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05-30-2013, 06:44 PM
The weekly Floyd Press newspaper showed up today. Janet told me there is an ad asking for volunteers with the local 4-H club. Among experiences needed was "Shooting Sports Instructor". I called the man.

We had a nice chat and he's supposed to call me in a week or two and arrange for us to meet. Man, I hope this works out. I'd LOVE to be involved in something like that.

I know I've posted stuff like this before and it didn't work out. It's kinda' discouraging. I can't help it. I get all excited and wanna run in here hollerin' "Hey guys! check this out!!"

Y'all keep ya' fingers crossed for me, OK? I'm really hoping this goes through.

05-30-2013, 06:58 PM
If it's something you want to do, I hope it goes through for you. Learn'em right. I'm sure they'll be in great hands.

05-30-2013, 07:14 PM
Thanks for offering your services. I served as a 4-H shooting sports coach with a rifle team and trap and skeet team for 12 years and it was a rewarding experience. I currently serve as range supervisor/range instructor for Boy Scout Troops that want time on the range and for shooting sports merit badges. Spread the knowledge with your time and experience and you will benefit more than the kids

Love Life
05-30-2013, 07:15 PM
I'll be praying for you Jim. I hope you get the gig!!!

05-30-2013, 08:19 PM
Hope it works out for your Jim! Teach 'em right and enjoy the experience.

05-30-2013, 09:23 PM
Seems to me you'd be the right man for the job, hope they figure that out.

05-30-2013, 10:09 PM
Tell 'em you have actually have ammo you can bring to the party !

05-31-2013, 07:50 AM
Do they serve bacon in hog heaven?

41 mag fan
05-31-2013, 09:10 AM
Or BBQ??? we have a hog heaven here that's a BBQ joint.....

Jim, Even if they don't pick you, which I hope they do, you could talk to who they do pick, and offer your services to help out...they might take you up on that
Good luck though my friend

P.S. Just don't teach the kids how to shoot out the court house windows or rob the mexican restaurant.... !!!

05-31-2013, 09:17 AM
Jim, I'm excited for you!! I hope you are selected as the New Sports Instructor for the Floyd area 4H Club. I grew up in the 4H and still remember the lessons, learning plans and meetings. It's a great organization.

41 mag fan
05-31-2013, 09:40 AM
Jim, I'm excited for you!! I hope you are selected as the New Sports Instructor for the Floyd area 4H Club. I grew up in the 4H and still remember the lessons, learning plans and meetings. It's a great organization.

You're right there Sparky...your post made me stop and remember when I was in 4H. I did everything from gun training, to raising rabbits, to taking airplane flight courses...it's a good organization the gov't should support fully, not some of the bs programs they fund

Smitty's Retired
05-31-2013, 12:39 PM
Jim, I wish you the best and really hope you are able to do this.

You're right there Sparky...your post made me stop and remember when I was in 4H. I did everything from gun training, to raising rabbits, to taking airplane flight courses...it's a good organization the gov't should support fully, not some of the bs programs they fund

Now you know that won't happen. The present government would rather you be taught by an organization that promotes dependency, not how to be productive and self sufficient.

05-31-2013, 04:05 PM
Good luck Jim.

Alan in Vermont
05-31-2013, 04:53 PM
The most enjoyment I ever got out of being a shooter was when, for one year, we had a JayCee chapter and fielded a team for the annual JayCee/Daisy BB Gun competition. I called the number on the flyer I saw, talked to one of the organizers, gave him some background and was told when the first, introduction sessions was to be held. I showed up, met the man and asked who the coach was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Umm, that would be YOU!"

We ran some practice sessions and had a shoot-off to choose our team, practiced more and at the State level competition we finished second behind a team that was composed of the younger members of a smallbore rifle team from a town that was, and still is, sponsoring a smallbore team as well.

Our Jaycees only lasted a year and I don't know if Daisy still sponsors the event or not.

41 mag fan
05-31-2013, 05:07 PM
Jim, I wish you the best and really hope you are able to do this.

Now you know that won't happen. The present government would rather you be taught by an organization that promotes dependency, not how to be productive and self sufficient.

That's true Smitty...why have a gov't fund and support an organization that instills self worth, morals, and achievement, when you can have one that promotes asking for handouts.

05-31-2013, 05:24 PM
Pardon my antipodean ignorance James, but what is 4-H?

05-31-2013, 05:27 PM
The weekly Floyd Press newspaper showed up today. Janet told me there is an ad asking for volunteers with the local 4-H club. Among experiences needed was "Shooting Sports Instructor". I called the man.

We had a nice chat and he's supposed to call me in a week or two and arrange for us to meet. Man, I hope this works out. I'd LOVE to be involved in something like that.

I know I've posted stuff like this before and it didn't work out. It's kinda' discouraging. I can't help it. I get all excited and wanna run in here hollerin' "Hey guys! check this out!!"

Y'all keep ya' fingers crossed for me, OK? I'm really hoping this goes through.

Don't you know what happens when a guy yells '...Hey, WATCH this!!!!...'?........

05-31-2013, 05:31 PM
Pardon my antipodean ignorance James, but what is 4-H?

'4-H' stands for 'Head, Heart, Hands, Health'. I was in it as an elementary school child. It's kind of like the boy scouts, without uniforms, pack leaders, etc. They teach about many varied topics, usually with voluteers. Electricity, guns, animals, farming, just all kinds of stuff. For several years, I gave introductory classes in karate at the big 4-H camp outside the local town. It's a good organization which exposes kids to things they might not get to do otherwise. And if my memory is faulty, please someone correct me.

05-31-2013, 09:58 PM
It is a youth program administered by the Cooperative Agricultural Extension Service in each state, usually headquartered at the State Land Grand University. County Agricultural Agents and Home Demonstration Agents oversee the program in each county and train the volunteers that run the clubs and program groups. Many states have "upgraded" the names of the extension service and agents in their states, but it remains the same. Lost of leadership and learning for 4-H club members of all ages. I was a 4-Her and my children were and now the grandchildren. Great opportunity for kids to learn and have fun.

05-31-2013, 10:22 PM
This site is informative. I just learned a new word. antipodean - referring to New Zealand and Australia.

I do like this site.

MT Gianni
05-31-2013, 10:57 PM
Ah Jim, I opened this thread expecting to see pics of some dead feral hogs. I hope that you get the position.

06-01-2013, 04:18 PM
That's fantastic. Sounds like a great program.