View Full Version : My gun room

09-16-2007, 07:45 PM
A while back I mentioned I was moving my gunroom out to the old milkhouse in our barn. Here's some pics, I need practice at this posting pics stuff!

Not much to look at, but it works for me.

09-16-2007, 08:21 PM
Looks like lots of condum bullet boxes over that bench. You haven't gone over to the dark side have ya Bret.:kidding:...Ray

09-16-2007, 08:22 PM
Looks like a great start Bret. Like you said, you just got in there. I am sure with time you will get it the way you want it.

Pepe Ray
09-16-2007, 08:53 PM
Would this be the room where you have water freeze ups? Hot and cold running water would be a plus in a milk house.
Pepe Ray

Black Prince
09-16-2007, 10:32 PM

I used to load in a closet in the back of my garage that was originally designed for a freezer and shop tools storage. I had a window there that I could raise and shoot out of my loading closet on a 200 yard range. It looked somewhat like your set-up except I didn't have near as much room. I spent many happy days out there and I especially enjoyed rainy days where I could stay out there all day and do my loading thing with nobody messing with me and no telephone around anywhere..

Then we sold that place and moved up here in the north Georgia mountains. I have a nice inside the house loading room now. It's all bright and clean with carpet on the floor and alla that business. But I can't shoot out the window or door and I can't hear the rain anymore, and it's waaaay too easy for ole you know who to come in and give me a honey-do list since I am just down there in what she calls The Bat Cave WASTING TIME anyway. She couldn't do that without geting wet on a rainy day before, so there is a LOT to be said for a man having his loading room AWAY from the house. Don't put in any water and for sure, NEVER install an indoor john near your loading bench because if you do, ole you know who will come more often since she won't have to run back to the house to pee.

I offer this lesson to you younger fellers who may not yet appreciate having some quiet time to mess around in a loading room without having any supervision from ole you know who. ALWAYS keep your loading room in an uncomfortable place with NO JOHN and you'll be a lot happier man cause I gotta john about 15 feet away from mine and I oughta know.

09-17-2007, 05:49 AM
I got cold water. The big water heater for the bulk tank was gone long before I got here.

Don't worry, those cans scattered around the room are full of BOOLITS!

09-17-2007, 09:29 AM
Everyone needs their palace. Good for you Bret. Like Black Prince mine is my sanctuary now that I am retired. I do love that woman but Good Lord, all day long 24/7? A man does best when he can get away for a while and do his piddling as he meditates.


09-17-2007, 01:01 PM
Looks like a good sized room. It takes time to get things the way you want them. I'd say you are well on your way to a great reloading room!!

09-17-2007, 02:34 PM
Looks pretty good, lots of room...fishing rods hanging from the ceiling.

But could use a lot more lighting.

How is it fixed for heat in the winter time.


09-19-2007, 08:38 AM
Got a Kerosun heater. Once I get some window and door issues fixed it should be better. I'm also considering adding a 15 gallon HW heater for the livestock. Goats like warm water and pigs appreciate warm mash. That would help keep things a bit more temperate. That pic doesn't give a good appreciation of the lighing in there. It's lots better than it looks.

09-19-2007, 07:14 PM
Hey! Youse guys actually got me to the point that I fixed 4 of the 6 broken or damaged windows AND fixed the sliding storms. It's a start. I also went up to the attic, my former gun room 2 moves ago, and found out I need more storage space! I still have no manuals moved, most of my powder and primers are up there and I found a dozen coffee cans of cast boolits. I gotta get going!

09-19-2007, 09:50 PM
Does humidity make anything prone to rusting in the summertime?

I nixed putting my equipment in my non climate controlled garage for just that reason.

09-19-2007, 10:54 PM
You got windows to sight guns out of, No wife yeaing about the smells,Melt lead all you wish, Sure beats the basement, Great place you got going,

09-20-2007, 04:42 AM
Does humidity make anything prone to rusting in the summertime?

