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View Full Version : RD TLC311-165-RF with Iso Core Alloy ??

05-19-2013, 01:18 PM
Just wondering if anyone has tried out this mold with any of the large Iso core alloy, and if so how did they do?

I will be loading some for a .308 and several 03A3's. I poured up around a hundred air cooled and another hundred water dropped.

This will be my first expedition into cast rifle. I plan on lubing with both 45-45-10 and with Carnuba Red mainly just to see what difference they make.

I know most use 50/50 WW and Pb but I have more of the large core ally which was why I went that route.

Any input would be appreciated.

05-21-2013, 06:04 PM
Ok back to the top and maybe I can re examine what I posted first.

I have more of the Iso core alloy than I do of straight WW or pure. So in looking over the excellent Alloy Calculator of Bumpo's, which I reference from time to time, I see that straight WW alloy or what is listed as straight anyway is as follows,
Symbol Sb Sn As Cu Ag Pb Weight (lbs) Hardness

COWW 0.50% 3.00% 0.25% 0% 0%
96.3% Brinell 12

Where as the Iso core is,

Symbol Sb Sn As Cu Ag Pb Weight (lbs) Hardness

Iso core 1.00% 3.00% 0% 0% 0% 96.0% Brinell 11

Which really isn't a WHOLE lot of difference.

So I have seen it posted where folks use both straight COWW and a blend of 50/50 COWW and Pb, which is what my next attempt will be after I see how these might shoot this weekend.

How do you think the Iso alloy will do blended in a 50/50 batch compared to the COWW?

05-21-2013, 09:05 PM
I have the mold and use it for my 30-30 Marlin loads. I have no experience with the alloy you mention though. My alloy is a blend of ww's, Linotype and soft sheet lead with a hardness of about 12bhn. Good mold fill out and good accuracy with no leading.