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View Full Version : Good news in the mail yesterday

country gent
05-07-2013, 10:51 PM
I got good news in the mail yesterday, I heard from Social Security. The ruling/ verdiict/ decisson from my disability hearing came . It was very good news Judge ruled completly in my favor back to filing date of OCT18, 2010. I have been working on this since then. I have been denied 4-5 times before I even got an examination with SS Doctor. That came a couple weeks before the hearing. But its mostly done now and that wieght is lifted from my mind. Now Im waiting for the local SS office to contact me. ( have 60 days) then who knows how long.:-?

deep creek
05-07-2013, 10:54 PM
the is a reason they call them S.S. hitler used them to.

05-07-2013, 11:06 PM
Good for you on your disability claim. I have personal friends who have fought the battle that you are now finishing. Despite the fact that your particular malady is widely known and in many cases extremely debilitating, it is often a tough one to get the Feds to recognize.


country gent
05-07-2013, 11:37 PM
Smokey, It's ironic in the fact my attorney told me the day of the hearing, The plant I was working at and I were working together to keep me working. They didnt want to loose my 35 years of experience and skill getting new lines up and running and I didnt want to give up. We were working together to our mutal best intrests. This didnt show up in my work records since I had no restrictions or issues in it, and a perfect attendance record. This didnt support my claims in the paper work. I am a Tool and Die maker by Trade. Bosses would let me shower if I had an "accident" and I would stay over 1/2 hour 45 mins to make it up. A tool box makes a pretty handy "walker" for mobility issues. The plant over looked my cane LOL. One Ford executive brought it up after a tour and the area supervisor told him it was measuring stick not a cane.I was normally the Tool maker that started out with the new equipment/lines when they came in. I made alot of hand tools for line workers to make their jobs easier. The people on the lines and the line supervisors and I got along great and I was always willing to do the little things that made the day easier. I started in the trade at age 15 in a local job shop. Did a stint ( 18 yrs) at Campbells soups then to Fords.

05-07-2013, 11:43 PM
Good for you. I am thankful for your good fortune.
My battle buddy from Iraq and Afghanistan is disabled due to all the **** we breathed in and it just effected him more than me. The SS administration has been rolling him over for 5 years now. I pray for him and give thanks for you.
Good fighting the good fight.

country gent
05-07-2013, 11:58 PM
Airborne I used the " free legal services " that are part of our contract. I dont believe an individual on hus own could succsessfully navigate the red tape buerocrocy any more. The Doctor that did my SS exam made several false / unspported statements in his report. As long as these are allowed in the hearings the average guy dosnt know how to dispute them correctly. This has been one long bad joke. You would think the exam would come mandatory after applying not after 4-5 denials and 3 years later. I have filled out the exact same paper work 4-5 times in this endeavor. I sat and listened to an "work expert" That it was obvious had never spent a 8 hour day in a manufacturing enviroment let alone a 12, tell the judge what he thought I was capable of doing. Everything he listed as work I could do was jobs that have been phased out or took top senority to get, not a new hire.It is really something to see this process first hand

country gent
05-08-2013, 12:00 AM
Oh and my Thanks to all you boys for your time and service. I respect you for that alone.