View Full Version : Crazy Neighbors

05-27-2013, 09:12 PM
Cross the street neighbor's dog got out an hour or so ago, wouldn't come when he called it. Big dog, doesn't mind but isn't dangerous. Little Man got mad, got on his bike and went after it. Don't know what happened next but he shot it dead out front of his neighbor's house a few minutes ago, LM's wife went berserk and the other neighbors are a little nervous. He put up his bike and brought out a wheelbarrow to cart the dog off. Good luck getting any sleep tonight, Little Man.

05-27-2013, 09:15 PM

05-27-2013, 09:25 PM
Don't know about Texas, but in Florida, they arrest people for animal cruelty for doing this.


05-27-2013, 09:26 PM
I wouldn't be too sure who's butt might get hauled off in a wheelbarrow tonight. She's a little dynamo.

05-27-2013, 09:26 PM
He can probably get all the sleep he wants for the next few days...........on the couch! :)

05-27-2013, 09:31 PM

05-27-2013, 09:31 PM
Don't know about Texas, but in Florida, they arrest people for animal cruelty for doing this.


Yep, he did a bad thing. Wasn't the dog's fault he wasn't taught to mind. Guy isn't right anyway, he's still mad at me because my carport got ripped up and deposited on his carport and truck (300 ft away!) this time last year.

05-27-2013, 09:32 PM
Wow!!! That sounds better than tv. Where's the popcorn?

05-27-2013, 09:36 PM
Wow. I hope there were no kids around. I am not a animal person at all so if my neighbors were to do something like that it wouldn't bother me as long as my son didn't see it.

05-27-2013, 09:36 PM
He can probably get all the sleep he wants for the next few days...........on the couch! :)

I dunno, you didn't see his wife. If he's smart he'll lock himself in the shop tonight....on second thought I'm pretty sure leos will be involved before morning.

05-27-2013, 09:41 PM
We shoot feral dogs around here on a regular basis and a dog that causes a problem doesn't do it for long. Too many kids and other vulnerable critters. Judging by the dog's position and exit wound he was coming home. LM just shot him out of spite, frustration, whatever. A night or two in jail would do this jerk some good.

05-27-2013, 09:53 PM
Some people shouldn't have dogs. What a piece of garbage.

05-27-2013, 10:11 PM
I was in court one time when a judge recommended a "ride in the country"
to a dog owner that was having problems with a dog that didn't want to stay in the yard.
then he fined the guy 20.00 and gave him 125.00 in court costs.

DIRT Farmer
05-27-2013, 10:17 PM
Just as long as he takes care of the problem and does not leave it for me to deal with in my pasture.

05-27-2013, 10:20 PM
I know how the "ride in the country" often ends, I'll bet that sorry judge has never lived in the country. Around here they either get killed by vehicles, bigger dogs or form packs. When they form packs around here they don't last long. City folks think it's OK to let a dog run wild out here just because we have no leash laws. If you call the sheriff about a problem dog they tell you to shoot it. Sad thing is it's not the dog's fault, you're exactly right, btroj.

05-27-2013, 10:47 PM
Sounds like some of my neighbors, the shooting of the dog AND the letting them run loose. One lady scolded me that it was inhumane to use a leash, as one dog came wandering up with a beaver leg and tail in its mouth. She never even noticed the kids were scared of her dogs.

country gent
05-27-2013, 10:57 PM
Personally I would be worried for my saftey and that of the niegborhoods residences as this type of behavior can escalate into violence on the people who upset him also. I wouldnt trust him any farther than I could see him. Violent behaviors often start out against animals and escalate to people and or property. Riding down a dog and shooting it in a populated nieghborhood in daylight isnt sane normal behavior by any means. Be very carefull.

05-27-2013, 11:08 PM
Excellent observation, country gent. He's been on my radar since he moved in. Nice to know he carries a gun, wasn't aware of that.

05-27-2013, 11:18 PM
Some people shouldn't have dogs. What a piece of garbage.

