View Full Version : Burm mining... what are your techniques and tools?

05-14-2013, 10:12 AM
I've only been casting for about 5 months and clearly see the need for at least a 500lb stockpile as a minimum. I've scrounged about 100 pounds of wheel weights and picked bullets from the burm at the gun club I belong to.
I tried a couple different types and sizes of wire mesh along with fryer scoops for getting bullets. I am not sure how it would look digging with a shovel.
The soil in the burms at my club range from a mostly sand and clay mixture to a mostly clay, gravel and sand mixture. Obviously the more sand the better it goes through the fryer scoop. The worst seems to be pistol bays with the small gravel mixed in.
I am interested in hearing what others use for tools and how you use them without having a negative impact on the burms.

05-14-2013, 10:19 AM
I use the 50.00 trommel. You can find plans for free on the web. If not let me know and I'll send you pics of mine. Then once you get your buckets of dirt rock and debris use a shop vac to suction out the crud. The bullets are too heavy for the vac to suck out. You should end up with 99% clean range lead. My berms are sandy if you have clay you will probably have to wash or re tumble your lead two or three times through the trommel. Always use a respirator when digging, screening and wear gloves too. With the vacuum system you can clarify a 5 gal bucket in about 10 minutes.

05-14-2013, 10:42 AM
I am interested in hearing what others use for tools and how you use them without having a negative impact on the burms.

Go to http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?174512-Range-diving-186lbs&highlight=186lbs
and read those 66 posts. I posted a lot of my equipment, experiences and tips there for people like US.
You mention digging which the range managers DO NOT LIKE. I solved that problem with my sifter basket. In doing this, my sifter has evolved to the point that I am building my 6th generation basket now. Gen 5 is either going to sit and rust or if someone wants it more than I do, I'd sell it.
Being in Ohio, we have plenty of clay which is harder to work than sand but after a few (spring/summer) months of being shot up, the berms here get broken apart, then a week or so after, a hard rain exposes plenty of "ore" waiting to be extracted.
There are some good examples of mechanized 'cleaners' but hauling them to the range is a pain. Also, hauling excess dirt home is too much work, which is why I prefer to sift at the berm. But you'll see all of this in the above thread.
Keep us up on what you do and share the knowledge.

05-14-2013, 10:44 AM
I use a coffee can, which I cut the bottom out of, and put 1/4" hardware cloth over the opening. Scoop up a bunch of loose stuff from the top, sift into a low spot, and then dump everything left in the can into a bucket.

05-14-2013, 12:40 PM
I just use my fingers and get them one at a time. Very low impact on berms. I got over 600 pounds last year and my goal is 1K pounds this yar. Just got home from the range. Shot some rifle, 200 rounds of handgun and brought home 31 pounds. total time at range was 2 hours.

05-14-2013, 12:51 PM
I just use my fingers and get them one at a time. Very low impact on berms. I got over 600 pounds last year and my goal is 1K pounds this yar. Just got home from the range. Shot some rifle, 200 rounds of handgun and brought home 31 pounds. total time at range was 2 hours.

That's exactly what I do. I usually don't even have to dig, it's just sitting on the surface.

05-14-2013, 01:10 PM
Started *surface mining* our range this spring.
14 pounds ingotized so far...it's a start.

If I could scrounge 100# this year, it would please me.
Oh pray, the Pb gods will smile upon me...:lol:

05-14-2013, 03:05 PM
Surface skimming with a flat sided wire basket. Five gallon bucket in about fifteen minutes. Haven't been in a while, so it's time...

05-14-2013, 04:25 PM
Pick a weekend, Corky, I can get you some help! ... felix

05-14-2013, 05:28 PM
I have help too. My daughter, 19, goes to the range with me in the summer. She foes some shooting but really likes to help gather range scrap. Our best day last year was 54 pounds.