View Full Version : CastPics

09-08-2007, 02:34 PM
Wow!!! Who remodeled CastPics? It looks great. Clean, well organized, easy to navigate.
But... (There's always a but) I just tried to get a link to an article for a poster here and it didn't happen. I can only link to the "Home Page" of the site. It would be nice if all the articles, etc,. the individual pages as it were, could be linked to as they used to be.

09-08-2007, 08:24 PM
Who remodeled Castpics?

That would be me.

Help me understand, you want links from each article to the same thread here? or just a way to get to castboolits from the menu?

09-08-2007, 11:44 PM
Who remodeled Castpics?

That would be me.

Help me understand, you want links from each article to the same thread here? or just a way to get to castboolits from the menu?

I am probably using the wrong terminology. What I am talking about is this: When I find the page I want, I can highlight and copy the address bar and then paste it in a post here (or elsewhere) so the reader need only click on the link I have posted to be taken to the correct page. Today I was only able to post a link to Castpics (Home?), then tell him to go to Members Articles and thence to Diameter Enlargement. Previously I could go to that article, copy the address, and post it so the reader need only click on it to be taken directly to the article.

09-10-2007, 08:39 AM
I am probably using the wrong terminology. What I am talking about is this: When I find the page I want, I can highlight and copy the address bar and then paste it in a post here (or elsewhere) so the reader need only click on the link I have posted to be taken to the correct page. Today I was only able to post a link to Castpics (Home?), then tell him to go to Members Articles and thence to Diameter Enlargement. Previously I could go to that article, copy the address, and post it so the reader need only click on it to be taken directly to the article.

Ok, now I understand. On the Menu of Member Articles - right click the article you wish to reference and choose copy link location. Paste that into your text here and it will take the user directly to the article.

Like so:



09-10-2007, 11:01 AM
Yes, I see that works, just a little more sophisticated method than I am used to using. Thanks.

09-10-2007, 12:29 PM
Thanks for posting this Scrounger (and thanks for the updates wiljen!). It had been a while since I had gone thorugh the articles archived here, and I just went thorugh and had a grand time reading a number of them. Excellent stuff!