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05-10-2013, 01:16 PM
My wife and I went to the range on Monday and was surprised to find others there. One group of three were at the 200 yd bench shooting AR's. We got set up and shot for awhile and it seemed to me they had some pretty hot loads but wasn't really sure as we were at the other end (25yd).At one point I wandered down there to check out what there shooting and they had an AR muzzle up on the bench fiddlin with it. As I got to them one said "don't worry it's unloaded" that kinda took me aback and I asked how can you be sure? The mags still in it! The guy pops the mag and sure nuff IT'S empty. They guy goes on to say that a PRIMER IS STUCK, I'm like ???????? What do you mean a primer's stuck?:shock:
He hands me a case (.223) and sure enough the primers missing and the back of the case is all smoked up. As I'm looking at it and the one guys still fiddlin trying to pull back the charging handle I asked how the case is ejected and the primer still in the action as the bolt should've locked back on an empty mag? I got three deer in the headlights stares! Turns out there was a live round in the chamber and a crushed and very smokey primer jammed in there somewhere too. As I was looking at it wondering just how that could happen one of them said "THAT ONE'S WORSE THAN THE OTHERS!!!" :veryconfu The others? Seems that this was the third of forth time! I decided it was time to go home. Before I did i told them to toss ALL that brass and to recheck every thing there doing.

05-10-2013, 01:29 PM
I hope it was a 10 rnd mag, wouldn't want them to end up in jail and maimed.

05-10-2013, 01:30 PM
I've seen some spooky stuff on public ranges.

Sounds to me like they needed to reread the loading manual, if they had even read it at all.

There is absolutely no excuse for them messing with a loaded firearm, that is just an accident waiting to happen. And I bet when it does, they wouldn't man up and admit they were at fault, it would be "The gun just went off, by itself."


05-10-2013, 01:42 PM
Actually it's not that uncommon for a primer to be "stuck" in the LPG. I've had it happen with some gunshow reloads. Only happened a couple of times, but if you don't have any tooling available it will ruin a day at the range. As far as not clearing the AR prior to manipulating the gun to rid it of the primer, yikes!!

Bucking the Tiger
05-10-2013, 03:51 PM
Sad, but all too true. I am a member of a gun range near Birmingham,Al and most of the people that come out to shoot are OK, but I have seen quite a few characters too. Some have so little working knowledge of their firearms it is startling.( Primer? what's that?)
I was an armorer on a range for three years in the Marine Corps also, and saw a few idiotic things happen even among Marines. Safety requires vigilance and experience; items that some fall short on.
I have helped anyone that asked, and steered clear of the yahoos.

05-10-2013, 03:58 PM
You can see some really stupid stunts at a public range. I was at the range a couple of weeks ago and a man backed his truck into one of the roof supports at the rifle range. He was talking on his cell phone while backing up and was not paying attention. It's probably a good thing he caught the roof support or he might have backed up all the way to the benches! That same afternoon another person put his gun rug, with his pistol inside, on top of his car while unlocking the car. He also was on his cell phone. He got in his car and drove out of the parking lot with the pistol on top of the car. The pistol fell off and a couple of shooters noticed it. The picked it up and took it to the range office. Hopefully the shooter reclaimed it.

Bucking the Tiger
05-10-2013, 07:30 PM
km101, I have seen things like this happen. The people that don't get out to the range much can get very excited and are always distracted by their cell phone( I leave mine in the car at the range; can't hear it ring and don't wanna talk if I am shooting!). They hardly know how to handle a weapon safely. The most surprising thing is they can't understand why they are not shooting well."What am I doing wrong?" they say( the more they miss,the faster they shoot)."What are you doing right" is what I think. I don't mean to sound so critical, but so many pilgrims don't invest enough into shooting to be good at it,and then lack focus when they do go shooting. The wanna be tactical back yard operators are the worst( AR with all the potato head accessories attached, plastic handgun,plastic holster, cool sunglasses: they pose a lot and are challenged to hit a 10" steel plate reliably at 100 yards while sitting down,AR on a rest, on a concrete bench). I try to be polite, smile to myself, and pick up all their brass.

