View Full Version : ultra elbow

Lloyd Smale
05-16-2013, 06:04 PM
wifes says im a confirmed saddist. Yesterday was the first day i could get out shooting for the year. Ive got three new rifles i needed to work up loads for. a 700 rem in 300 ultramag, a 700 rem in 300 H&H and an abolt browing in 300 wsm. I shot 325 rounds yesterday combined. My elbow was real sore last night probably from banging off the bench shooting the ultra. I didnt have enough sense to put a pad down. Well i felt a bit better this morning so went out and shot another 140 rounds. Got home and started doing some reloading when i noticed the the elbow feeling worse. About an hour later it was the size of a softball. Went to the emergency room and they made an appointment for me to get it drained tommarow. Said there was liquid in there and it was also infected. Ive got one more day of load developement for the 3 guns. Any volunteers?? I asked my wife and she told me to kiss her !!! Its tough trying to remember your not 25 anymore. I know in the past that would have been just an ordinary couple days shooting. Oh well the good thing is i think its the first time ive every took 3 guns to the range and found moa loads for all of them in a single day.

05-17-2013, 01:15 AM
Me thinks maybe she is right. lol

Wayne Smith
05-23-2013, 10:42 AM
Nope, wrong term. Sadist's like to hurt others, this sounds like a masochist! They enjoy being hurt. Of course, this Dx assumes a sexual pleasure component. At our average ages, maybe true??

05-23-2013, 12:19 PM
Those are big boomers for MI. You planning a trip out west?

05-23-2013, 02:05 PM
Lloyd, Now you know why I have several old bath towels in my range bag/kit. The first towel is for me to sit my skrawny butt on, the other is folded and positioned for my Right elbow to rest on when aiming while at the shooting bench. I`ve had a similar case like yours when I did the sight in range work for a shop years ago and also thought I was a man and could just "suck up" the pain and swelling.Robert

Cactus Farmer
05-23-2013, 04:33 PM
My boss is enamered with big bore guns and wanted to shoot my 375 Taylor. He has a chrono you see....... We shot about
50 rounds,j-words and cast. He calls me the next week and asks......is your little finger on your right hand numb?

We are not spring chickens anymore......

05-23-2013, 05:15 PM
Nothing works as well or heals as fast. I still love shooting guns that as my father put it, "kill on both ends". Every time I come home from the range I have the beginnings of a bruise on my shoulder. A couple of days later my shoulder is in Technicolor.


06-01-2013, 07:07 AM
The Elk lottery is coming up and we are ALL punishing ourselves.................wife already stole a 300 WSM from me and I had to replace it. Can believe she can even shoot that thing. Ruger Frontier light rifle and a real boomer. Makes my .338 Winmags look anemic.

She and I both shoot the big guns off the bench with a very large pad on our shoulders.................

Lloyd is a Yooper and is tougher than us trolls.............:kidding:


Those are big boomers for MI. You planning a trip out west?

Jack Stanley
06-01-2013, 10:01 AM
Bah!!!! You Michigan people ! Give ya some coastline and ys start thinkin' yer all o' that !!

But then if you have a section called Michibraska and Stocktucky , have citys like Nashville and Atlanta , have areas that were controlled by four different nations ...... I think Lloyd is probably in Michitana or something !


Four Fingers of Death
06-02-2013, 05:21 AM
I love shooting my cracken boomers, I have 2x 300WMs, 2x338WMs, 1x375H&H and a 416 (not counting the 444 and the 45/70s). I find it more important to put a pad under my elbow than to worry about my shoulder. The current big Limbsaver pads are brilliant, but the elbow still needs a bit of pad under it.

Lloyd Smale
06-02-2013, 06:16 AM
I know a guy doesnt really NEED a 300 ultra in michigan but when we do crop damage shooting many 500 yard oportunitys present themselves and its fun just to fool with differnt calibers. Stupid thing was that i had a pad sittlng right there in the shooting shack next to me. It was the first time shooting for the year and i just didnt think to use it. Im one that has allways been about immune to recoil. I actually enjoy shooting the big guns. Maybe to immune as I guess i should mix in a little common sense.

Four Fingers of Death
06-02-2013, 11:18 PM
Like I always say, 'you can't fight Physics, the laws will always be obeyed!'

06-05-2013, 03:17 PM
Found a jell type of elbow pad I use now. It is thin and a rubbery bottom and weights enough the wind won't blow it away. Can't remember the manufacturer...beats chasin a piece of foam around the prairie on d-dawg shoots.