I nixed putting my equipment in my non climate controlled garage for just that reason.

All the moulds are in a 20mm ammo box with a dessicent pack. I'm switching over to a dead freezer with a 25 watt light bulb in it. Any tools, etc get a shot of Bo-Shield or similar rust preventative. There's just no other options for me. I have the same issues with all my other tools around the farm. Yes, you get a bit of rust from time to time but you do with what you have.

09-20-2007, 01:32 PM
If not done already, heavy insulation. A little heat in winter and a dehumidifier in summer will help with the comfort and rust. With good insulation, a very small electric heater to maintain reasonable temp and makes it a lot more inviting to go out in the winter than walking into an ice box.

My memory of a milk house is no insulation as cold was good (for milk). Since you have a good start on the windows, a layer of foam on cement walls will do wonders. If it's wood walls, blow in insulation then a layer of foam and dry wall screwed over it will make it as good as any house. I think I'm remembering correctly that you don't live in a warm winter area!!!

I have a couple of ex house chairs and a coffee pot & microwave. Seems a couple of friends show up from time to time in the winter. One friends wife makes great cinnamon rolls and they are best warm!!

Black Prince
09-20-2007, 05:00 PM
Anybody think it'd be interesting if some of you boys posted photo's of your reloading rooms? It's always been interesting to me to see where my buddies all go to hide out from ole you know who. One keeps his barking dog in the attic room with him to bark when you know who starts up the stairs. I always usta let spiders build webs all over the place and it was good to catch a rat snake and let it stay until ole you know who spotted it. Then I'd hafta tell her all about Black Widow Spiders and Rattlesnakes and sech as zat there you know, jiss to let the whole experience sink in and to keep her away from thar.

But now she got me inna house whur she can keep an evil eye on me and tha room nexx to my loading room has got carpet onna floor so she can sneek up on me lika dern Apache Injin onna dark night. I envy you boys out thar in tha peaceful places whur ole you know who ain't messin' with yew alla time. I tried catchin' a rat snake and keepin' it in my loading room here but she didn't buy it and tole me that she always did suspect that I liked them spiders an snakes jiss a little too much fer her to be afraid ah them and besides that, she gotta .357 magnum if they git too close.

Doan nonea yawl boys NEVER give no gun to ole you know who. She won't give it back and then she'll git reel cocky about it and there goes tha loading room peace an quiet! Think I moan hafta git me onena them burgler alarm things an put it thar at tha foota tha stairs so when she sneaks down them stairs, it'll warm me that she ah comin' an I can hide my snake bite medicine . I ain't been snake bit since I been takin' that Evan Williams medicine, so it's gud stuff.

09-20-2007, 07:41 PM
My reloading areas have been historically un-appealing to those that I do not want hanging around. They have always been dark except where I work and cluttered (to the unknowing eye) with the things I like. My current "hidi-hole" has all the things I need: Reloading equipment, casting equipment, milling machine, lathe, bench grinder, 2 drill presses, refrigerator, microwave, computer w/internet, printer, vintage 1954 Quaker State Clock, buckets of bullets, vid-mar cabinet, tool boxes, hazmat locker and various other nick nacks. Now I pretty much know where everything is but to the unknowing eye, it is a junk yard. The wife says I spend too much time out there and the kids want to know when I am putting a bed out there. When I am out there I enjoy the silence of my solitude and I am pretty sure the rest of you enjoy such an existince. Your place is exactly like mine but competely different in it's own little ways...

Black Prince
09-21-2007, 10:38 AM
Now THASS whut I'm talkin' about!!! Do you have a digital camera so you can show these boys a picture of a real set-up? You might want to put in a booby trap or two.

09-21-2007, 11:14 AM
I can take some pictures of my setup but remember that my setup is the REAL setup for me. Everyone has their own idea of the REAL setup and they enjoy their setups nicely! Of course even tho we all enjoy our setups, we dream of a better setup. Your setup sound very appealing to me. Inside a house with HAVC, bathroom next door, bedroom down the hall, kitchen just a step away. If I had your setup I could have used the fridg / microwave / coffee maker money to buy other stuff.....