05-10-2013, 08:43 PM
Last month at my PRIVATE (members only) outdoor range where I RO, I rounded the berm of the steel range to find three Chinese nationals happily blasting away on full auto at the Texas Star and the plate racks with an AR. From 25 yards away. I cannot get in a cussfight in Chinese, and they spoke little English. They wrote a hefty check before leaving. This is in North Florida..the madness is everywhere, be safe out there

Bucking the Tiger
05-10-2013, 09:03 PM
Wow Riverpigusmc, that is pure insanity. This video game generation doesn't just lack respect for firearm safety, they don't even have a clue of how dangerous they are to themselves and others:It is all just a big game. I am boldly assuming that none of them have seen what really happens to a person with a bullet in him.

05-10-2013, 10:09 PM
I'm glad I've not been around any of these yet, But I'm sure they will pop up in the future as alot of people are reloading now.

05-11-2013, 12:33 AM
I must say I’ve see some dumb things even from the range officers. We have a local range in Birchwood that has a few 100 Yd ranges min distance 25 yards. ( I’m ok with this ) but you can’t shoot pistols on that line because the bullet wont impact the backstop. huh I’ve asked many times what does a butt stock and more barrel do ( granted it gives you another 100 FPS ) my AR SBR is ok, but not my AR pistol I like to call this the good idea fairy… once you have a good idea it’s hard to get rid of it. I will say stupid goes around, and there has even been a time or two I’ve been hit with the proverbial dumb A$$ award. we've all done dumb to learn a lesson ( granted this seems over and above ! )

country gent
05-11-2013, 01:01 AM
At the club I shoot and belong to, the High performence range is free form handgun ( standing kneeling prone ect) and first comes sets the range. We had painted sheet metal disks marking 3 yds, 7 yds, 10 yds, 15 yds, 25 yds, 50 yds. the only bench is at 60 yds. These disks were then place on fence posts down the sides of the range. I was checking the range a couple weeks later for brass and the target hangers when I noticed every one of the disks had a 10 rd group in it. One side faces our pistol range the othe houses and public area. Wish we had had the cameras up then. We have people shooting shotguns on the pistol and rifle ranges. Rifles on the pistol range and pistols on the rifle range. This is a members only club, every member is given the clubs book with rules for each range ect ect yet they know more than the book so they never bother to read it. Rules are posted on each range also. This club is basically paper targets only (other than Trap and skeet, and a plinking range) for live fire. Yet we constantly are picking up trash from the ranges. Caught one member putting french fries out down range on the rifle range hoping to draw a animal to them. With this type of mentallity just what can you do? You say something and the wait for you to leave and go back to doing it again.

05-11-2013, 03:06 AM
Merlin101 What club were you at? I shoot at GCL would hate to see something like that go un-reported at my club. If they were lucky enough to survive that trip they may not survive the next and it could get the club shut down.

05-11-2013, 06:32 AM
My wife and I went to the range on Monday and was surprised to find others there. One group of three were at the 200 yd bench shooting AR's. We got set up and shot for awhile and it seemed to me they had some pretty hot loads but wasn't really sure as we were at the other end (25yd).At one point I wandered down there to check out what there shooting and they had an AR muzzle up on the bench fiddlin with it. As I got to them one said "don't worry it's unloaded" that kinda took me aback and I asked how can you be sure? The mags still in it! The guy pops the mag and sure nuff IT'S empty. They guy goes on to say that a PRIMER IS STUCK, I'm like ???????? What do you mean a primer's stuck?:shock:
He hands me a case (.223) and sure enough the primers missing and the back of the case is all smoked up. As I'm looking at it and the one guys still fiddlin trying to pull back the charging handle I asked how the case is ejected and the primer still in the action as the bolt should've locked back on an empty mag? I got three deer in the headlights stares! Turns out there was a live round in the chamber and a crushed and very smokey primer jammed in there somewhere too. As I was looking at it wondering just how that could happen one of them said "THAT ONE'S WORSE THAN THE OTHERS!!!" :veryconfu The others? Seems that this was the third of forth time! I decided it was time to go home. Before I did i told them to toss ALL that brass and to recheck every thing there doing.

