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View Full Version : These are not lead

09-08-2007, 11:05 PM
These aren't lead. I went fishing in the tanks at a local radiator shop a week or two ago. This is 27 pounds of 60/40 solder.



I am hoping these pics come through, it is my first attempt.

09-08-2007, 11:20 PM
Loud and clear...Ray

09-08-2007, 11:43 PM
Thank you, Ray.

09-09-2007, 10:29 AM
...............My, aren't those purdy!!


09-09-2007, 12:42 PM

I also jump in the radiator tank once in awhile ! :)

Nice stuff !




gray wolf
09-09-2007, 02:36 PM
please help here!
I am not sure what I am looking at in the pictures. The pics. of the finished product look great. But what are the little slivers that look like leaves.
Or should I say how did you get them and exactly what are they from??
Sorry I just don't know.

09-09-2007, 04:16 PM
The little slivers and leaves are what happens to drops of hot solder when they hit water. The radiator tanks we are talking about are where radiator shops unsolder and resolder the old style radiators.

All the excess solder, as hot droplets, fall into the water of the tank and settle out on the bottom. Plus, they usually drop any short pieces that are too short to use without burning the fingers, in the water also. :)

As solder is expensive, but one of the better ways to get tin into your alloys, we recover these little pieces, and smelt them.

lucky 7
09-09-2007, 04:25 PM
:???: Big Q- Where do you find a radiator shop that still actually uses a torch anymore. Around here it's just jerk and put in new one. The plastic tank radiators has almost blown away the brass tank radiators. Dave:coffee:

gray wolf
09-09-2007, 04:32 PM
What a great explanation!! thank you for being so exact.
I was a little confused.

09-16-2007, 02:10 AM
Gray wolf : mo problem. Always glad to help.

Lucky 7: Apparently there are still a lot of older cars around, so there are still some to repair. Also, apparently a number of the big trucks still have metal radiators. Probably because those Al/Plastic ones do not always hold up that well, or do so under commercial sized loads.

09-16-2007, 08:28 PM
My local shop uses 40 tin 60 lead since that is what he used in school. You might double check.

09-23-2007, 10:41 AM
As a chemist, I tend to list the largest constituent, Pb, first. Perhaps a bad trait, but habit. That is, indeed, 60% Pb, 40% Sn.