View Full Version : Flux lead with wood chips ?

Glock Junkie
05-09-2013, 04:30 PM
Noob caster question. My neighbor had a tree stump ground up yesterday and I was wondering if I could use the wood chips to flux with ? I know sawdust is a good flux so I though maybe these wood chips might work.

05-09-2013, 04:42 PM
I use cedar dog bedding chips .. Just mash them up a little to get smaller pieces..a pinch between 3 fingers for a 25 lb pot ..Seems to work just fine .. smells good to

05-09-2013, 05:16 PM
Noob caster question. My neighbor had a tree stump ground up yesterday and I was wondering if I could use the wood chips to flux with ? I know sawdust is a good flux so I though maybe these wood chips might work.

The fresh chips are Wet!!!!
On top they should steam off, but if you push a wet chip under the surface ...

05-09-2013, 05:21 PM
I have just started casting so I'm FAR from an expert but I had a large bag of ground corn cob that I bought to use in my brass tumbler but it was a little larger than I needed so I used it to flux.

As far as I'm concerned it worked just fine. If there is an advantage to saw dust over my corn cob (other than the fact that the saw dust has some resin whereas the corn cob probably dosen't) I'd like to know just how big of an advantage it offers.

Like I said, I'm a noob too so, not wanting to develop any bad habits right off the bat, I'll follow this thread with interest

05-09-2013, 05:21 PM
I find that shavings flux MUCH better than paraffin wax. Shavings hands down. I like to leave a little bit on the top to help prevent oxidization during casting.

Glock Junkie
05-09-2013, 06:05 PM
I use cedar dog bedding chips .. Just mash them up a little to get smaller pieces..a pinch between 3 fingers for a 25 lb pot ..Seems to work just fine .. smells good to

I do like the cedar chips idea ! My wife would like the smell lol ! The cedar is super dry so no worries about moisture as dbossman stated . Thanx for the idea !