I've seen some crazy things on public ranges, normally I won't shoot until I've had a chance to see how the people shooting around me are at range safety. I feel with the increase in reloading equipment sales due to ammo shortages scenes like this are going to be more common. I know of people buying presses and equipment that have no idea what goes in to safely reloading and shooting your own ammo.

Bucking the Tiger
05-11-2013, 06:48 AM
The tough part about all this is with more shooters and reloaders appearing, things get in a state of flux. The long term is good; eventually more shooters will shoot more and get better.The bad news is more rubes will show up at the range and act like morons. I cannot turn away a fellow shooter, but they should have a strong desire to understand the danger and fun found in firearms. If Daddy or the military did not instruct them, they need to find someone that will.

05-11-2013, 07:13 AM
I also have had a few hair raising experiences ,I was walking back from the 25 yd pistol range at a local game commission range a few years ago when a tricked out escalade with new jersey plates ,they whip out an ak and a tec 9 (already loaded) and begin fireing at my target! I was not even back to the fireing line! I walked right to my car and left.I was pretty shaken and in my haste I never copied the liscense . That range is now closed but I have heard of a few more crazy things that happened at that range .I only shoot at a private range now and I RO whenever I am there .even among our guys I have seen a lot of disregard for safety,mostly b being preoccupied and not watching muzzle direction,handling firearms when cease fire has been called etc. I am always on my gurard

05-11-2013, 08:32 AM
I experienced the bolt locked closed and STUCK on an M-16. This was on Clark 25 meter range at Fort Knox in 1971. A trainee was firing when the gun jammed. Getting the bolt open on an AR type rifle is a problem as the leverage applied by the charging handle is weak.
In this case it took a lot of stomping on the charging handle with a size 11 combat boot. when the bolt finally opened out popped a live round with no flashhole in the case. The primer had fired and jammed the bolt back locking up the rifle.
Still, it was nerve racking holding the muzzle up thinking there is a live round in the chamber and stomping on the charging handle.


05-11-2013, 12:32 PM
Merlin101 What club were you at? I shoot at GCL would hate to see something like that go un-reported at my club. If they were lucky enough to survive that trip they may not survive the next and it could get the club shut down.

Not GLC! another local club. Whats happening with GLC? Iheard a rumor that they my have to shut some ranges down cause of some apartments being built? I hope not.

05-11-2013, 12:38 PM
I experienced the bolt locked closed and STUCK on an M-16. This was on Clark 25 meter range at Fort Knox in 1971. A trainee was firing when the gun jammed. Getting the bolt open on an AR type rifle is a problem as the leverage applied by the charging handle is weak.
In this case it took a lot of stomping on the charging handle with a size 11 combat boot. when the bolt finally opened out popped a live round with no flashhole in the case. The primer had fired and jammed the bolt back locking up the rifle.
Still, it was nerve racking holding the muzzle up thinking there is a live round in the chamber and stomping on the charging handle.


Honestly if I hadn't of seen it with my own eyes I don't know if I'd believe it. I NEVER would've thought that a primer could or would fly out of a case, but then to just keep fireing!
I wonder if the guy (in my case) thought that ALL primers were swedged in and got a little happy with a reamer??

PS Paul
05-11-2013, 12:58 PM
Stories above are pretty much the reason I only go to the range on Mondays. NEVER on weekends any more. Last time I was there on a Sunday, virtually EVERY other shooter who came up on the line handled their firearms and walked up to their benches during cease-fire!! After calling out four different folks very politely, the last guy got real defensive and I raised my voice. I hate doing that and I REALLY dislike havin' to "be a cop", so when he shot back at me I kind of unloaded about the rules and basic etiquette and safety at the range. I just couldn't take it any more cuz I had become paranoid and kept havin' to look over my shoulder. Affected my shootin' at that point and pretty much spoiled what should have been a pleasurable and cathartic experience for me (which is why we shoot in the first place).

