View Full Version : my first smoothbore

05-16-2013, 02:54 PM
I just swapped for a smooth bore from KCSO. First of all he is one heck of a guy to deal with. I got the trade gun he had listed in the Swapping and Selling area. It should be here any day now.

"I did about 20 years ago for a friend. The parts came from Track of the wolf with a Getz barrel. The lock is a Davis If I remember right but I would have to look in my old work book. The owner used the gun for demonstrations and he killed a couple turkeys with it but when he got sick he just hung it on the wall. I would guess it’s had maybe 50 shots or less total through it as he was mainly a percussion man." in his own words

So to say i am happy is a huge understatement. i will post pics when i get it.


DIRT Farmer
05-16-2013, 11:05 PM
Now you are ruined, you won't want another gun with the insides of the barrel all scrathed up.

05-17-2013, 02:07 PM
Congradulations... That would be a historic reunion. Sure do enjoy tromping about the river bottoms of east ILLinois with my caliber .62 smoth flinter when up north there.
MIke in Peru