View Full Version : Aluminum OK for ingot molds?

04-27-2013, 08:24 PM
I'm still in my gathering tools and reading/learning stage. I've read enough stickies here to know I don't want to use an aluminum pot to smelt in. Is a heavy gauge aluminum pan OK for an ingot mold? SWMBO has a spare cornbread pan that she is willing to donate. It is aluminum about 1/8 inch thick. Logic tells me it should be OK since it will only be used for ingots that are cooling, and not have any direct heat applied to it. Or, should I avoid it for safety on principle since it's aluminum? Thanks!

04-27-2013, 09:19 PM
My Lee ingot mold is aluminum so I don't see that being a problem, but what about the size? Most of my lead I have in 1lb ingots but I do have some in 5 pounders and they won't fit in my casting pot.

04-27-2013, 09:26 PM
The Al cornbread pan will work fine. I use one as when I am doing lots of lead (I did 1175 pounds last Tuesday), I need all the ingot pans I can use. The cornbread pans are usually cast aluminum and actually cool and release the lead quickly. They do not ship well in USPS flat rate boxes it the only drawback. I am considering welding some custom molds just for shipping in SFRBs.

04-27-2013, 09:52 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I don't know what the weight per piece will be not having poured any yet, but they will be approximately 5.25x1.25x.75 inches. They should stand on end in the pot OK I'm guessing. It will be a while before I'm worried about shipping any! I need to try to build up my own supply some first! I've barely gotten started at lead scrounging.