I grabbed my things, shared my annoyance with the RO and marched to my car, departing with a bad taste in my mouth. Never been back on a weekend since.

05-11-2013, 01:23 PM
This is a realtively common malfunction with AR's. The primer pockets were probably a little loose on those cases resulting in a primer blowing out of the pocket and skewering itself onto the protruding firing pin. maybe they use pistol primers?

Then as the action cycled it stripped another round and fed it to the chamber, but the bolt could not go into battery due to the blown primer being in the way. The gun could not fire in this condition. And it probably was made worse when they tried to cycle the bolt and stripped another round and shoved it in behind the first creating a double feed.

This is one of the shortcomings of the AR design. They also have a tendency to try to simultaniously strip two rounds off the mag and shove them into the hole, wedging both.

The correct action to clear a type 3 malfunction is to lock the bolt open, drop the mag, and if the bolt will move full travel then rack rack rack reinsert mag and rack.

If the bolt will not go full travel it means something is stuck in the hole and you must lock the bolt open and using your support hand, (so you don't inadvertantly release the bolt onto your trigger finger) stick your fingers into the mag well and fish around until you have removed all offending debris,and the re-load the gun.

IN the case of the blown primer scenario, the bolt would not close all the way after you cleared the gun and tried to reload it. At that point you have a broke gun and it's time to either run or get the pistol out,,, or both.

It should have taken no more than 15-30 seconds to figure all this out. If it took longer you're probably dead.

This is the reason why we go to shooting schools, so we can learn how to deal with this type of stuff. UNfortunately most people don't attend these schools, and as a result we have less than trained individuals at our ranges. Rereational shooting does not mean incompetant shooting.

You will note that the majority of thes occurances happen on weekdays when nobody is around. There is a reason for this, and it is because the individuals we are talking about know they are incompetant and are trying to avoid contact with those who are.

I am not a big "lets have some new laws" kind of guy, however when it comes to common military battle rifles, it would be nice if it was manditory that when you bought the gun you also bought a class to learn how to use it safely and efficiently. That class needs to be about 4 days long too,a s nobody is going to get this stuff in an afternoon!

I personally think that it is a good idea that you know how to run a gun if you are going to own that gun. Unfortunately many people don't give a ship about what I think, so they will never get trained beyond watching a video or playing video games. Real range time with real instructors is the only way to become competant with a complex weapon such as an AR 15 or any other battle rifle for that matter.

Fortunately since most people are not going to get competant instruction of using their guns, If I do have to go up against them, I can be pretty confident that I am better than they are. Now if I see SEALS or someother easily identifiable gunfighter type exiting the Black Suburban then I'm running the other direction!


05-11-2013, 02:39 PM
Actually it's not that uncommon for a primer to be "stuck" in the LPG. I've had it happen with some gunshow reloads.

gunshow reloads?? That is the scary part of this entire story.

05-11-2013, 03:41 PM
Don't like public ranges. But like most, if I want to shoot, it's either a public range or drive 2 hours each way to get far enough out in the desert so that the Kali liberal idiots don't have a conniption.
Like PS Paul, I no longer go the range on weekends. At the range I frequent, I've found that Wednesdays are when more of the old timers like myself are present.

As far as shooting gunshow reloads.........
I don't like putting my life or that of my children in someone else's hands. That means I never shoot someone else's reloads.


05-11-2013, 04:27 PM
Haven't been to a public range in many, many moons.
Is not safe. Often our SASS range has a few harry moments.
600,000 acres of public land within 10 miles of my house to
shoot on.

