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View Full Version : Another screwy day.

04-25-2013, 10:53 AM
The dish washer quit last night. It just never ends!
I tracked it to the handle micro switch. I had another and replaced it. It is working fine. I forgot the soap, had to open the door and toss it in.
Carol came back with more shrooms so I need to go look. She is over 120 black morals now.

Smitty's Retired
04-25-2013, 11:01 AM
Sounds like you got it under control though. I hate working on appliances. I always have to look up schematics and info, mainly becuase I know so little about them. But it's either that or pay someone else a lot of money.

41 mag fan
04-25-2013, 12:19 PM
Our dishwasher quit, if you want to call it that, went on the fritz might be a better term, about 8-9 mo ago. It kept wanting to drain. Out of nowhere, it'd start trying to drain, but there was nothing in it.
So I shut it off by placing a rag in the door, till just a few weeks ago. Thought i'll try it out....well low and behold the dang thing works perfectly again.
What i think happened, was we were using the gel packets. I found one before it went hay wire that was partially dissolved. I think one might of got caught on a censor or in the drain part, causing it to act as it did.

04-25-2013, 07:35 PM
If I have learned anything in the last 74 years it is that life's process is moving from one crisis to the next with the odd smooth sailing period in between. The best we can do is to try to be "proactive" i.e. replace the roof before the water starts to drip through the celing! We try to have a contingency fund so that when something goes "kaput" we are not scrambling around trying to fund a new "whatever". It dont always work though----oh well---

04-25-2013, 07:44 PM
My dishwasher quit last week, she said it was my turn.

Mr. Ed

04-26-2013, 10:07 AM
First I've heard of someone complaining about those pesky morels :)

None this year in my woods. It's either feast or famine here. I think the armadillos have something to do with it but I still haven't figured out the pattern.

04-26-2013, 10:22 AM
First I've heard of someone complaining about those pesky morels :)

None this year in my woods. It's either feast or famine here. I think the armadillos have something to do with it but I still haven't figured out the pattern.

Maybe the fertilizer explosion wiped them out:veryconfu More likely that the continuing cool weather hindered them.

04-26-2013, 02:27 PM
Carol found more this morning so I walked miles for nothing.
Gave up, went to the the paper mill with all the papers and cardboard, filled up gas cans and my 4 runner. Then went to get 12 gallons of spring water to make beer.
Not far is a super spring that pours water out of the ground and runs into the Potomac river, private property but my old friend in town has permission. Best drinking water ever.
Carol is making ribs in the slow cooker, new sauce recipe that adds cherry preserves to BBQ sauce.
All will be good.