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View Full Version : Watching out for me

05-02-2013, 12:59 AM
I have never posted here before. I admit I am not that religious, but I have steadfast faith. I have seen the power of the Lord and have felt it many times and my Faith is steadfast. My belief in organized religion,,,,, not so much. BUT......

I never stay up this late. Well, maybe once a year. Usually I am in bed at 2100 and if I am on this late, I am up because of a nightmare or heartburn, or something like that. Tonight I could not sleep. So I stayed up watching Discovery Channel and suddenly heard a faint moan out of my youngest son's room. I got concerned and turned the volume on the TV down and heard.... "Daddy!" I ran to my son's room and he was awake and crying "It got me, it got me...". I grabbed him up and took him to the living room where I had some light and he had the loop tag of his favorite monkey wrapped around his thumb so tight his thumb was purple. I had to pull my pocket knife and literally cut the tag off and rub his thumb to get the circulation going again. I saw the thumb go from purple / yellow to red, then pink, then I cuddled him and he said "I am ready for bed." I laid him back down, but just cant get over that I was up for a reason. I NEVER would have heard him from my room and that thumb would be dead as Dillinger in the morning.
Lord, I live my life in squander and am humbled by your presence. I am not worthy of the blessings bestowed to me. Please continue to bless my family and if there is a price to be paid, please take it on me. Thank You for your guidance and I pray that before my calling I earn the worth you believe in me.

05-02-2013, 12:18 PM
Thanks for sharing. Glad your son's thumb is better now. It is so humbling to witness God's protection in our lives.

05-02-2013, 03:14 PM
Glad your son's OK. Children are such a blessing from THE LORD.

05-02-2013, 03:23 PM
A reason for everything under heaven. HE will always guide us to where we need to be its just on us to listen and follow. Glad the boy is alright. And thank you for sharing.

05-02-2013, 03:47 PM
Greetings and AMEN ! God does the miraculous and sometimes we see Him do His wonders. Praise God for your being in His right place. Wonderful the outcome. Keep on walking with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mike in Peru

05-02-2013, 08:33 PM
Glad your son is well. Thanks for sharing, I needed something like this today.

05-02-2013, 10:42 PM
I have read and reread my final prayer in my post a hundred times now, and I am convinced this is my new prayer. I know we do not understand the direction we are given some times and the hardships we endure seem unjust, but to see the end is something I pray we will never be able to do. Life is a mystery, no doubt. But with faith I feel I cant live enough of it.
I just cant spend enough time with my kids and I am a stay at home dad! Gotta love them little rascals. Hugs and kisses and cuddles and messes and crayons on the wall and potty training and throwing fits and lost shoes and mud pies and pulling the dogs tail is just part of the love.

05-02-2013, 10:51 PM
Wow, this thread hits close to home!

It would seem you're pretty much where I'm at, spiritually speaking.

The wife and kids go to church, but I have serious issues with organized religion.

One of my favorite pictures in the world is just to the side of my front door, you can't help but see it as you leave.

We were down in Austin for my brother's wedding. The service was over, and I was walking out to the car with my son hand in hand. My wife took the picture from behind, me in a duster tux leading my little man.

Our kids are ALWAYS watching us...

05-02-2013, 10:54 PM
Love it! Amen! The Lord puts us through things to bring us closer to Him. He is our father. Wants the best for us. Let's us skin our knees, face some idiot enemys and go through tough times to harden us off. He wants the relationship most. Talk with him. He listens.

Wayne Smith
05-03-2013, 07:41 AM
As I reflect on my life and your post I think of all the times I have been frustrated by something I didn't understand, complained to God, only to find out it was to protect me. How may times have I complained about His protection simply because things weren't going the way I thought they should - at the time. It is both comforting and humbling to see God's continuous presence in my life when unappreciated. I would have been grumbling about not being able to sleep!

Oh, yeah. I have major problems with organized religion, too. And I sing in the choir!

05-03-2013, 09:54 AM
I told my wife about this and let her read all these posts. We have decided to sart our kids in private Lutheran school starting in the fall. They need a better spiritual education than what I can provide. I dont want them to miss the glory of the Lord.

05-03-2013, 10:12 AM
I have read and reread my final prayer in my post a hundred times now, and I am convinced this is my new prayer. I know we do not understand the direction we are given some times and the hardships we endure seem unjust, but to see the end is something I pray we will never be able to do. Life is a mystery, no doubt. But with faith I feel I cant live enough of it.
I just cant spend enough time with my kids and I am a stay at home dad! Gotta love them little rascals. Hugs and kisses and cuddles and messes and crayons on the wall and potty training and throwing fits and lost shoes and mud pies and pulling the dogs tail is just part of the love.

101st......just think of this for a moment......as much love as you have for those children and as much as you love being a part of their lives and sharing with them in their growing up....how much more so God desires to be a part of our lives! I appreciate your candor and sharing this with us, it is heart warming and encouraging! And happy your son's thumb is good.....God's ways are certainly mysterious!

05-03-2013, 10:18 AM
They will most likely get a superior education too!

Awfully glad to hear about the thumb being ok! (One and a half thumbs up for keeping all yer digits!)

Grandpa is going to be busy with the scissors, slitting tags this morning.

05-03-2013, 10:31 AM
Thanks be to god you had been awake,,, poor little guy could had lost his thumb,,
sorta funny (or not maybe) how you "Just happened to be awake and Jonny-on-da-spot"
That proof in my mind he watches over you and yours,,

I also am not super religus, but then again theres times I know some how it was more then just chance,,

God Bless, You, A Great Dad looking our for his Son and A Father who watches out for us all when we most need it...

05-03-2013, 06:17 PM
I'm happy to read this account and praying for your little guy too.

I went to church for years and still didn't get it till I finally started reading a bible on my own. Now it's like the sun is coming up on a new life, I'm not kidding. God bless you and your family!

DIRT Farmer
05-04-2013, 11:14 PM
101st, I have went from a strong beliver to questing every thing, to standing in a pulpit. Currently I consider my self to use the term, in the wilderness. No home but a firm understanding.
(Translation- problems with disorigonised religon)

God puts our hands where he needs us.

05-05-2013, 12:56 AM
101st, I have went from a strong beliver to questing every thing, to standing in a pulpit. Currently I consider my self to use the term, in the wilderness. No home but a firm understanding.
(Translation- problems with disorigonised religon)

God puts our hands where he needs us.

And I believe God lives in the world around us, not a building proported by man. Want to get close to God? Spend time with his creations.
No offense to our Pastors and churchgoers here. My milage just varies.

DIRT Farmer
05-05-2013, 12:20 PM
The place I have felt the closest was in the back of an ambulance where I put my hands fully in his trust. A lot of what my hands did there was well beyond my skill and capibility.

By my self and the only roof being his creation I am in total awe.

square butte
05-05-2013, 12:47 PM
A reason for everything - Whether we know it in this life, or not until the next. Angels walk among us.

smoked turkey
05-09-2013, 12:59 AM
Some great posts here. I am also humbled at the hand of God and how he is so vigilant to protect us. I think of the verses at Psalm 121:3-4.."He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. We can not always be alert to the dangers and/or problems around us, but we know that He cares for us and will protect us or make a way for us to protect ourselves and those we love.