View Full Version : Stuck bullet removal made easy in BTSniper dies

BT Sniper
05-25-2013, 01:44 AM
Detailed info to remove stuck bullets. Videos posted in post #3.

Figured this out the other day. The answer was right there in frount of me the entire time! The auto ejection system works perfectly to aid us in removing stuck bullets from a point form die in the unfortunate event that a stuck bullet should occure. Goodness knows I have had my fair share of stuck bullets in my long learing curve of perfecting point form dies but I belive this to be just about the easiest way to remove a stuck bullet from one of my point form dies.

I don't addvise any of my customers to go off and blindly try this on your own, I strongly recommend you contact me first as I will be happy to addvise you of your options since I will always be happy to remove any stuck bullets free of charge for you. I just wanted to post these results to give all of you future users of this die, as well as those using other dies a look at what I came up with for removing bullets from my dies as well as a bit of confidence as to the thought process and designs I have incorperated into my system of swaging bullets.

Quite often I am able to use some tricks to get the bullet out using the standard means of ejecting it as it was designed, but when all else fails it's time to take the die apart and acomplish the following.....

1. use the supplied "stuck bullet removal tool" (claw) and the auto ejection system to remove the small ejection pin from the die

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1080467_zps1442d3ac.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/P1080467_zps1442d3ac.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1080466_zpsdeceb30d.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/P1080466_zpsdeceb30d.jpg.html)

2. insert die upside down in press (works with lee, for RCBS you may have to take the top threaded addapeter of the press out first)

3. carefully secure a long simple wood screw into the base of the stuck bullet threw the top hole in the upper arm of the auto ejection system. When the ejection pin punches all the way threw the base of the bullet use the left over hole as the pilot hole to secure the screw into bullet. Then with the wood screw in the top of the auto ejection system and secure into the base of the bullet, simply let the stroke of the press with the auto ejection system pull the bullet from the die! VOLIA! Perfect!

By the way, that is the "Control" bullet that got stuck in the die. I didn't think it was possible but ......... PLEASE DO NOT APPLY ANY PRESSURE TO THE SOLID BRASS UNDERSIZED CONTROL BULLET :)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1080459_zps52e348ba.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/P1080459_zps52e348ba.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1080461_zps1c91a3a4.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/P1080461_zps1c91a3a4.jpg.html)

Now we keep this bullet and wood screw mounted on the wall next to the reloading bench to remind us to use a little more lube next time :)

Good shooting and swage on!


05-26-2013, 10:43 PM
oh my.
the control bullet getting stuck must have been a ummm 'moment'.

BT Sniper
06-12-2013, 11:00 PM
Actually made some videos of this process. It works perfectly and please, should the day come any of you stick a bullet please feel free to contact me for details. I will always be happy to remove any stuck bullet for you.

Click on pictures to view videos.

Part 1
http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/th_048_zps62289d57.jpg (http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/048_zps62289d57.mp4)

Part 2
http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/th_049_zps251dea98.jpg (http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/049_zps251dea98.mp4)

Part 3
http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/th_050_zps4383c6e5.jpg (http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/050_zps4383c6e5.mp4)

Good shooting and Swage On!


BT Sniper
08-27-2013, 12:16 AM
Looked over this thread today. I realized I had the wrong video posted for step number 1 in post #3.

All looks good now.

Good shooting and swage on!


BT Sniper
09-06-2016, 04:44 PM
Made a YouTube video for the procedure of removing a 22 cal stuck bullet from my dies.

I made this video as an instructional aid to go along with the info and instruction I provide to those that contact me with a stuck bullet in their die. I always advise my customers to contact me first should the unfortunate day come that they need to use the tools and methods put forth as shown in this video.

Of course I will always be happy to remove any stuck bullet that a customer sends me. Remember..... I will cover any mistakes I make in the die but to fix mistakes made by customers can require an awful lot of labor on my part and potential cost on theirs.

It is my hope that customers never have to remove a stuck bullet from a die but it happens to even the best and most expensive of dies, as long as one stays calm, contacts me, goes slow and uses the tools and procedure I have set forth they will have the best chance to be back in business in no time. This video should also serve as a quick refresher course to those that would have to remove a second stuck bullet.


Good shooting and swage on!


09-06-2016, 05:42 PM
Thanks for posting Brian, I feel for the customer who had the bullet get stuck as I have done it a couple of times myself. It is good to see how you removed the bullet the couple of times I sent my point form die to you!