View Full Version : The perfect breakfast

Marvin S
04-28-2013, 11:01 AM
Scramble eggs that have been folded and chopped not whisked together like cake batter. Hash browns WITH onions. Fresh picked Morel mushrooms dusted in flour. All cooked with Land of Lakes real butter in cast iron pans, and don't forget the fresh ground black pepper and full body Columbia black coffee.

04-28-2013, 11:21 AM
It would be perfect if you had a couple of links of Jones Dairy Farm sausage.

04-29-2013, 10:13 AM
MMMmmmmm. Eggs, fresh deer tenderloin well peppered and fried in butter with biscuits. A huge cup of diesel mechanics coffee after a long dawn walk through the woods.

04-29-2013, 11:35 AM
Or some fresh scrapple yum.
It would be perfect if you had a couple of links of Jones Dairy Farm sausage.

04-29-2013, 01:00 PM
After looking at that beautiful picture, I am now entirely unsatisfied with the sandwich and yogurt I just had for lunch. Thanks alot. :-?

j/k, that looks great. But where's the Bacon and biscuits?

04-29-2013, 09:45 PM

Bad pic, but it was a great meal. Eggs from our Buff Orpingtons (AKA the ditzy blonde chickens), homemade buckboard bacon, and toasted homemade bread. Butter came from Land O' Lakes- didn't make it at home.

04-30-2013, 08:34 AM
And to think I had Wheat Chex and toast....dale

04-30-2013, 09:14 AM
fried potatoes with fresh ramps fried in cast iron skillet, morell mushrooms cooked in butter with a hint of brown sugar and 2 eggs from the coop sunny side up and toast. yuuuuum.

04-30-2013, 09:47 AM
Boondocker when I was a teenager growing up in eighty-four pa. I watched my dad on any given saturday morning standing at the stove making fried scrapple and egg on toasted bread sandwiches at the stove, eating them over the sink, and making more at the stove. He really it, no one else in the family did. I never could get a taste for it. Same with chitterlings, some folks can eat them just fine, not me.

Ya'll that can eat eggs should count your blessings. I miss eggs.....

Hip's Ax
04-30-2013, 09:59 AM
I had granola bars and folgers coffee :cry:

04-30-2013, 10:11 AM
Born and raised in the sticks of Tn; I'm a poor excuse for a southern country boy. I can't stand mushrooms. Don't eat pork either.

Now, throw them hash browns and onions in with a peice of red meat (medium) and a couple biscuits about two inches thick and you might be on to something.

04-30-2013, 10:39 AM
Denny's GrandSlam for a buck! I miss those days...Late 60's. ... felix

04-30-2013, 10:58 AM
Braum's sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. It's not home cookin', but darn close, and when I'm hungry on the way to work it satisfies the craving.

04-30-2013, 11:05 AM
Boondocker when I was a teenager growing up in eighty-four pa. I watched my dad on any given saturday morning standing at the stove making fried scrapple and egg on toasted bread sandwiches at the stove, eating them over the sink, and making more at the stove. He really it, no one else in the family did. I never could get a taste for it. Same with chitterlings, some folks can eat them just fine, not me.

Ya'll that can eat eggs should count your blessings. I miss eggs.....

Some love some leave it. My daughters love my wife won't touch it.

mold maker
04-30-2013, 11:26 AM
I had my usual coffee and oatmeal. Being an overweight old pfart with diabetes, aint no fun.

05-01-2013, 12:04 AM
My friend John was just released from Hospital and they have restricted his intake of salt to 1000 mg per day - It's an eye openner looking at the sodium content in all the prepackaged foods we normally eat -
He's on Oatmeal for breakfast - I usually like the old throw the leftovers in the skillet with eggs frittata breakfast.

Lloyd Smale
05-01-2013, 06:21 AM
hard to beat morels for breakfast but we dont get them often here so heres my favorite breakfast. I fry two sausage patties (venison obviously) and scamble two eggs. Make two pieces of toast and place one slice of american cheese on the toast then a sausage patty then half the eggs and cover in sausage gravy. put the other slice of toast on top and then repeat the layering and top it all off with some more sausage gravy. Been my favorite breakfast since my days in the service.

05-01-2013, 07:30 AM
French toast with pure maple syrup and sausage on the side.


05-01-2013, 08:06 PM
Where's the BACON. " A day without bacon is like a day without sunshine." Sounds like a good motto.
Bacon and anything are good. My last Pizza was a bacon Pizza...

MT Gianni
05-01-2013, 11:04 PM
For me it is eggs over hard with a broken yolk, sausage patty, & fried spuds w onions.

05-01-2013, 11:24 PM
Anyone tried guinea eggs?

x101airborne, I would think you would be touting Cowboy coffee or Texas coffee. To make Cowboy coffee you fill the coffee pot with water, get it boiling, drop in a pound of grounds. After that's boiled for 20 minutes drop in a horseshoe; if it sinks, add more coffee. Texas coffee is said to be too thick to drink and too thin to plow.

