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05-02-2013, 02:12 PM
It looks like there will be another alaska reality show.
I will have to watch this one at least once, because on of the families in it I know from another forum. They live a subsistance lifestyle in real life and documents a lot of the hunting, fishing, gathering and life in general on the forum. It will be interesting how hollywierd plays out his character.
In real life, most of his game is shot with a mosin nagent and surplus ammo, because it is cheap, and he kills a lot of it. lol


05-02-2013, 05:26 PM
I'm sure that the TV folks will have him let his hair and beard grow, and dress him in animal skins so that he will conform to THEIR idea of what a frontiersman should look like.

05-02-2013, 07:42 PM
Maybe it won't be so terribly "scripted" in the drama department. I'll have to watch it.

05-02-2013, 08:03 PM
Maybe it won't be so terribly "scripted" in the drama department.

Yep, good luck with that.


05-02-2013, 08:13 PM
Anybody who "stars" in a reality show is a fool.

05-03-2013, 12:11 PM
Even with the over dramatization SOME of those shows are more interesting than the average junk talk, poor atempt at comedy, blood-sucking vampire or zombie shows!!! At least there is enough interesting info on how things are done (the mechanics) that I can just sort of tune out the "always at the edge of crisis stuff"!

05-03-2013, 12:59 PM
Even with the over dramatization SOME of those shows are more interesting than the average junk talk, poor atempt at comedy, blood-sucking vampire or zombie shows!!! At least there is enough interesting info on how things are done (the mechanics) that I can just sort of tune out the "always at the edge of crisis stuff"!

Yup, thats true.

05-03-2013, 01:10 PM
Even with the over dramatization SOME of those shows are more interesting than the average junk talk, poor atempt at comedy, blood-sucking vampire or zombie shows!!! At least there is enough interesting info on how things are done (the mechanics) that I can just sort of tune out the "always at the edge of crisis stuff"!

Plus one on this. Actually, there are at least two of the Alaska subsistence shows that I really like. These aren't about finding real estate in Alaska or running a gun shop. The state trooper show really sux.

05-03-2013, 01:24 PM
I wish we would ban these in Alaska... They make us look like idiots... And why are we giving money away as film credits.... I'd say stupid g o v t but that may put me on some sort of list.... At least the troopers / APD are ok with NFA items it does make me glad to live here.

05-03-2013, 01:45 PM
I wish we would ban these in Alaska... They make us look like idiots... And why are we giving money away as film credits.... I'd say stupid g o v t but that may put me on some sort of list.... At least the troopers / APD are ok with NFA items it does make me glad to live here.

I am pretty close to the same thinking, I have not figured what the state thinks it will benifit from the big bucks it pays these film companies.
I will watch this one at least once, which is more than some of the other ones, just because I have seen many good post, pictures and writeups from one of the guys (families) in it. My expectations will be pretty low though, going by past productions.

05-03-2013, 01:46 PM
I wish we would ban these in Alaska... They make us look like idiots... And why are we giving money away as film credits.... I'd say stupid g o v t but that may put me on some sort of list.... At least the troopers / APD are ok with NFA items it does make me glad to live here.

I agree, I also think it encourages the weird "end of the road" types of people to come up here to escape their self induced circumstances in life. They come up here to escape their troubles and when they get here they find their troubles have never left them.

05-03-2013, 02:31 PM
There are a lot of brush hippies around here, too. I would probably be lumped into that group. Some of us just decided to bug out, before it got fashionable.

05-03-2013, 02:44 PM
Lots of weird, end of the road types come to alaska, only to find out they can't come close to affording their troubles (that have just begun). lol

05-03-2013, 03:33 PM
I used to live at the end of the road, but then the town got bigger... when I moved again the same thing happened... I wonder if they are following me ? I do think every one up here could easily be lumped into at least one group or another... I’m sure i'm not the first to show up to a fine dinner with carhartts and xtra-tuffs. even the misses says I need to get better about mumbling under my breath about the hippies wearing new xtra-tuffs. ( she assures me mine did not come broken in, but as I recall it only took a few days of honest hard work to get them to look / feel just right ). great now I’m going to be complaining about the dam hippies all day now...

05-03-2013, 04:10 PM
BBBBut I thought carharts were the ultimate dress wear.

05-03-2013, 04:40 PM
Now you know why I machinegunned my TV 25 years ago.....

05-03-2013, 05:06 PM
yes they are ! at least that’s what I assume, they are a step above my grudens ( other half says i can't be caught dead in public with those, some people don't appreciate the smell of a good day catching ). She knows if she wants class all she has to do is look in the jig bucket. all sorts of fancy colors and accessories its a joe dirt field day in that thing. best of all its got lead in them there weights !

05-03-2013, 10:11 PM
Looks like another reason I gave up on TV over a year ago. Reality TV, network news and cop shows just got waaaay to hard for me to stomach.