Dogs shouldn't have people like the neighbor. We have had 3 Labs over the last 25 years. All 3 found me and each decided to take up permanent residence with us. Each was patiently taught manners and discipline over many months. I would make a large wager that the "Owner/Neighbor" TexasGunNut describes lacks these traits.


05-27-2013, 11:40 PM
Who was responsible for the dog running loose? The dog or the dog's owner? Seems logical that the one responsible for the dog running loose should be the one that gets punished, or in this case, shot.

05-28-2013, 02:39 AM
Judging by the dog's position and exit wound he was coming home. LM just shot him out of spite, frustration, whatever. A night or two in jail would do this jerk some good.

A head to toe major league *** whipping would do this jerk some good.


05-28-2013, 03:21 AM
Yep, he did a bad thing. Wasn't the dog's fault he wasn't taught to mind. Guy isn't right anyway, he's still mad at me because my carport got ripped up and deposited on his carport and truck (300 ft away!) this time last year.

Would you care to elaborate on the flying carport??? :D

In my mind, I'm picturing tornado or other act of God, but, most of us here do reload [smilie=1:

Just sayin' :kidding:

05-28-2013, 05:53 AM
We don't know the whole story, but from the sounds of it the neighborhood men need to take him snipe hunting.
I for one treat my dogs like kids but the first sign of aggression towards me and my son they are gone. I wont have a dog that is aggressive as i don't train them that way. The amount of aggressiveness depends on how they go. I have shot one of my babies cause she had me in a corner snapping at me.


05-28-2013, 06:29 AM
Yep that would certainly happen in Mass!! That stinks too the Dog wasn't trained and learns bad habits so the bad owner kills him!!

Don't know about Texas, but in Florida, they arrest people for animal cruelty for doing this.


05-28-2013, 08:03 AM
Send him my way? Neighbors dog bit my son last oct, literally severed a nerve and artery in half. Well animal control took the dog. And returned it 10 days later. Little ****er but my son again yesterday, not nearly as bad but still a bite nonetheless. Hubby woulda shot it but 1 of his guns he loaned to a friend, his handgun is in getting painted And my gun is broke so that leaves us with only his bow :-(

05-28-2013, 10:39 AM
Some people, many in fact, shouldn't be allowed to have pets.

05-28-2013, 12:51 PM
Send him my way? Neighbors dog bit my son last oct, literally severed a nerve and artery in half. Well animal control took the dog. And returned it 10 days later. Little ****er but my son again yesterday, not nearly as bad but still a bite nonetheless. Hubby woulda shot it but 1 of his guns he loaned to a friend, his handgun is in getting painted And my gun is broke so that leaves us with only his bow :-(

Hope your son gets better..............Sounds like you guys need to go gun shopping....:D

05-28-2013, 02:07 PM
We don't know the whole story, but from the sounds of it the neighborhood men need to take him snipe hunting.

What's that supposed to mean? Are you one of those myth believers that say that there's no such thing as a snipe?


I'm so mad right now I could bite a nail in half. If I saw that terrible act, I would have called the cops. That fool is dangerous, he'll end up killing himself or someone else.

I have a life long love affair with dogs. 60 years ago would have found me with my first dog tippy. He and I went everywhere together. When my older brother killed him by putting him in his trunk, then forgetting him, I didn't speak to him for 6 months. The ONLY thing that consoled me was he got me another dog.

If Texas does not have a law that would result in a stiff fine for that, it should have! In Wisconsin, somebody shooting a dog that does not belong to them is in for a stiff fine. That doesn't apply to your own dog though. It's still animal cruelty.

TGN, let us know how this plays out?

Teddy (punchie)
05-28-2013, 02:34 PM
We have a happy -go lucky Lab/Malamute (sp) he doesn't listen or come. His friendly and a nice dog just loves to run, like a little kid.

05-28-2013, 02:45 PM

05-28-2013, 07:39 PM
I love dogs and have owned bird dogs, livestock dogs and just ride in my truck dogs all my life. But I will shoot the neighbors or stray dogs in the right conditions.