05-11-2013, 04:42 PM
I belong to a private range that is a 70 mi. round trip. I only go during the week since I'm retired. Very seldom are there more than one or two other shooters there at the same time. I am happy to say that I have never observed behavior such as I have read about in this thread.

05-11-2013, 05:22 PM
gunshow reloads?? That is the scary part of this entire story.

That's what I thought, too. You should have to post a sign if you are going to shoot those on a public range.

05-12-2013, 02:26 AM
Actually it's not that uncommon for a primer to be "stuck" in the LPG. I've had it happen with some gunshow reloads. Only happened a couple of times, but if you don't have any tooling available it will ruin a day at the range. As far as not clearing the AR prior to manipulating the gun to rid it of the primer, yikes!!

Never buy/shoot gun show reloads. That's just a disaster waiting to happin IMO. I trust no one else's reloads but my own...period.

05-13-2013, 10:22 AM
Saw a kid once who put dirt in his glock, then shoot said gun, just to show how good it was. I just turned and walked away.

Bucking the Tiger
05-13-2013, 11:12 AM
These poor misguided souls. Too many of them's understanding of firearms are heavily affected by TV, video games, movies, and ads from manufactures. Experience would sharpen their views, if they really tried. It is sad that the foolish feel so deadly when holding their guns, not realizing they are dangerous;to themselves and others.

05-13-2013, 12:05 PM
OK, a lot of folks calling the fellers with the AR stupid, dangerous, etc. But, the muzzle was pointed in the air and he was trying to clear the gun. What was he supposed to do? Should he have left the range and take his gun to a gunsmith? or was he supposed to toss the gun away from the firing line, go call a gunsmith to come fix his gun? I'm usually a pretty safe shooter, and I think I would have done the same; point the gun in a safe direction, and tried to clear the weapon. Would there be a safer tactic? Mebbe carry the gun around looking for a range master?

05-13-2013, 01:05 PM
Saw a kid once who put dirt in his glock, then shoot said gun, just to show how good it was. I just turned and walked away.

He didn't have to do that. Plenty of others have done it and then written about it.

05-13-2013, 03:54 PM
Some years back, I was at the local shooting area on BLM land. There are 2 benches at 100yds, one at 200 and one at 300. I was shooting from the right hand bench and a guy about 60 pulled up with a boy and girl the were about 17 or 18. I went about my business and they theirs. After a bit I heard a gun shot behind me. I looked to my left and the boy was gone. Looked behind me and he was at the 200 yard bench. I got the attention of the guy to my left and asked " Did he just send a bullet past us?" Guy says" Yeah, why?" I said, "If he sends a bullet past me again, it's gonna take a podiatrist and a proctologist to get my boot out of his a$$." He waved the boy back and they spoke quickly in hushed tones, then quickly packed their things and left. It still gives me the chills thinking about how bad that could have been.

05-13-2013, 05:44 PM
The point is,,, if the guy had been trained just a little on how to operate his gun he would have known how to clear it and after a few attempts he would have probably quit because he would have understood something was drastically wrong.

Things like this get taught in schools. nobody is born with this info you have to go out and find it.

My biggest problem is with those who don't look.


05-13-2013, 05:46 PM
Some years back, I was at the local shooting area on BLM land. There are 2 benches at 100yds, one at 200 and one at 300. I was shooting from the right hand bench and a guy about 60 pulled up with a boy and girl the were about 17 or 18. I went about my business and they theirs. After a bit I heard a gun shot behind me. I looked to my left and the boy was gone. Looked behind me and he was at the 200 yard bench.

There is a fundamental problem with that range design and that "accident" was going to happen and will be repeated. The benches need to be on a line and targets/berms need to be moved.


05-13-2013, 06:01 PM
I am not a big "lets have some new laws" kind of guy, however when it comes to common military battle rifles, it would be nice if it was manditory that when you bought the gun you also bought a class to learn how to use it safely and efficiently. That class needs to be about 4 days long too,a s nobody is going to get this stuff in an afternoon!


