-2013, 02:04 PM
I'm with you. Mine graduates from high school today. Man! It's been fast.

41 mag fan
05-31-2013, 05:17 PM
Me: Uhhhh, how about a knuckle sandwich with blueberries on top?
Her: Dad, you're silly!

LL...THANK YOU for the big laugh i got out of that.....way to funny, and it brought back memories I have of my daughter!!!!

This is the eye opener for you. Spend all the time you can with her. Before long it will be "cute boys" and then cars and phones, then dates ( what a joy that can be) and before long your standing in a hospital looking at the first grand child and ready to go thru it all again ( were a glutton for punishment) Been there done that got the grandsons to prove it. But also remember grandchildren can be spoiled rotten and then sent home LOL. My grandsons are 18 months and 12 months. Both are real characters and just a joy to have in my life. The oldest and I are going pond fishing here in a few weeks. Get him wet and muddy and smelling like bluegills spoil him a bunch and send him home. Spend all the time you can with your family enjoy them, be the Dad that embarrasses your daughter. Show up for her school things and always be there to listen to her.

You know how the hindsight is greater than the foresight....I wish i could turn back the clock and start over....I wouldn't worry about the petty things like a roof over our head, food in our stomachs, ect ect. I would worry more about making every second a memory with my kids instead.

05-31-2013, 06:07 PM
They definitely do grow up fast. It feels like last week when my son was watching me clean my new to me CMP M1 Garand and trying to sneak off with the op rod. Now he's out every weekend duck hunting and fishing with us. This last season he took his first duck a nice pintail drake.

05-31-2013, 06:30 PM
From This:

http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g81/blammer8mm/4c0691b0.jpg (http://s54.photobucket.com/user/blammer8mm/media/4c0691b0.jpg.html)

to this

http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g81/blammer8mm/2012%20Deer/DSCN8824.jpg (http://s54.photobucket.com/user/blammer8mm/media/2012%20Deer/DSCN8824.jpg.html)

in the blink of an eye.

05-31-2013, 06:58 PM
Phase 111, Daddy there is this boy---

05-31-2013, 08:14 PM
Mine just finished her freshman year in college. Time does go fast.
I sort of enjoyed the empty nest.

05-31-2013, 08:24 PM
in the blink of an eye.

Yep. That fast.

smoked turkey
05-31-2013, 09:15 PM
Yes it goes by sometimes too fast. My advice is to treasure and enjoy each phase of their lives. It is hard sometimes to watch them as they do some things that you don't think is exactly what they should do. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they are like us and just have to do things their own way. Grand kids are the best. The other day our 15 year old grandson was with us with a fairly new learners permit. I pulled the car over and said "you want to drive my car?" Of course he jumped at the chance and you know he did real good. Drat..something in my eye...

05-31-2013, 09:17 PM
Yes they do oldest son in the navy a year plus now , granddaughter year old in a day or so , youngest son 15-16 months old , 3 daughters in
\between 17 years 3 years and 2 years , they do grow up fast , enjoy the years of their childhood, teenagers soon enough.

06-01-2013, 01:27 AM
Love Life, enjoy every minute for each one is a memory! Always be silly for her, embarrass her at every opportunity and no dating till 35. Look up Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle, that will reduce you to tears instantly!

Love Life
06-01-2013, 01:44 AM
I am enjoying as much of it as I can!! Right now she is keeping me young, but in about 13 years or so she'll be giving my silver hairs.

@41 Mag Fan- The knuckle sandwich with blueberries was her idea. Whenever she asks me for something I always reply "How 'bout a knuckle sandwich?" Then she started doing it to me. She asked me one day if I wanted a knuckle sandwich. I told her no. She then asked "What if I put blueberries on it?" I still did not want a knuckle sandwich, but I was laughing to hard to respond.

That is us in Virginia City last weekend. She was jumping over the cracks in the old plank sidewalk to avoid breaking her mother's back...

Bad Water Bill
06-01-2013, 03:36 AM
Treasure every moment. It seems like only yesterday I was giving my daughter her first bath. She would have turned 40 this year.

Life is indeed to short, treasure every moment.

06-01-2013, 05:01 AM
My wife and I first got together by playing cards with another couple. It seems like the next morning we had 2 kids and the morning after that they were both in college. Love them while you can.

Teddy (punchie)
06-01-2013, 09:21 AM
well talking about the little ones..72191 7218972190 we have been doing some fishing.

And it is sknuckle sandwich , some mornings they sit there like ??? I'm asking what would you like for breakfast and a standing joke is sknuckle sandwich.

41 mag fan
06-01-2013, 09:46 AM
LL...Thanks again for the start out morning laugh on the knuckle sandwich!!!
Had to show my wife that pic you posted.....

06-01-2013, 10:16 AM
They do grow up fast, both of my grandkids are seniors in collage, my youngest son turned 47, and the oldest is 51. In fact all of a sudden I was old , and slow where did it go? enjoy and may all your memories be good.

