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09-13-2007, 08:28 PM
Is there laws against selling cast round balls to a sport shop BULK. I told them i need to check and not until i know it's OK. I'm just skiddish about it until i know i'm not gonna get hawled in by the ATF or sued by someone swallowing them and plugging their B.M. LOL My wife needs another job. She actually could work another day job and a night job......Of course i wouldn't want it to interupt her cleaning chores,cooking,laundry,bla, bla, bla.....:twisted: Seriously is there remifications in selling to a businesssuch as a sport shop.

09-13-2007, 09:20 PM
Yup, you need an 06 FFL which costs $30 for 3 years. No hassle getting it and ATF really isn't bad to deal with contrary to what some fanatics would have you think. Here is a link to Corbin's Web page which tells you all you need to know about it: http://www.corbins.com/business.htm

09-13-2007, 10:01 PM
It's always good to call and ask as no two agents will give the same answer, especially in different sections of the country. BUT, if the round balls are made for muzzle loaders, they may let it slide (still need to check). Muzzle loaders are in the category of "antique firearm" (whether replica or not) and as such ammunition for an antique firearm is not considered as being appicable to the GCA (Gun Control Act).

From the Q&A section of the Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide:

Question: What kinds of ammunition are covered by the GCA?

Answer: Ammunition includes cartridge cases, primers, bullets or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm other than an antique firearm.

I would think that if you are not making ammunition (or a component thereof) for a "firearm" you wouldn't need the license for making ammunition for one. BUT STILL CALL AND CHECK.

09-14-2007, 08:07 AM
I would think they would be more interested in whether you pay tax on your profits. :mrgreen:

Wayne Smith
09-14-2007, 10:53 AM
You do need the 06 and need to deal with federal and local taxes. ATF will do an "inspection" of your operation. Two young ladies came out to "inspect" my "operation". After they realized that I didn't have a business, just needed to cover my ass if and when I did sell some, we had a nice visit.

09-15-2007, 03:19 AM
Normally, in today's marketplace, it is also recommended that you get liability insurance if you are manufacturing loaded rounds or components for loaded rounds. If anyone has a gun blow up, standard procedure is to "sue everyone" which would include you. When I had my business manufacturing rounds, there was a company that worked through the NRA that was very reasonable for 1 million in liability insurance.

09-15-2007, 11:30 AM

Again, it sort of depends on where you live and the attitude of the local agents. I've had an 06 license for 10 years and I have never spoken to, let alone seen, an ATF agent. The locals don't care.

Wayne Smith
09-15-2007, 11:38 AM

Again, it sort of depends on where you live and the attitude of the local agents. I've had an 06 license for 10 years and I have never spoken to, let alone seen, an ATF agent. The locals don't care.

I imagine, being here in the neighborhood of the largest naval base in the world, a naval air station, Seal Team six, Air Force Base, and Army base along with the NATO War College they might be a touch more willing to check things out than they are where you are!