This post has been out here for days and nobody commented? I have to guess that because your post was so long not many people read this part. I think that this would be a very bad idea. As if we are not enough of a nanny state already.


05-13-2013, 08:16 PM
This is why I have my own private range on 100 ac. Used by only my familly and qualified friends. Never liked the idea of going to a public gun range and haven't.

05-13-2013, 08:30 PM
This is why I have my own private range on 100 ac. Used by only my familly and qualified friends. Never liked the idea of going to a public gun range and haven't.

I hear ya', brother! All I have room for is a 50 yard range, but it's on MY property and NOBODY shoots on it but me and Janet.

05-13-2013, 10:05 PM
Somehow people getting into the hobby of shooting or the practice of carrying for self defense should be encouraged to take a class. If mandatory classes at time of purchase is seen as infringement to gun ownership, perhaps classes should be required and offered by the ranges; at least the public ranges.

There are too many idiots out there and those idiots keep making more idiots. Need an example? Even if you don't count the fraudulent votes that were turned in for BH0 there were still a lot of people who voted for the Kenyan.

05-13-2013, 10:58 PM
Tim: I agree about the nanny state issue however you have to take a class in order to get your Drivers license.

Here's the deal. I am 63 years old and have owned guns and shot frequently for my entire life since my first gun at age 12. However when I went to my first classs at Front Sight I immediately found out I didn't know squat. I finished at #39 out of 40! and the only person I beat was the woman who had never shot a gun in her life and that I was coaching!

I did not know,,,that I did not know. I thought I knew,,, but found out quickly that I was full of ship!

Luckily I am not completely stupid. I decided to learn what I previously had thought I already knew.

I have been to 8, 4 day Pistol classes, One 4 day tactical scenarios class, and 3, 4 day rifle classes. That's 48, 8 hour days (384 hours) of training.

I am "somewhat" competant. Not good by any means, but competant, meaning I problably won't shoot myself or others close by. But I can run all of my guns proficiently, and safely, simply because I have been taught how ,,, and drilled until I actually could!

You can't do that easily by yourself. You need teachers and the range setting where you can practice under the direct supervision of experts in the field. Then you can become competant.

Here's the bad news,,,, I am better than 98% of the people with guns out there. This is not a testament to how good I am,,, it is a testament on how BAD they are.

They are "that bad" for one simple reason. They have not been taught how to use their weapons effectively.

I see it every month at the local IDPA shoot where the police don't come anymore because they are embarrassed. They have been taught, but won't practice! How reassuring is that?

I see it at our 600 yard range where the SWAT guys show up and can't hit a 3 foot square gong at 600 yards with $8,000 rifles, and I can hit the same gong every single shot with a $800 rifle. Believe me when I say,,, "I'm not that good." They are just much worse. They have continuous training but they obviously don't understand what they are being taught, as none of them hit the gong with around 50 shots being fired from the group.

One of them told me that he didn't expect to ever shoot anyone at over 70 yards! I thought to myself, "that's a good thing, cuz you probably couldn't connect beyond 100."

Point of all of this story telling is the fact that no one on this planet is born knowing how to do anything. You have to be taught everything. That's why your parents are around until you're 18, and they send you to school everyday!


05-13-2013, 11:24 PM
Tim: I agree about the nanny state issue however you have to take a class in order to get your Drivers license.

A bunch of stuff cut out.

Point of all of this story telling is the fact that no one on this planet is born knowing how to do anything. You have to be taught everything. That's why your parents are around until you're 18, and they send you to school everyday!



I can tell from your tone you mean well. I actually don't think you have to take a class to get your drivers license but most people do.

You can make people take a class but that does not mean they will learn anything.

Yes, there are way too many bad, evil, stupid, dangerous shooters and people with guns but having a law to make them take a class before they can buy a certain kind of gun is just not going to fix anything. It would make a lot of money for the trainers......

Having someone demonstrate their ability before granting them a license is something I understand and agree with. I am not ready to require someone to get a license just to by a gun.