06-01-2013, 01:28 PM
older than dirt - nah, nothing older than dirt. Spend quality time, as much as you can. Went to a fishing derby with 2 GK's this morning. These 2 take advice from no-one but it was still fun, yes they got a small BG & bass) There was a sad youngster there, caught a 2# bass but they wouldn't count it (think dad forget to sign him up). To his credit, he was sniffling a bit but took it well.

06-02-2013, 01:28 AM
Our oldest daughter is 8 and our youngest is 6mo. I was holding the baby the other day remembering very clearly that big sister had been that size just recently.

I remarked to my wife how fast the last 8 years had gone by, then commented that when the baby is 8, big sister will be old enough to drive a car. My wife did not want to hear that at all.

"The days are long, but the years are short"

06-02-2013, 01:57 PM
I read these comments and in my mind the years flash by. I have one granddaughter getting married at 26, 2 grandsons in college, 2 more grandsons and one grand daughter still in high school . Those six Kids have filled my life with a lot of pleasure .Wow have the years flew by tks KEN

06-02-2013, 02:12 PM
You know how the hindsight is greater than the foresight....I wish i could turn back the clock and start over....I wouldn't worry about the petty things like a roof over our head, food in our stomachs, ect ect. I would worry more about making every second a memory with my kids instead.

Amen to that!

06-02-2013, 05:36 PM
Many times thru the years I have been guilty of trying so hard to make a living I forgot to make a life. Now days thinking of My 2 sons and 6 grandkids remind me of that. tks Ken

06-03-2013, 07:50 PM
Love Life - oh my gosh she is a real cutie!! let me know if you ever need a baby sitter!! I may not be a "real" mom but I am a great faux-aunt!!

06-04-2013, 12:20 AM
I work out of our house. This Friday is the last day of school for the year for my 2 kids, and I have to remember, they are not in the way of getting work done, they are the reason I work from home. We went to the old train station last weekend.


06-04-2013, 12:39 PM
Mine are 5, 7 and 10. Seems like yesterday I was watching the 10yo come home from the hospital. My 7yo is up to my chest now and can't believe how much like a little man he looks. The 5yo lost his baby looks and now looks like a boy. It won't stop, enjoy them while you can. I love mine.

06-04-2013, 02:39 PM
Last week my daughter was born 2days later my son came. Today she is 30yrs old and he is 26yrs old and he is bringing his girl friend home in July for a family reunion. He started the plan for this reunion. The first time in 3yrs both kids will be together and 6yrs for both to be home at the same time. I think he is up to some thing. :bigsmyl2: :bigsmyl2: Just a dads gut feeling. Clint

06-04-2013, 06:31 PM
Shows you're doing a good job Love Life.

06-04-2013, 10:04 PM
They say that time flies when you are having fun. :)

I have two ex-stepsons (still stay in touch) one just turned 22 and the other is 19, have an "other daughter" (Foreign Exchange student) that turned 16 when she was with us, just graduated HS in Germany and she is 19 and will turn 20 this year. Now have a 13 year old stepdaughter.

So yeah they grow up fast, but I feel blessed to have been a "dad" for as long as I have been, and will be. :)

And it has been fun. I always say the best thing that happened in my life is when I became a dad (I never had any kids of my own).

Love Life
06-05-2013, 12:19 AM
I will have to agree with everybody here and say being a dad is fantastic. I am thankful every day that I was given this opportunity. Plus I get to do all kinds of fun kid things without getting dirty looks.

ScottieMom- I'll get some more pictures posted up. She likes to see pictures of Mr. Bill.

06-05-2013, 06:41 AM
I am telling ya the happiest day in my life was the day i held my freshly hatched (joke with him and I) son. That was last week. This morning i woke up my 16 year old pain in the butt. He is our only child we were never suppose to be able to have one. IS he spoiled yes he is, is he respectful, yes he is. He is mine and hi mothers heart and soul. Enjoy while ya can they do grow up way too fast.


06-06-2013, 08:42 AM
There is a country song about this, can't recall the artist or name. Our son is 41, daughter is 38, seems like yesterday they were little, taking them to the beach or teaching them to drive the tractor or old pick up on the farm. 2 Grand kids are 16, one 11, one 13 and one 8.. Time sure does fly.

06-06-2013, 09:25 AM
From this;
To this, in nothing flat.

06-06-2013, 09:38 AM
My two boys are out making their own way in the world, & just quietly sometimes I wish they where back home..........just wishing don't hurt none. :grin:

06-08-2013, 07:12 AM
MAN isnt this true!!! My "baby" just turned 6 last week, and her big sister in 11 this summer. I am a older parrent, and know that not only are they growing faster.... but im also getting older, and have less years with them. The first years are so hetic with the baby stuff, and 100% care needed, that it has been nice now in this between ages to step back a bit and enjoy them, and spend time with them. I know teen years are coming... and hope that all I have done will be enough to make them make the right disisions.