View Full Version : Clean air

04-25-2013, 10:36 AM
Heard on the radio last night that LA has the #1 poorest air quality in the US. How can this be?????? Ca has had the most strinent air quality regulation in the nation for 20-30 years.............

Just another example of how stringently regulating something doesn't always achieve the intended goal.........

Anti gun crowd take note................

Smitty's Retired
04-25-2013, 10:57 AM
There will never again be clean air. There will never be equal rights, and there will always be opression against minorities and females. The EPA, NAACP, SCLC, NOW & MADRE will see to that. Because if there ever was a report that said the air was getting cleaner, global warming was going away, and that there was equality. Then these organizations would be out of work. So they will keep stirring the fires as long as they can get the government funding.

41 mag fan
04-25-2013, 12:33 PM
They might have the strictest laws, but they also have 30million drivers cruising around in an area thats the perfect storm for smog.

Bent Ramrod
04-25-2013, 04:27 PM
Smitty's Retired is right. Read your Orwell. Oceania is always at war with Eurasia (or Eastasia), Goldstein will live forever, always seducing more followers, and so on. Politically correct diseases will always be "epidemics" that have to be attended to lest they "destroy us all!" despite much larger and realer problems that affect many more people. But, never despair. It will always need just one more push, one more effort, one more law or regulation, one more "simple way to save the universe," one more freedom given up, to bring us to within measurable distance of our glorious goal of Utopia in Our Lifetimes.

It's an index of how meaningless most peoples' lives are, even to them, that this stuff is the only thing that energizes and inspires them.

04-25-2013, 10:19 PM
They might have the strictest laws, but they also have 30million drivers cruising around in an area thats the perfect storm for smog.

How's that song go? Brown LA haze??

I remember many, many times of pulling into port in southern California when the air was brown to a height of somewhere around thirty thousand feet. Quite disgusting, really.


Smitty's Retired
04-26-2013, 11:21 AM
How's that song go? Brown LA haze??

I remember many, many times of pulling into port in southern California when the air was brown to a height of somewhere around thirty thousand feet. Quite disgusting, really.


Ever flown to Edwards and seen L.A. from the air?:) Looks like a yellowish brown mat of fog.

04-26-2013, 12:29 PM
Probably all the dope smoke from millions of Hippies and Liberals.

04-26-2013, 11:06 PM
There will never again be clean air. There will never be equal rights, and there will always be opression against minorities and females. The EPA, NAACP, SCLC, NOW & MADRE will see to that. Because if there ever was a report that said the air was getting cleaner, global warming was going away, and that there was equality. Then these organizations would be out of work. So they will keep stirring the fires as long as they can get the government funding.

The only thing I can add to this is: AMEN! :2_high5:

Mal Paso
04-26-2013, 11:53 PM
How can you trust air you can't see? :wink:

41 mag fan
04-27-2013, 02:34 PM
How's that song go? Brown LA haze??

I remember many, many times of pulling into port in southern California when the air was brown to a height of somewhere around thirty thousand feet. Quite disgusting, really.


That does sound disgusting Robert. Never been to the West coast, but have to the east coast and to other major cities in the north and midwest and seen the smog. Heck we get smog warning in the city close by to me of 150k. They tell everyone to leave your windows up, don't go thru drive thrus at lunch ect ect.
I'd hate to travel to places like China though where the smog is really bad. Pictures of it really make it look horrendous.

04-27-2013, 02:42 PM
Makes me glad to live here wind blows all things north or northeast we have clean air till Lubbok shares there sand

04-27-2013, 04:31 PM
A LOT better than it used to be. I have flown into LA (often in my own plane) for more than
30 yrs and it is MUCH, MUCH better than it was 40 and 30 yrs ago.

However, they had smog in LA when only a few Indians lived there. Natural basin, fog (where
do you think the name cam from?) and dust mix and cannot go anywhere, even a bit of wood
smoke in the old days made it bad, and many plants even give off hydrocarbons which contribute
to photochemical smog.

As to the comments of #2:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and
hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series
of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

H. L. Mencken

04-27-2013, 05:31 PM
The same thing is true of the salmon recovery industry in the Pacific NW. That is a $6 billion dollar a year industry that goes out of business tomorrow if there is a salmon recovery. That industry is made up of bureaucrats, attorneys, politicians, and environmentalists all living out of the taxpayers wallets. In other words, the parasite class. It is all a scam. Don't get me started. I am just an old, broke down fish biologist who thinks getting fish back is important.

04-27-2013, 07:18 PM
Starting about this time of year I can see the layer of brown air starting to form over the D/FW metromess. We euphemistically call it haze but it's dirty air, plain & simple. All those vehicles sitting in traffic, construction vehicles and commercial (and defense) aviation dump tons of **** into the air every day. I can see it from where I live and work but I don't have to breathe it often, thank goodness.

04-27-2013, 09:42 PM
Wasn't the LA area called the valley of smoke before gasoline motors were invented, because of the air quality?? I seem to remember that the indians had enough sense to not live there.

04-27-2013, 10:28 PM
I remember as a kid living in Smog Angeles. Back then it was cars and industry that produced the air quality alerts. They've made John Q. Citizen pay through the nose for multiple smog devices on his cars and trucks and smog checks to get his vehicle registration. Although industry has been taxed to death, they've managed to keep belching out much of the same pollution that they have always put out.