I like to dice up 2 large potatoes and throw them in the skillet with some bacon grease. Dust the spuds with garlic salt. 20 mins later add a large onion diced. 15 mins. later add a can of chopped corned beef. 10 more minutes and add a half dozen eggs. Dust with fresh ground pepper. Cook and stir until eggs are done. Serve with ketchup or salza.


Marvin S
05-02-2013, 05:56 PM
I wouldn't object to some bacon, sausage and corn beef hash on the side.

05-02-2013, 07:35 PM
hard to beat morels for breakfast but we dont get them often here so heres my favorite breakfast. I fry two sausage patties (venison obviously) and scamble two eggs. Make two pieces of toast and place one slice of american cheese on the toast then a sausage patty then half the eggs and cover in sausage gravy. put the other slice of toast on top and then repeat the layering and top it all off with some more sausage gravy. Been my favorite breakfast since my days in the service.

That sound like SOS deluxe.

05-02-2013, 10:17 PM
hard to beat morels for breakfast but we dont get them often here so heres my favorite breakfast. I fry two sausage patties (venison obviously) and scamble two eggs. Make two pieces of toast and place one slice of american cheese on the toast then a sausage patty then half the eggs and cover in sausage gravy. put the other slice of toast on top and then repeat the layering and top it all off with some more sausage gravy. Been my favorite breakfast since my days in the service.

Thank you! Homemade sausage rules! I figure if I ever run out of venison or wild pork sausage I'll just buy a few pork shoulders and muddle thru.

05-02-2013, 11:49 PM
Where's the BACON. " A day without bacon is like a day without sunshine." Sounds like a good motto.
Bacon and anything are good. My last Pizza was a bacon Pizza...

Gary I was tuning the same thing. Homemade sausage is good, but the best breakfast always has bacon.

Guinea eggs taste just like chicken eggs to me but the shells are thicker. I actually like duck eggs a lot, much richer than chicken eggs.

Perfect breakfast to me is fresh tortillas, chopped fried bacon ends and pieces (different textures), skillet refried rice with green onions, cilantro, and creole seasoning, and just barely cooked scrambled eggs. Assemble on tortilla with sour cream and green sauce or sriracha and eat. Repeat as necessary with strong Colombian coffee in quantity.

Lloyd Smale
05-03-2013, 06:05 AM
Dont get me wrong i love bacon but for breakfast i prefer sausgae. Its just more substantial and filling. Homemade sausage gravy should be one of the major food group!!. Its great on anything. One of my other favorites with it is to chicken fry venison cube stakes and ladle sause gravy over it and my fryed potatoes and onions. Lay it on just like regular gravy. I could eat sausage gravy for breakfast every day but the ohters posters refering to corned beef has has my drewling too. I love the stuff but dont think to cook it very often

05-03-2013, 08:26 AM
Oh Yeah Lloyd, Venison breakfast sausage gravy over sourdough biscuits. Yummy....dale

05-03-2013, 09:10 AM
Fried eggs over easy, bacon, and sourdough toast. My favorite.

Reverend Al
05-03-2013, 12:01 PM
Chicken Enchiladas with Spanish Rice and Hash Browns ... some fresh, strong, hot coffee and some Cornbread fresh out of the oven ... does it for me!

05-03-2013, 12:07 PM
mmmm pictures of food . . .

05-13-2013, 02:47 PM
I am a real southern boy, 200yds north of Mexico.
My most fixed breakfast shows that,
For 4 thin machine made tortillas or 3 larger, thicker corn tortillas stuffing.
A small potato, 4 oz., in a 1/4" dice
Brown in a skillet
chop a big slice of hot,strong onion
chop a thin walled hot pepper
add to the potatoes when the potatoes brown and cook until the onion goes clear
lightly whip 2 eggs, pour on and fold a few times.
Add some salsa or tabasco if the pepper was not warm enough.
Papas con huevos, tex mex style.

05-15-2013, 06:23 PM
Scramble eggs that have been folded and chopped not whisked together like cake batter. Hash browns WITH onions. Fresh picked Morel mushrooms dusted in flour. All cooked with Land of Lakes real butter in cast iron pans, and don't forget the fresh ground black pepper and full body Columbia black coffee.

You're missing the bacon or sausage.


05-15-2013, 07:05 PM
Every Saturday and Sunday is 2 eggs over easy and 3 strips of bacon, toast and tea, tea is 50-50 Earl Grey and English Breakfast with 1/2 teaspoon of honey. The other five days its Dunkin Donuts blueberry muffin and black coffee.

05-24-2013, 07:41 PM
Typical Sunday breakfast at the Coug's house:

Oven baked thick sliced bacon
Scrambled eggs, just a pinch of salt and a dash of fresh ground pepper
Honey wheat pancakes with maple syrup
espresso/mocha with chocolate and coconut syrup, topped with whipped cream & coconut (crumbles, stuff... I forget what it's called)

Life is good.

Iowa Fox
05-26-2013, 03:14 PM
We had a good Morel season here this year and I actually found more than we could eat. I gave the excess to older folks that can't get out anymore. One breakfast I used to enjoy was fresh hog brains in scrambled eggs when we butchered at the farm. We also made blood sausage from the hog we butchered.

