View Full Version : Homegrown black powder

05-09-2013, 11:27 PM
I ran across a guy today that is in the remanufactured ammo business (cast) and j words too, but he also had some homegrown black powder he makes and uses in a bowling ball gun. He does not screen it enough for use in a gun, but it was pretty impressive.

05-10-2013, 12:00 AM
I love those golf ball cannons never seen a bowling ball wowza ! Thought about turning a small one in brass, but that is all i need is another project. Seems like a lot of people are making black powder, it used to be simple when you could walk in and get a bag of fertilizer and some sulfur. Made some for fire works years ago, I don’t know if I would have trusted it putting it in my gun…

Did you catch any pics of that bad boy, that thing must have been massive… ( i knew some folks on the out skirts of town were holdout out with the big toys ) didn't some guy just goto jail for setting off explosives in town ?

05-10-2013, 01:03 AM
I didn't get any pictures. It launches out of a pipe about 3 feet tall. lol

They had to drop charges against the guy they had arrested for setting off those explosives, as he actually didn't break any laws. lol He has had an ongoing thing with complaining neighbors for a couple of years or longer. He did blow a big crater in the ground that you reportedly can see from the road. lol

05-10-2013, 07:48 AM
I have seen them fabricated from old oxygen cylinders. Throw a bowling ball nearly 600 yards. Very impressive. There are some videos running around the net of these. There are actual meets where these guys get together and do their thing.

05-17-2013, 08:12 AM
There are cannons...and then there are CANNONS!



I'm not sure why the above video doesn't have 50 billion views, other that there is a substantial difference between those of us who have "smelt the smoke" and those of us who haven't/won't/can't. It will remain as one of life's great mysteries, why some videos really "take off", and others don't.

It has to be one of the best videos on youtube. I know we still have some freedoms here in these united states (at least for now!) that simply don't exist in other countries. That might contribute to why this vid has so few hits. But I'm still mystified as to why hoardes of millions of people would watch some goofy gangnam style dance. It leaves me absolutely numb, complete with the nursing home stare.

Oh and then there's that whole male/female thang. I can imagine very few women folk, who might watch this and smile. But there are simply no group of women on the planet, anywhere...who could (even over a b r e w s k y or twelve) who would....OR COULD.....concieve of this beast, actually build the thing, and then spend who knows how much time and treasure to haul it to the desert to launch bowling balls all weekend. Ain't never, ever EVER gonna happen. Women are pretty darned good at being women, but they make LOUSY men. And vice versa. <end rant>

If anyone here knows the details on this beast, powder charge, range, etc....I'd sure like to see them.


05-17-2013, 10:19 AM
I wonder if they even try to find any of the bowling balls. They are burning some serious quantities of powder with that thing. I also like the modular construction. Howitzer to Long Tom in a couple minutes.


05-17-2013, 11:31 AM
I don't see how they could ever find one without a transponder, and it is doubtful that most homebrewed electronics would survive the ride.

I see a few responses to the video, but I've never been able to find a way to contact people through youtube. I would REALLY like to know what they've learned through this project. The still photos at the end are pretty impressive.

05-17-2013, 01:37 PM
Don't let Obama see that thing,ha, ha!


05-17-2013, 02:16 PM
According to the guy I run into, it doesn't take as much powder as I would have thought. He shoots his basically straight up, and it goes out of sight. It rotates because you can hear it whistling from the finger holes so you can't tie a string to it to measure how far it goes. He also will not shoot it if their is the slightest breeze blowing the wrong way, as wind affects where it lands pretty bad. Yes he retrieves his balls.

05-17-2013, 04:33 PM
There is a joke in there somewhere, starmac...I just don't have the courage to go for it. ;-)

Actually, I couldn't seem to find the video I linked at first after seeing your original post, but with the wonders of google, I ran across a different video that demonstrated a purposeful drilling of a whistle hole in the bowling ball, similar to what you mention. (I guess). After launching, you could hear a spooky, recurring whistle during the descent of the ball. It was pretty neat. But the beast in the video I linked is burning a LOT of BP...don't you think? Based on the pictures at the end, I'd recon several ounces per shot. Just guessing...

@FLY The anointed one would have those guys all brought up on charges. Then at least, you (and Bob) might have some cell mates who have similar interests. (not funny....) You have to wonder how many "lists" we are already on. Oh by the way FLY, I sent you a PM that has my cell phone number in it. Give me a jingle some time. I'm learning BP for hobby pyro as well as frontstuffers. I might have a quick phone question from time to time, if you are willing. I think you have as much experience in home brew as anyone I've seen, using BP for both purposes.

My BP seems ridiculously fast in burning tests, but WOW is it ever lightweight! It would never work in a cap and ball revolver, so far. It might be perfect for cannons. And I like it for my newly acquired Thompson Center Scout. But with a home made BP charge of 90 grains, the bullet seats in a completely different place than with Goex FFg.


05-18-2013, 07:30 AM
Whizzer; thanks for the link, that's sweet, I'd crew on that just to watch it shoot, love to see it fire in the dark!

05-20-2013, 05:29 PM
6 out of 5 stars, highly recommend that vid!