View Full Version : SS Pins

05-20-2013, 11:50 PM
Got 5 pounds of SS Pins from Phil3333 today popped um open, thru them in my make shift tumbler (an old Thumlers Tumbler model A and a 1 Gallon plastic jar), threw a squirt or 2 of dish detergent in and some Citric Acid (a little to much I think), about 200 40 Caliber range pickups that were givin to me with a bunch of 9mm shells. I didn't decap them because it was a test (got everything going had some leakage took care of that), let them go for 11/2 hours and then checked them out!! Awesome!! They were a little dull thats why I think I put a little to much Citric Acid in the mix overall they look GREAT!! I'll throw them in my Vibritory tumbler and polish um up so they look Purdy!! Drying them in a dehydrator now. Highly recommended and Phil3333 is the man to get your pins from awesome service!!

I will be refining my system in the next couple of cleanings. Need another media separator with a bucket and a fine mesh strainer and a Lee Universal Decapper die. But the overall outcome was well worth the extra work in my opinion.

Love Life
05-21-2013, 12:04 AM
Get a Dillon media separator (small or large), fill tub with water, insert squirrel cage, dump brass, pins and dirty water into separator sitting in the tub full of water, spin, dump on towel to dry overnight, tumble the next day, done.

05-21-2013, 12:17 AM
Dillon is a bit slow (way understatement) in shipping. If you want it soon, call them and ask if it's in stock.

05-21-2013, 06:27 AM
go to walmart and buy lemi-shine and dawn. Lemi-shine goes quick, its buy the cascade and funiture polish area. Ive never seen but one bottle at a time or none. I think it gets stolen often so they put one out only. Lemi-shine puts the sparkle on and cut odor down from other soap acids.

Love Life
05-21-2013, 10:43 AM
It is cheaper and eaiser to order citric acid by the pound from Amazon.Com. I get the diesel labs non-GMO, food grade stuff. Don't want no GMO in brass...

05-21-2013, 05:07 PM
It is cheaper and eaiser to order citric acid by the pound from Amazon.Com. I get the diesel labs non-GMO, food grade stuff. Don't want no GMO in brass...



05-21-2013, 05:29 PM
I havn't heard of tumbling with SS pins. Would I be able to use my current Frankford Arsenal tunbler or do I need an additional tumbler?

05-21-2013, 05:34 PM
Got 5 pounds of SS Pins from Phil3333 today popped um open, thru them in my make shift tumbler (an old Thumlers Tumbler model A and a 1 Gallon plastic jar), threw a squirt or 2 of dish detergent in and some Citric Acid (a little to much I think), about 200 40 Caliber range pickups that were givin to me with a bunch of 9mm shells. I didn't decap them because it was a test (got everything going had some leakage took care of that), let them go for 11/2 hours and then checked them out!! Awesome!! They were a little dull thats why I think I put a little to much Citric Acid in the mix overall they look GREAT!! I'll throw them in my Vibritory tumbler and polish um up so they look Purdy!! Drying them in a dehydrator now. Highly recommended and Phil3333 is the man to get your pins from awesome service!!

I will be refining my system in the next couple of cleanings. Need another media separator with a bucket and a fine mesh strainer and a Lee Universal Decapper die. But the overall outcome was well worth the extra work in my opinion.

New SS pins require that they be washed with warm water & soap before using them to wash off the coating left on them from manufacturing. If you just tumbled brass without washing the SS pins, the brass will be dull but I bet the SS pins are nice and shiny now.

05-21-2013, 05:36 PM
I havn't heard of tumbling with SS pins. Would I be able to use my current Frankford Arsenal tunbler or do I need an additional tumbler?

SS (stainless steel) pins are very heavy and are normally used in the wet tumbling process. I doubt that they would work in a vibratory tumbler.

05-21-2013, 08:31 PM
New SS pins require that they be washed with warm water & soap before using them to wash off the coating left on them from manufacturing. If you just tumbled brass without washing the SS pins, the brass will be dull but I bet the SS pins are nice and shiny now.

Did not know that!! And yes they are nice n shiny now!! LOL!!

05-21-2013, 08:48 PM
go to walmart and buy lemi-shine and dawn. Lemi-shine goes quick, its buy the cascade and funiture polish area. Ive never seen but one bottle at a time or none. I think it gets stolen often so they put one out only. Lemi-shine puts the sparkle on and cut odor down from other soap acids.

Gunoil there is no shortage of Lemi-shine in my area. If you are in need of a few containers let me know how many you would like I can get some to you.