View Full Version : Discontinuation of Hoppes #9 BP is an internet RUMOR!

05-16-2013, 02:30 PM
roundball posted an answer he received from Hoppes about the supposed discontinuation of their well regarded BP solvent on the Traditional ML Forum:

Hoppes No.9 Plus BP solvent & patch lube is alive and well.

I sent an Email to Hoppe’s Customer Service
(down at the bottom)

I just received their reply.
(Immediately below)

================================================== ==
From: CustomerSupport (Hoppes)
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 12:05 PM
Subject: RE: Hoppe's: New Contact form submitted


Rumors will be rumors, at the current time there are no plans to remove this item from our line.
Rest assured that the No. 9 Plus BP solvent is NOT slated to be discontinued.

Optics Planet has it in stock and ready to go.
and it looks like midway usa will be getting more next week.



Thank you sir!

05-19-2013, 01:35 PM
Or, just boil some water and throw a little soap in it, and take the money you would have spent on a commercial solution and buy more powder...