View Full Version : Tell Me What is Happening?

Clay M
05-27-2013, 06:11 PM
Shooting my new S&W X frame 500,I have notice twice when firing a series of five shots I can cock the hammer and the cylinder doesn't rotate to the next shot. The hammer fall on the already fire cartridge.
I can cock the gun endless times when not firing it , and it always revolves like it is supposed to. This has me puzzled.

05-27-2013, 06:21 PM
Not familiar with the X-frame internally, but I trust it isn't a lot different from S&W's J/K/L/N frame systems. My first thought is that the locking bolt spring may not be of sufficient strength to hold the cylinder in place after ignition and through the recoil sequence, and allows the cylinder to reverse a bit. In that condition, the advancing hand may not be able to advance the cylinder to the next unfired chamber, but does relocate the reversed cylinder back to the just-fired chamber.

The other less likely alternative would be insufficient spring tension on the advancing hand. Either/both issues can be addressed by S&W warrantee station vendors, or the factory.

Clay M
05-27-2013, 06:25 PM
That sounds about right .I love this gun and hate to have to send it back ,but will call S&W tomorrow and see what they say.

05-27-2013, 06:36 PM
Oh, I know just how you feel. I'd prefer a spinal tap to sending a gun back for warrantee work. Ask the factory rep if there is a warrantee station near to you--the change-out of a bolt spring is a 10 minute R&R procedure, and might get done while you wait.

Clay M
05-27-2013, 06:40 PM
I can change all that myself if I had the parts,.I may just see if I can buy new springs and not have to send it back.

05-27-2013, 06:49 PM
Brownell's is your friend. Not cheap, but that is where all of my S&W small parts come from.

Clay M
05-28-2013, 08:32 AM
Smith is going to send me both springs free. They are out of stock on one ,but that beats sending the gun back. This hopefully will fix the problem .Thanks for your advice.

05-28-2013, 08:49 AM
DO NOT SEND THE GUN BACK! It is only the spring in the cylinder stop and S&W will send you a stronger one.
The cylinder stop has too much inertia and will unlock with too much recoil, the cylinder will go BACKWARDS from torque. You are short of a doubling. Stay safe until you change the spring and leave an empty under the firing pin when you load. You can change the spring yourself.
Hammers bounce back from internal pressure at the primer and can fire a round that the cylinder turns back to so keep the first chamber empty until the spring is changed.
The spring is a penny item.
S&W does not make springs and the supplier messes up now and then.