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05-16-2013, 06:11 PM
I was reading some old posts and saw one on burns asociated with out hobby. It got me thinking about some cream I was given years ago when I broke my leg and had to have surgey. The cream is called Silvadene and I would recomend that everyone who can, have your family doctor write you a script for some of this cream just incase you ever burn your self badly. Once the heat is removed by continous flushing with cold water, this Silvadene cream can be applied and you will be amazed how fast you will heal. This stuff is great to have around the house for almost any kind of wound. Attached is a WebMD write up on the medication.....



05-16-2013, 06:43 PM
+1 on Silvadene creme!

Over the course of more years than I want to count, this creme has provided amazing pain relief and healing on burns!

05-16-2013, 07:10 PM
Many years ago, I read where in an impoverished area they used plant material in place of skin grafts for serious burn victims. The graft of skin dies and peals off in the healing process but protects the sub dermis. Still, very painful. The plant material provided protection, maintained moisture, and could be sprayed off with water vs the often painful scrubbing associated with major burns. The miracle plant?

drum roll

Potatoes. They made a pulp of the potato skin and applied it to the burn site. The doctor interviewed said something about the moisture, starches, and vitamins actually speeding up recovery by 20-25%

Recently, my 8 month old grandson was seriously burned by hot coffee. Someone sat their Styrofoam cup within his reach and he grabbed it causing it to spill and burn his forearm. My daughter freaked as it looked to be a bad blister in the making. I told her about the potato thing and she immediately cut a thin slice and applied it to the burn site. He instantly stopped crying.

She held the slice in place with the top of a sock and checked his arm every 30 minutes. Within an hour the potato slice was dried out and he had a big watery blister. She replaced with another slice and within 4 hours the blister was gone but had not burst. After that she switched to covering with gauze and a natural anti biotic, held in place by the top of a sock. Poor man's tube dressing I guess. The injury stayed red for a week before it faded. It has been almost two months and the area has not shed the skin where the blister had been. The antibiotic? Honey. The main thing is He healed fast, and was only in pain when it first happened up until the slice of potato.

I'm not knocking Silvadene as I've used it and it works. I don't always have that in the cabinet but I've always got potatoes.

05-16-2013, 07:34 PM
Silvadene - the stuff they put on my finger burns after getting hit by 900 volts. Those 1/4" deep holes healed right up, no sign of scar tissue. I guess I should have some potatoes handy when smelting of casting.

05-16-2013, 07:35 PM
Great info to know about the potato's. I am a beekeeper so I already knew about the honey. I'm guessing the potato's mositure also helps pull heat away as well thru evaporation.

41 mag fan
05-16-2013, 07:41 PM
That's interesting fcvan, I'm going to remember that and try it next time I get a burn

05-16-2013, 08:33 PM
Aloe vera, fresh gel from he plant is best, but the bottled stuff works pretty well, too.

I once wiped a 6000F oxy-acetylene flame over the back of my hand. Dropped the torch,
powered it down and ran for the aloe plant at my Mom's house. Brown streak where the
skin was charred. Aloe gel on it within 30 sec of the burn, and reapplied every 1/2 hour
for the afternoon to help the pain. Never blistered, just stayed charred looking, eventually
the charred skin flaked off (~ a week) and there was nice new pink skin underneath. No
scar a month later.


05-16-2013, 08:47 PM
Potatoes work well for welding flash burned eyes, thick cut, place on eyes lean back, wait till they turn brown.

05-16-2013, 09:46 PM
The juice/sap/gel from the aloe vera plant works wonders. For many years, there was always a plant next to the soldering iron.

Will try a potato on the next burn.

05-16-2013, 10:05 PM
When I worked in the oil fields one of the guys kept a potato in his lunch box for arc burn. He would just squeeze the juice into his eye but I suppose the doing the slice over they eye makes sense. I'm sure a feller would get razzed for not doing the whole mud mask and cucumber slice facial. Those guys showed no mercy!

05-16-2013, 11:35 PM
I have some of that stuff when I burned a certain area. Works amazing!!!!

05-16-2013, 11:57 PM
I havent sliced a potatoe for my eyes, but I've ground it up and put it on for welders flash. It does work.
The aloe vera is an excellent plant to keep around for burns.

05-17-2013, 07:04 AM
Silvadene- silver sulfadiazene, is a topical antiseptic. It prevents infection. Nothing more than that. Does nothing to "promote healing" or stop the pain.

05-17-2013, 10:52 AM


05-17-2013, 11:55 AM
When I was a kid and most everyone ran around without a shirt in the summer time, I got sun burned pretty bad. My Mom coated my back with Milk of Magnesia and the burning sensation went away soon afterwards. It dries up fairly quickly but it sure took that stinging out. I've since used it when soldering and gotten the tip of the iron too close to my fingers. It's come in handy a time or two while casting as well.

05-17-2013, 08:52 PM
I use a product referred to as "Basic H" to soothe mild burns from casting, etc. Haven't had a bad burn but that is what I would grab first....The potato thing is news to me, will keep that in mind.

05-17-2013, 09:00 PM
I havent sliced a potatoe for my eyes, but I've ground it up and put it on for welders flash. It does work.
The aloe vera is an excellent plant to keep around for burns.

Grate it up on a cheese grater, almost instant relief

05-17-2013, 09:15 PM
Another product like silvadine is thermazine. My father-in-law had a big jar of it for radiation burns he got during cancer treatment. I believe he got it from the VA.

05-18-2013, 12:58 AM
Potatoes work well for welding flash burned eyes, thick cut, place on eyes lean back, wait till they turn brown.

that's a neat trick... how long do you wait for blue eyes to turn brown? :kidding:

05-18-2013, 01:11 AM
Tea tree oil and fresh Aloe works for me. The honey was a new one on me. I still don't get how potatoes can relieve pain from a light-burned retina, but I've managed not to ever do that to myself and I've done a lot of welding. Given myself temporary grey spots from malfunctioning auto-darken helmets or from having the shade set too light, but never anything that hurt.
