View Full Version : WTH is Linotype Plus Material?

04-28-2013, 02:08 PM
In negotiations with an individual for some straight linotype but he also has Linotype Plus Material.
His explanation is that it was used to bring the older smelted used linotype back up to the 84/12/4%.
Anyone got an idea as to what it might be?


04-28-2013, 04:18 PM
"Linotype casting material is an alloy of lead (85%), antimony (11%), and tin (4%), and produces a one-piece casting slug capable of 300,000 impressions before the casting begins to develop deformities and imperfections, and the type must be cast again.

The continuous heating of the molten alloy causes the tin and antimony in the Linotype mixture to rise to the top and oxidize along with other impurities into a substance called "dross" which has to be skimmed off. Excessive dross formation leads to the alloy softening as the proportion of lead increases. The mixture must then be assayed and tin and antimony added back (in the form of a specially proportioned alloy) to restore the original strength and properties of the alloy."

A specially proportioned tin and antimony mixture? I do not know exactly, but maybe the nice guy selling it knows.

Good guy to deal with. Maybe he will ship?

04-29-2013, 12:15 AM
look up foundry type.

04-30-2013, 12:38 AM
"Plus Metal" is what they use to bring old tired Linotype back up to spec. It will be high in Animony and Tin!

Something like:

46% Lead (Pb)
36% Antimony (Sb)
18% Tin (Sn)

Can't remember exactly how much of each, but I would buy it if I had the chance! It is like Super SuperHard plus Tin!

05-02-2013, 07:23 PM
Went out to the gentleman's house today and had a great time.
About the only thing that I can complain about is that my wallet sure is lighter.
Here is a picture of the "Linotype Plus" material in ingot form.
Anyone see or know about the company "Imperial" that made this?
Net search was not very good.
