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View Full Version : Stupid to a whole new level

05-29-2013, 08:58 PM
No really this guy proves Goofey is as Dopey does.....


05-30-2013, 03:34 PM
Stupid on several different levels.

A. He will have a felony record.

B. He will be unemployable.

C. He will be broke the rest of his life.....bonds, attorneys, restitution, etc.

D. He will be hated by everyone he knows because he did this in a children's theme park.

E. He didn't even have any fun with his prank!!

And the list goes on and on..........Stupid on a whole new level.

Love Life
05-30-2013, 03:36 PM
Wow. Just wow!!

05-30-2013, 03:40 PM
Wonder what the profit margin on 3 hours in Toon Town is,,,,,,,,dude will probably get the death penalty.

05-30-2013, 05:59 PM
Another product of the "Day Care" generation.

05-30-2013, 08:09 PM
and now we are gonna need a backround check to buy dry ice...

the guy is an idiot and should simply be shot to save tax payer money it will cost to jail him.


05-30-2013, 08:15 PM
Hope they get him for tax evasion too.....

Failure to pay tax on his "destructive device"

country gent
05-30-2013, 09:46 PM
Im hoping they throw the book at the culprit, I mean really an attack on a kids park for families? This is just so upsetting that a citizen ( not a forieghner with an axe to grind) and worker would do something like this is unbeleivable. What set this up? Wasnt he happy with his wages, Bad experience with his boss, In trouble and about to be fired ( well he took care of the about part). What set him off to do something like this. As I said I hope the ccourts literally throw the book at him. But as always pea bargains, side deals, and posturing will all take place as in the norm in courts today. In the end probably not much more than a fine when said and done.Yet we wonder and ponder all the above questions

05-31-2013, 01:10 AM
Having been there recently I'd venture 3hr is about 30k in reciepts an 18-22 in the bank.
Its Ca he was remorsefull and cooperative , 50k in fines max half is for Disney,the rest is for the state time served to 6 mo and a yr of victim impact panals.
I wish they would ''crucify'' him but alas its not likely.

He probably had a spat w/Jessica Rabbit over Minnie Mouse .

05-31-2013, 01:56 AM
It's CA, the jails are over populated as it is and the state is broke. They'll heavily fine him and send him home on probation.

05-31-2013, 10:58 AM
So dry ice in a bottle is now a "bomb"................. sigh................ forget about a background check for dry ice what about one for a soda bottle......................................

05-31-2013, 11:07 AM
+1 Wilco. Texas gov probably will sign the bill to provide these imbecile teachers more $$ to dumb down our yoot.

Dale in Louisiana
05-31-2013, 05:29 PM
Heaven help us if Goofy over-inflates a balloon and it pops loudly.

It's a good thing the gummint protects us from loud, unexpected noises.

dale in Louisiana