If I owned a range you bet you would be required to demonstrate your ability and attitude before you could shoot at my range, it is not about laws it is about attitude.


05-13-2013, 11:56 PM
I belong to a private range that is a 70 mi. round trip. I only go during the week since I'm retired. Very seldom are there more than one or two other shooters there at the same time. I am happy to say that I have never observed behavior such as I have read about in this thread.

Ditto. Even so I see some oddities. But nothing like a scene I saw at a public "sand-pit" range in Michigan about ten years ago. Six or seven of us on the line with everything from .22 Marlins to a .416 Remington, when a quad-cab 4WD pickup drives in, drives right past all of us down to within fifteen yards of the berm, and four, ah, how you say, "ghetto mobsters", pile out with handguns already uncased. They did mag dump after mag dump on our targets, then piled back in and turned around to drive off. THEN they saw all of us looking at them. The only thing that would have made it better would have been for us to have all been holding our rifles at port arms, but we had the good sense to rack them until the show was over.

05-14-2013, 12:48 PM
Tim: this whole question is a double edged sword, and in the end you have to decide which edge you want to get cut by. I don't want half the laws we have now let alone more.

Laws are all about control. Laws by definition, " restrict freedom." in certain cases this is a good thing, in others not so much.

I would rather see people voluntarily go to classes or seek out instruction to become competant at anything. Very little that can be done, can not be taught better than learned from experience. (read that twice)

When you run into the scenario the OP spoke of,,, It beggs for instruction, not fear or criticism .

I would have jumped in and showed them what was going on, rather than sit back and shake my head.

But that's just me.

Taking responsibility for an area is the correct action. Running from responsibilty is why we have laws.


05-14-2013, 01:27 PM
Tim: this whole question is a double edged sword, and in the end you have to decide which edge you want to get cut by. I don't want half the laws we have now let alone more.

Laws are all about control. Laws by definition, " restrict freedom." in certain cases this is a good thing, in others not so much.

I would rather see people voluntarily go to classes or seek out instruction to become competant at anything. Very little that can be done, can not be taught better than learned from experience. (read that twice)

When you run into the scenario the OP spoke of,,, It beggs for instruction, not fear or criticism .

I would have jumped in and showed them what was going on, rather than sit back and shake my head.

But that's just me.

Taking responsibility for an area is the correct action. Running from responsibilty is why we have laws.



I don't think we disagree on this stuff.


05-15-2013, 11:53 AM
OK. I read the OP again and since I wasn't there, I can't see too much wrong with what the AR guy was doing. OP mentioned the muzzle was pointed in a safe direction. "Fiddling" can mean anything and since I wasn't there, I don't have any idea what he was doing, except trying to clear his AR. The magazine was empty and one round stuck in the chamber (why else would he be trying to clear his gun?). One thing was obvious though, his loads were way too hot. We don't know how many rounds he fired before he blew out a primer, could have been the first one for all we know.

I have seen what has happened here on several forums; I call it "piling on". One member will criticize something, a post or reported action and immediately condemn the action (especially when no exact details are given) and his post is soon followed by similar posts, all criticizing an act that none of the forum members witnessed. The OP mentioned an incident of a shooter's gun that jammed from a too hot load blowing out a primer, and the shooter was attempting to clear the gun. That's all we know for sure, from a first hand observer. "Condemnation prior to investigation"...

05-15-2013, 03:57 PM

I suspect this is why folks are critical of the scene merlin101 encountered at the range.

As I got to them one said "don't worry it's unloaded"

Turns out there was a live round in the chamber

I've never heard of a gun being unloaded but still having a live round in the chamber.


05-15-2013, 04:39 PM
The last time I was at a public range a guy proceded to shoot himself with a 45 thru the leg . sat down to unload the gun. Finger on trigger racks slide fires right thru his left leg ..
2 hours of repeating myself over and over to 3 cops how it happened .. never when back.
private ranges for me .. just lessens the chances of a really bad day