View Full Version : scored some lead today!

05-04-2013, 05:10 PM
I was out running erands and stoped into one of the tire shops
down the street. Got almost 1/2 a 5 gallon bucket for $10. The guy told me another guy usually comes to get them, but haddent been by for a while and if he didnt come by before next weekend he would sell me the other bucket he had that was full! Keepin my fingers crossed!


05-04-2013, 05:26 PM
i must know where this street is..... i have had no such luck with any tire shops. one day i drive from north phoenix and to downtown stopping by tire shops. no dice :-(

05-04-2013, 05:43 PM
i must know where this street is..... i have had no such luck with any tire shops. one day i drive from north phoenix and to downtown stopping by tire shops. no dice :-(

(insert evil laugh here!)...LOL

Sorry brother, stock is running low. Its very hit and miss...mostly miss around here, I have done the Saturday drive from one end of town to the other, stopping at every shop on both sides of the road and only coming home with an empty gas tank bit myself. I even learned how to ask in Spanish and no luck. Good luck!


05-05-2013, 10:01 AM
I feel ya. I drive down 19th from work and stop by all the tire shops I can even if it's the same one, hoping someone unfamiliar would be like sure here you go. I only have one source right now from a buddy shop. But that's only 50# a month

Larry D.
05-05-2013, 04:26 PM
I start with an internet search. Them make a list and call each and every one of them. You'll get mostly negatives, but every now and then you'll get lucky. I use a 20 mile radius and call the closest ones first.
The Mom & Pop is gonna be your best bet. Also look towards the outskirts of the valley, but Buckeye is MY TURF! (wink-wink)

BTW, I hope I'm not "the other guy" because I have a first come-first served agreement with one of my 2 whole sources.

On another note, I have a line on a 55 gallon drum of "range scrap" through work, you two wanna split it with me? Send me a PM if interested.

05-06-2013, 10:33 AM
You guys are making me homesick for AZ, but then again I was an East Valley guy.

05-06-2013, 11:50 AM
You guys have it good there in the valley. I have some shops here in Flag, but I go to New Mexico and Colorado as well to get my lead.

05-06-2013, 12:52 PM
Yes, but you have the clean mountain air up there. Plus how beautiful it is up there.

05-06-2013, 09:43 PM
You guys have it good there in the valley. I have some shops here in Flag, but I go to New Mexico and Colorado as well to get my lead.

Yes, but you have the clean mountain air up there. Plus how beautiful it is up there.

+1 I love Flagg...just dont care for all the dumb college kids ( wait what??? ) and the hippies. But the trees and the critters more than make up for it.


05-06-2013, 09:58 PM
+1 I love Flagg...just dont care for all the dumb college kids ( wait what??? ) and the hippies. But the trees and the critters more than make up for it.


I hear that. Out of HS I went to college in Prescott. I know it isn't Flag, but it is a mile high and similar in climate (although a bit milder), college kids, and hippies. That seems like a very long time ago now though. Enjoy AZ and hopefully I will be back there soon enough.

Larry D.
05-08-2013, 10:56 PM
I like Prescott and Flag a lot, but Payson, Camp Verde, and Crown King are more my style.

05-08-2013, 11:45 PM
Crown King...Now that's a place I haven't heard of in 20 years or so. For giggles we drove through there just to say we did it.

05-11-2013, 02:24 PM
So I went back to the tire shop today to see if " the other guy " ever came by. He didnt so the salesman happily had me empty his buckets. You snooze you loose!
The one on the right has some garbage in it but not too bad the other is pretty clean. Not a bad score for $25!


05-11-2013, 09:48 PM
Nice guy, good for you. Like Christmas

05-12-2013, 01:19 PM
Not bad at all. Nice score.