Now THASS whut I'm talkin' about!!! Do you have a digital camera so you can show these boys a picture of a real set-up? You might want to put in a booby trap or two.

09-25-2007, 08:03 AM
Well, I got the dead freezer into the gun room. Stored all my powder in it and almost all my moulds. I didn't realize it before, but I have at least 65 moulds! I didn't open all the boxes and many have 2 molds per box. The little guys must have been breeding in the dark 'cuz I don't recall BUYING that many! Kinda nice seeing all of them and finding ones I'd forgotten about. Still ahve to rig up the 25 wat lightbulb to keep things dry. The light and the dessicant pack should keep moisture down.

I got all my manuals out too and most of the rest of the hardware. Still have several cans of booilts to bring out along with even more paperwork. Funny how this stuff seems to appear from nowhere. The collectable books will remain in the house, thats 2 large bookcases worth. I wish I had room to store all my collected magazines in the gun room. Being able to peruse a 1951 copy of the RIfleman is oddly comforting to me.

So here I sit, waiting for hte next truck/victim to come along, bemoaning the fact I gotta work, but would much prefer to be home casting, farming and enjoying this beautiful fall day. Poor me!:roll:

MT Gianni
09-25-2007, 09:31 AM
Bret, when I fond my molds breeding I find Lee 1 & 2 cavity's I don't remember having before. What kind of genetics do I need to start finding H&G, Cramer and RCBS offspring? Gianni

09-25-2007, 01:14 PM
Not sure, but I think the male mould has to spend copious amounts of money to get H+G offspring.....

09-25-2007, 08:20 PM
Trying for better shots. You can see the fridge mould/powder storage idea. The outdoor shot is off my front porch at turkeys running through the round bales. This digital stuff ain't as easy as it looks.




Turkeys in fall.jpg

09-25-2007, 09:01 PM
Wow! You really are getting set up very well, and you apparantly don't want for a place to shoot...plenty of beautiful farm land. Bet the hunting ain't bad there either.

Good work, Bret. Its paying off quite well in the results you're getting.

I've only got 1-1/10th acre.


09-26-2007, 08:19 AM
Thanks Jim. I can't seem to get the photos to look like I want. It must be the difference between an SLR and the point and shoot digital. They just don't transfer onto the screen looking like they do when I shoot the picture.

Yup, there's 342 acres of meadow, pasture, woods and swamp that I'm taxed to death on. Deer, ducks, turkey, rabbits, squirrels and a wide assortment of furbearers and varmints, including some 2 legged varmints too. Keeps ya busy.

The dead freezer looks as though it will hold all the moulds I could ever obtain. I recounted most of them and there are over 70. Wait, 71 if I count the 429303 that SmokemJoe just sent me. The powder stores well in the door and that basket at the bottom. Primers are kept seperate in a 30 cal ammo can in aother part of the shop.

Now I gotta fix the roof. We had a heavy rain last night, first in a few weeks and I see the last windstorm finally killed the ancient shingle roof. I also need at least 1 better entrance door, steel with a lock preferably.

09-26-2007, 11:58 AM
Bret, are you using the forum photo posting technique, it will limit you in especially the size of your photos.

I use Photobucket service, its free. As long as you don't make your pictures over 650X it will reproduce here in our threads with great clariety.

At Photobucket you merely use them to get to your computer's stored photos that are saved in different files. Attach one and make sure of its size is not any bigger than 650X before downloading to Photobucket. From Photo bucket you take the downloaded picture and copy it on your right click, then return to the forum thread and paste it wherever you want.


09-26-2007, 01:21 PM
I'll look into it Jim. I'm not sure if thats one of the ones I tried last week or not. Seems like I tried 2 or 3 sites and only 1 seemed to work for me.