I have raised livestock all my life--at one time 12000+ hogs a year plus 500 ewes and cattle. The wife has had laying hens and a milk cow or goat for a majority of our 45 years of marriage. If your dogs are on my property killing or molesting or just running the weight off of what I make my living off of--they are most likely to get shot. I will warn if just chasing stock, but I will shoot also. I once had to put 200 weaned pigs outside because there was not room in the nursery building and 2 stray dogs tore up the pin killing 6 and wounding 30 that had to be put down in a blood bath killing spree. I killed these two and would do it again tomorrow. I have never had to answer to any of my dogs harming a neighbors stock and I will not put up with them harming my stock. Now my son has all the stock, but my wife's chicken house would not have to have me for protection if chickens were killed, the boss lady would already have that problem solved. I respect what is yours and expect the same from you. Spend time with your dogs like you do your children and there will be no problems.

05-28-2013, 09:52 PM
Seems I was off a bit! Tonight I talked to the neighbor in whose yard I thought the shooting occurred-while he was out letting his dogs go for a romp. Seems the neighbor about 1/4 mile down the road may have done the shooting, Little Man was in the area but I don't think he saw the actual shooting. Dog ran partway home to where I thought he was shot. Shot sounded a lot closer but my house is pretty well insulated, hard to judge sometimes. Seems there's some bad blood between the suspected shooter and LM. Believe it or not, a few in the neighborhood are literally up in arms.
About the flying carport-one night almost exactly a year ago I lost my carport. I was drinking at the time but pretty sure I had nothing to do with it. :wink: (Odd little storm, serious debris field about 3 miles long, no more that 100 feet wide-mostly narrower.) LM knocked on my back door and told me my carport had landed on his-300 feet away! His insurance company told him to file against my insurance (!), my insurance company told him to go fly a carport, kite, whatever. He wanted me to apologize to his dad for the damage to his uninsured truck. I decided I've been living in Texas long enough to know better than to apologize for the weather. I think he wanted more than an apology so I didn't even head down that road. He made out like a bandit with his insurance company, my roof and carport out of pocket was over $5,000....and he's mad at me!

05-29-2013, 10:57 AM
Like Bear67 I live in a rural area with lots of cattle and horses. These farmers take their living just as serious. I've had farmers ask me to drop dogs running their cattle and never had a problem getting rid of such rogue animals. The worst problem I have is poachers that have hunting dogs and I catch the dog...it's dead meat. I had a dog with GPS collar snarling at me in MY DEER STAND on MY LAND. It took a 7,62x51 like a champ. I tossed the thing in a sinkhole and nailed the GPS collar to a tall tree...it's still there. First dog I ever encountered in my woods was a puppy of a hunting dog and it took two days for it to get close enough to feed. It's collar had the owners phone number. I called the fellow and he actually got pissy by claiming I was only calling for the reward he put on some yokel station that day. I told him keep his money and get his dog today or it's a 'goner' buddy. He came got his dog and tried to hand off some money to me I tossed it back to him and let him know where he was running his dog is private land wherein the owner , personally known to me does not allow poachers and nor do I . I've dropped a couple coyotes over the years as well.

05-29-2013, 11:45 AM
If Texas does not have a law that would result in a stiff fine for that, it should have! In Wisconsin, somebody shooting a dog that does not belong to them is in for a stiff fine. That doesn't apply to your own dog though. It's still animal cruelty.

Yep, I agree.

05-29-2013, 11:59 AM
Texas has a Cruelty to Animals statute in the Penal Code. However, in that law are defenses to prosecution for protecting one's property (your own animals) or defense in the event of possible bodily harm/injury to yourself or a 3rd party. If those are present, most D.A.'s will not touch the case with a 10 foot pole. Also, in Chapter 9, Justification Excluding Criminal Responsibility, there are a number of exceptions. Unlike many States, if we believe we are in danger, we can take the necessary steps to defend ourselves, our property, or third parties. We have the "Castle" Law, shame on the people who intend harm in our State.