05-26-2013, 03:37 PM
Well, on the commercial side of the question: Cracker Barrel: Sunrise Sampler, eggs over easy,double the grits, double the hash browns, and bisket and gravy, and apple butter on the side bisket, and Black Coffee! Hard to beat, and no clean up on my part!

The Dove
05-26-2013, 05:53 PM
Well, at the J Lazy S J Ranch, a special Sunday breakfast for the Mrs. and son is a big plate of Cheese Grit Casserole (a recipe that I developed) through many a trial with their input...

The Dove

Lloyd Smale
05-26-2013, 06:18 PM
Ill take the morels but you can keep the hog brains. Guess im a bit of a sissy but i dont eat brains or guts.
We had a good Morel season here this year and I actually found more than we could eat. I gave the excess to older folks that can't get out anymore. One breakfast I used to enjoy was fresh hog brains in scrambled eggs when we butchered at the farm. We also made blood sausage from the hog we butchered.

05-26-2013, 06:19 PM
This AM fixed 2 egg omelets with cheese, my "special salsa" and some fresh grilled Mayport shrimp. Later this week its sausage gravy. Family is in town.

Marvin S
05-27-2013, 10:07 AM
Ill take the morels but you can keep the hog brains. Guess im a bit of a sissy but i dont eat brains or guts.
I'm gonna have to second that.

762 shooter
05-27-2013, 11:31 AM
I prefer bacon on my sausage.:D


05-31-2013, 02:41 AM
Eggy Bread,Bread soaked in beaten Egg and fried in Lard,served with Bacon on top.

06-07-2013, 06:28 PM
While I am a big fan of all the breakfast meats except scrapple, (strange because I love the Polish version called Kiska) for me the best breakfast is three eggs over easy, a heap of hash browns with onions, toasted and buttered english muffin, and a porterhouse steak. That along with a pot of coffee and the papers.

06-07-2013, 06:38 PM
2 strips thick cut applewood smoked bacon , 2 sausage pattys, 1 slice sharp cheddar cheese toast , 2 eggs over med. and some good coffee

06-07-2013, 06:44 PM
Janet's 'made from scratch' pan cakes. 'Nuff said.

06-07-2013, 06:52 PM
Janet's 'made from scratch' pan cakes. 'Nuff said.

I don't know about all that...

But I'm willing to try them!!!:kidding:

06-11-2013, 11:14 AM
Diesel mechanic's coffee - usually about the thickness of well used 90 weight gear oil.

Way to test it? Stick a spoon in it. If you can stand the spoon up and it stays upright (on it's own), then it's good. If the spoon disolves, it's about perfect. Life's way too short to drink weak coffee.

06-11-2013, 12:10 PM
I.will sometimes substitute a turkey egg for chicken eggs in the meal I mentioned
above. My daughter has couple turkeys and the eggs are great.

06-12-2013, 09:57 PM
About once a month my brother comes down to spend the weekend. It would not be a complete weekend without at least one breakfast of SOS. Ask someone else what that stands for, but it's an old army staple of creamed hamburger and onions served on toast with a couple of fried or poached eggs on top. The only seasoning is salt, pepper and a drop or two each of tabasco and Worchestershire sauce. A teaspoon or two of bacon fat helps it cook a little bit better. If no one is looking when you are cooking, half and half makes it taste much better than using milk.

Creamed chipped beef is a navy dish made with dried beef and served over biscuits. I can't remember ever eating it in the army.

Dale in Louisiana
06-12-2013, 10:43 PM
Okay, lemme give you one that my dear ol' Dad did to me. It shows up here about every other weekend. I'm sorry that you folks outside Cajun Country won't be on board with this one.

Boudin and Eggs

Take a link or two of day-old boudin (you bought boudin on Friday and didn't eat it all -I always buy too much, just to do this recipe) and skin it. In a skillet (cast iron is wonderful) heat a couple of tablespoons of butter or bacon fat over medium heat. Break the skinned boudin (that's rice, pork, onions - rice dressing, basically) into lumps into the hot fat. Let brown. The cold boudin will be kind of stiff, but when it warms, you can flatten it into the bottom of the skillet with your spatula. After the bottom's browned, turn it over in big chunks to brown the other side. You're heating the cold boudin all the way through. When the second side is brown, turn it one more time and break two or three eggs on top of the steamy mass.

Here's where you can make a choice. You can cover, and let the eggs cook firm, or you can leave uncovered, break the eggs up into the mixture, sort of scramble them in amongst the rice dressing.

When the eggs are done, serve on a warm plate. Breakfast.

In retrospect, this is pretty much a hash recipe adapted to a particularly Cajun ingredient.

We also to 'riz jaune or 'yellow rice', where leftover rice is heated in a similar fashion with chopped green onions (shallots) and when it is warmed through, the eggs are added in the same fashion as above. I usually do this one in the grease left over from frying two or three strips of bacon or a couple of Jimmy Dean sausage patties.

There's one more recipe to add: Couche-couche (http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=1745).

Nope. Wait. One more: Pain perdue (http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=1374), Cajun for 'lost bread'.

Okay! Now you know!

dale in Louisiana
(75% Cajun, 25% Swiss. Go figure!)