View Full Version : RCBS Pot & Mold

Glock Junkie
05-22-2013, 10:09 PM
Picked me up a RCBS Pot and Mold today at my local Sportsman's Warehouse to do my Tin in and these work out great! Old news for most of you guys but for a new caster and reloader it was fun lol! Now all I need is some more Tin lol !

Picked up a set of Hornady digital scales I'm excited about also!

As a Noob to this hobby its been a pain to get supplies lately! Its nice to see my local store getting some stuff back in stock.

If it wasn't for some of you guys I wouldn't have what supplies I have. Thank You!http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/05/23/ysege6e7.jpg