View Full Version : Aluminum for ingot mold?

05-21-2013, 07:01 PM
I have access to some scrap aluminum angle iron and wanted to know if it would be suitable to make a mold for casting ingots? I don't know what grade it is, it's approximately 3/16" thick.



D Crockett
05-21-2013, 08:07 PM
yes it would make fine ingot moulds just rember to put at least 10 degree angle or more on each end. and weild on the out side and make it to where the ends keep the body of the mould off of where you have it sitting this will help it in getting cooler faster I do the same thing but I use angle iron to make my moulds and the ingot should just fall out when you flip it over D Crockett

05-21-2013, 09:17 PM
Thanks for the info D Crockett.

05-21-2013, 09:54 PM
I have some Aluminium angle too that I wanted to use for this but no way to weld them!

05-27-2013, 01:38 PM
I picked up some aluminum jello molds from the goodwill yesterday, filled halfway made pretty 7 lb ingots.

05-27-2013, 03:17 PM
My lee alum mold works great as do my alum mini muffin pans. Check out the ready welder. You can weld alum/steel/stainless from your current welder or from batteries. Well worth the $$$ especially if you find a used one.